Această balenă masivă de 50 de picioare a aruncat această barcă mică de parcă nu ar fi fost nimic. Aceasta a fost o experiență incredibilă. Balena asta ne-a lovit barca timp de 20 de minute… credem că și-a zgâriat nasul folosind barca noastră. A fost atat de multă distracție. După această experiență incredibilă am navigat pe coasta mexicană spre Cabo. Sperăm că vă bucurați să vizionați acest videoclip, la fel de mult pe cât ne face plăcere să vă aducem cu tine pentru aventură. Nu uitați, suntem „în timp real”, așa că vă rugăm să comentați cu sfaturi, sfaturi și întrebări. Citim fiecare comentariu și vom scrie înapoi (poate dura puțin… dar vom ajunge la toate!). Ne place să auzim de la voi toți și primim o grămadă de încurajare din toate opiniile, aprecierile și comentariile. Abonează-te dacă vrei să urmărești și să contribui la dezvoltarea canalului nostru! Avem planuri mari, ne aventurăm din greu și ne mișcăm repede. Ne vedem vineri viitoare! Yvette și Darcy
Sailing Supernova
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This + your time in Alaska = Whale Whispers. Should get good view count. Be surprised if TV channels (etc) don't pickup on it, = channel boost.
@6:45 Should try to roll the main in fully, keep it out of uv. Jib Sock also good.
Quality quick release rubber suction handle makes cleaning the waterline/hull much easier, vs tiring fast with pushing/floating away (like glass panel lifter).
What happened to the Sat dish/rod holder?
10K! Congratulations! Looks like part of the video is a mirror image? (T-shirt text…)
Did you notice at 1min 48 sec there's a whale in the background
The whale was looking for you to pet him.
Hi guys, who’s watching who I’ve been while watching quite a few times and I believe they are so fascinating and fascinated with humans Keep up the good work. Love the videos Cliff from Logan City, Queensland, Australia
Oh wow how lucky are you what an experience. It was looking at you. Hi from Australia Victoria
What is wrong with people like you. He's not hanging around you, you are hanging around him. You deserve what you get if something should happen. The same goes with these pathetic people who go on whale tours. You weren't expecting it, but yet you just said there are whales everywhere. People like you think they are there for your pleasure. But in reality that is their home they can't go to land to get away from humans. They go there to breed and then swim north thousands of miles. It's too bad humans are not on the endangered list, like whales are. Why don't you just leave them alone, keep yourself to what you should be.doing. this video just reminded me why I stopped subscribing/ watching. Yes it showed up, so I watched the first 15 minutes.
@16:44 Elbows and Assholes… I love it!
hi yall. I love your channel. I have a good deal experience with audio. You need to find a high pass filter to run on your audio. I can't give you a recommendation, but it would remove all of the wind noise.
Your topping lift is a way too tight. It should be very loose. If not loose the topping lift will not let the traveller move correctly and you won’t be able to trim the mainsheet properly. Also you should stay away from the whales. If you were in Canadian waters the CCG or the DFO guys would have given you a large ticket. Oh, life jackets on the dinghy? Didn’t see any sign and nobody was wearing one. Especially when the whale was pushing against the dinghy.
I think my emotions and reactions would have been very much the same as yours! Amazing.
Man I would have been changing undies after that whale experience, have had humpbacks playing under my boat but never had them rub against the boat. For dead down wind, does your head sail furler have the single track or twin track?
I was a chef in RNZAF in 1975/76 on Campbell Is NZ @52 STH of NZ & also had the job of whale watcher /counter (medic too) as the Southern Right whales were nearly extinct, spotting from cliff tops, sadly not many sightings. Now a wildlife reserve, manned from the 50s to about 2000, (10 men 1 yr.) -10/+10 40+knots daily, wow the other end of the planet from Cabo, but magic wildlife of all sorts. MEMORIES, THANKS !!, GREAT WATCHING,FAILS & SUCCESSES
Do you guys use a boom preventor???
ahoy, love the channel, come fetch me from Cape Town South Africa, lol. seeing the comments about life jackets maybe look into the ones that inflate, very compact and not going to make you feel uncomfortable. the channel jiggin with jorden uses them alot. anyways happy sailing my dream
Wow! Wow…wow! The whales! Omg! The one who came to your dingy to hang out….! Holy crow, that was so incredible! I'm curious as to why she did that…Like, just friendly and playful? It'd be interesting to learn what that behavior was all about. I would have been both scared and amazed. What an experience!!! Another epic video guys! Have a great week and stay safe!
Oh…! Just noticed 10K! Congratulations on this first big milestone!
Ive been on the water and diving for 40 years never seen anything like that, once in a lifetime experience!
Wow you sure had a whale of a time.
Amazing experience ! But please you have to wear your LIFE JACKETS! No excuses 
Let me guess what your favorite color is, uh, let me think about it, maybe it's pink
what a wonderful experience, a gray whale under the boat, that seems terrifying but beautiful
I have enjoyed watching your videos. What drone are you using?
Whale liked your vibe
U missed a chance to make frenz … I can't wait to jump in …..get a scrub brush … scrub those barnacles….

That’s an amazing experience! FYI it’s a pod of dolphins (not a pack of dolphins)
Definitely the experience of a lifetime! Well done to you both.
What a lovely close encounter with that majestic creature..!!
Do you think you might need a boom vang to hold the boom more parallel to the deck when running downwind? It seemed to lift asyo ulet out the main sheet and it lost its shape a bit spilling the wind. Anyway, just a thought.
What an awesome experience! Did you reach down and pat it while it was rubbing against your dinghy? Pretty amazing!
Bloody hell guys awsome experience life jackets please don't forget truly blessed eh! Cheers n beers Marty Qld Australia
Amazing to see the whales and a pot of dolphins! So beautiful!
You must have felt so insignificant as it was giving itself a back scratch lol what an amazing experience
Yvette looks so damn healthy
Far out ! How awesome if not a little scary as well in a dinghy.
Enjoying following along from NZ.