Înconjurat de pământ prin malurile exterioare | Sailing Sunday Vlog 235

Înconjurat de pământ prin malurile exterioare |  Sailing Sunday Vlog 235

Săptămâna trecută, călătorind prin apele frumoase de-a lungul căii navigabile Intracoastal, am lovit un pod de 65 de metri! Fără descurajare, continuăm săptămâna aceasta navigarea spre sud prin Oter Banks, alergând împotriva cronometrului pentru a depăși o furtună care se apropie! Pe măsură ce ne continuăm călătoria, ne confruntăm cu provocarea de a trece pe sub încă două poduri, dar ceea ce nu ne-am dat seama, este că următoarele poduri sunt chiar mai jos decât cele pe care le-am trecut deja. Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce continuăm să depășim aceste obstacole, arătând esența și frumusețea ICW prin North Carolinas Outer Banks. Urmărește vlogul nostru de călătorie cu mine Ryan, Brittni și cățelul nostru de salvare Jackson, în timp ce călătorim prin lume cu barca cu pânze, dedicată salvării și găsirii de case iubitoare pentru animalele străzii de-a lungul drumului. Experimentați călătoria nefiltrată și sinceră a acestor animale străzii – de la salvarea lor pe străzile din diferite țări până la recuperarea lor plină de căldură și adoptarea definitivă în case pentru totdeauna și să nu uităm de distracția și aventura pe care le avem prin vlogul nostru de călătorie interesant. Abonează-te la canalul nostru YouTube pentru a fi parte din această călătorie incredibilă! Site: https://www.svsunday.com Magazin online: https://svsunday.com/online-shop-home/ Donații de salvare: https://www.paypal.me/jacksonstreats Patreon: https://www. patreon.com/sailingsunday SOCIAL MEDIA: Conturi de Instagram @sailing_sunday @brittnimoffatt @ryanweepers @jacksontheshepherdx @animalrescueyachtclub Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sailingsunday TikTok @animalrescueyachtclub


30 thoughts on “Înconjurat de pământ prin malurile exterioare | Sailing Sunday Vlog 235

  1. Beaut video. I REALLY liked the drone footage. It gave a perfect idea of how close you are pushing your luck. Also the land beyond the ICW was good to see.🙂

  2. Wonderful drohne pictures/impressions unbelievable,trank your soooo much for taking us „on Board“…and it is always so funny to spend „time with the loveliest Crew ever“….👌hugs to Jackson it must be so nose-intensive for hin in the IWC….have fun and take care 🐾🐾👣🤩🥰

  3. Be glad that you didn't hit the bridge and become dismasted. Otherwise, you'd be featured on Sailing LaVagabonde and Young Cruisers Association Instagram with them horse laughing at you like the did when multiple sailboats were dismasted under a bridge during Hurricane Idalia 🌀. Think they're your friends and care about other sailors. 🐴💩

  4. The antenna next to the mast that way is NOT good for your radio. In short, a high amount of the energy will reflect from the mast back into the radio. Short term it doesn’t do damage, but will reduce effectiveness dramatically. (The radio will automatically reduce the power output to protect itself.)

  5. The Alligator River is amazing for the nature. In Florida the Palm Beach to Fort Lauderdale section is a concrete jungle of pain 🙂 Did you notice the Wilkerson Bridge green light had been whacked by somebody ? Not us 😂

  6. We just went through these parts of the ICW heading south and I swear the lights that hang down from the bridge look like they are lower than the bridge. We know they are not, but man is it stressful! Safe travels and hope you get to warmth soon.

  7. Wow, that drone footage was cool. Really puts things into perspective. There was more room than I thought. See you in a few weeks. I'm heading out of wifi range but will look forward to catching up with your videos when I return. 🤗💞

  8. I love Jackson, he was only trying to help his momma, relaying dad's words to her. He was probably thinking, who are you calling an idiot, I understand your language, how come you can't understand mine!! lol

  9. 🤔 Ok I'm in marketing I'm thinkin' that chicken stuff looked great "Sailing Sunday Cookbook and Smoothie Wonders" – Britney – How about….. "Chain Locker Toe Yoga" – Britney…..🤔and maybe Ryan's book idea "How to Keep Back Side Puckering on Intercoastal Bridges"😃 Ok we need to shorten that one…a bit. Love you guys, sail on..💘

  10. If you watch carefully in the previous video you can that the antenna was hitting about a foot or so from the top of it, so it seemed like maybe you had more room than you were figuring. Glad to see you made it without hitting your mast.

  11. Hello! So glad I came across your Vlogs! Ryan actually came to our rescue last April in St.Thomas Harbor, Spanish Town Virgin Gorda. My wife and I were on our first solo sailing adventure, and we were done for the day but I could not tie up to the last mooring ball in the harbor. It was snagged below the surface. We were parked next to Sailing Sunday and Ryan jumped into his dingy and came right over. So helpful…we really appreciated it! Ryan had mentioned that they were heading to Anegada the next day. We were too and I offered to buy them a lobster dinner for the kindness. Let us know if you are ever in Texas…I still want to buy you the lobster dinner. Thanks! Gerald H

  12. How do uou not have 100k in scribers yet? Really.. your videos are perfect ratio od everything. Im always sad when its over for the week . Ok till next week be safe!

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