Este motorul nostru terminat? / Navigare în jurul NZ Pt 6 Ep150

Este motorul nostru terminat?  / Navigare în jurul NZ Pt 6 Ep150

În acest episod încercăm să înțelegem ce nu a mers prost cu motorul nostru și să venim cu un plan de a naviga Atlas pe continent pentru reparații. Mulțumim tuturor abonaților noștri, fără voi canalul nu ar exista! Mulțumim imens tuturor Patronilor noștri incredibili pentru că au făcut posibilă această aventură. Ne place să citim și să răspundem la toate comentariile voastre! Dacă ți-a plăcut episodul, dă-i un like, distribuie și te rugăm să te abonezi. Mulțumesc pentru vizionare, sper că îți plac episoadele. Detalii barca Barca noastră este un Rival 34 construit în 1979, construit în Southampton, Anglia Actualizări în timp real https://www. Doriți să ne susțineți? Patreon: Paypal: Cumpără-ne o cafea: Vă mulțumim pentru tot sprijinul acordat Vrei să porți niște produse de la Sailing Brothers? Magazinul de marfă Sailing Brothers pentru Europa Magazin pentru America, Australia, Noua Zeelandă și nu numai Luke și Adam The Sailing Brothers #newzealand #willitrun #sailing #Pacificocean #Bayofplenty #adventure #enginefail Declinări de răspundere și drepturi de autor : Tot conținutul video de pe acest canal/pagină are drepturi de autor și nu trebuie utilizat fără permisiune. Toată muzica folosită în această serie este originală sau, folosită gratuit, fără drepturi de autor, folosită cu permisiune. Fără încălcări ale drepturilor de autor. Toate afirmațiile sunt opinii personale și nu trebuie să reprezinte neapărat fapte. muzică redată în ordine Muzică de LiQWYD: Young Love http://www. Apel 5 min de Lakey Inspired ( Artist: Lakey Inspired ➪


50 thoughts on “Este motorul nostru terminat? / Navigare în jurul NZ Pt 6 Ep150

  1. Well done guys for staying calm , and figuring a solution out. And also not talking any risks. It just goes to show you have become more confident sailers and making safe decisions. I do hope you get to finish you sail around New Zealand. 👍👍👍👍👍

  2. Some great logical diagnostic's lads. The jury rig did just the job, lucky you had a useful coupling piece. I was feeling for you on this episode….crank the non starting engine too many times, without it starting and you can backfil the engine cylinders with sea water as it builds up in the exhaust water lock and doesn’t get blown out by the exhaust gas pressure…..water builds up and up and then enters the cylinders through the exhaust valves. Remember to always close the seacock if it won't start and open it when it does to prevent this. One blessing you have is even if you killed the starter battery by too much cranking your engine has a hand cranking facility ….amazing .

  3. I sailed for a while with no engine because I simply couldn't afford one at the time. I had a private mooring a short distance up a narrow river, between two stone breakwaters that jutted out into the bay. I grew confident in short tacking up the river, stalling the boat, and then drifting down back onto the mooring single-handed. Eventually my confidence grew into overconfidence and Mother Nature decided to teach me a lesson. I was about midway between the end of the breakwater and my mooring buoy when the wind suddenly and completely quit. The outgoing current pushed me closer and closer to the jagged rocks of the breakwater as I scrambled to get my anchor down. Fortunately, a friendly fisherman happened along and gave me a very embarrassing tow back to my mooring while a crowd of onlookers watched from ashore. I purchased a used engine shortly thereafter, not wanting to replay that experience ever again. Purests be damned, I like motors now.

  4. well handled lads engines eh , we know your pain here at gms boat and petrol heads the lot of thum , weve watched all your uploads its significant to some of our lads hopes for the future as we all sail through life and the waves she deals us .
    we love your rival she is an absolute beauty and being craftsmen we appreciate all the sanding and prepping and effort it takes , your determination is obvious it must be surreal waking up and your 2 young brothers whove ended up jollying round the planet in a classic racer/cruiser , we use Navionics too on our kayaks and macalinden 19ft irish lough boat it was a binge watch twice second time just to watch yous whisk around using navionics and to date where its taken yous live for ever young brothers let us know if your back up the scottish west coast in the future .fair winds tae yeese lads .

  5. If you want an additive to the fuel after you clean it all out of deisel snot use a couple of moth balls every couple of weeks, it will keep the snot from forming or metho will help also and give it a bit of octane boost

  6. You mentioned that you were staying at anchor along with a number of other boaters when your fuel troubles began. When you cross-threaded and stripped the copper fitting, I was surprised that you didn’t just make a call out to all the other boaters on the VHF radio to see whether anybody had a spare fitting in their toolboxes. Now I’m not certain whether your fuel lines are imperial (fractional inches) or millimeters, but most boaters at anchor are certainly happy to lend a hand or a part when asked. I never feel shy or embarrassed because I’d be just as happy to help another boater if the situation were reversed.

  7. When your boat is your home, every ‘little’ problem seems ten times worse. You handle stress well, which is half the battle won. Keep calm and carry on chaps.🫡

  8. Engines eh lads every you tubers and yachties pain in the derrier even the guy on How to Sail Oceans uses his outboard sometimes finding an anchorage spot as he has no diesel engine and hes done a circumnavigation . Good luck and safe sailing cheers!!

  9. I'm sure you have sorted this by now, but first port of call, fuel filters, keep replacing them. Ensure no air leaks on return system. Then, diesel bug. In NZ you can buy Grotomar. It is the number one diesel treatment on planet earth. You can't buy it in many places, so stock up. I'll buy any surplus you have when you get to Australia. That motor sounds pretty good otherwise.

  10. If you don't already do so ALWAYS add diesel bug killer every time you fill up. That's the voice of bitter experience speaking

  11. I sailed engineless for 2 years, its the best way to focus the mind on all possibilities. When i did get an engine, Bukh 10, it failed close inshore around Cape St Vincent. ALWAYS put the injector damper rubbers back on!!! Hard to bodge a high pressure injection pipe, epoxy and hose clamps didnt work. Time to flush your tank and get a bigger pre-filter, those Bukhs run forever if maintained right.

  12. Welcome to my world. Ran out of diesel in an area called Ram’s Race off Copeland Islands, NI….in August 2023. With conflicting currents and changeable wind…I couldn’t get out…and had to be towed out eventually. All because I have never had a fuel gauge that worked. I have replaced the sender in the tank. Just have to connect the new gauge.

    Having been dogged by fuel blockages, I eventually created holes in my diesel tank to clean the gunk out in January -Feb2023.

    Just this past weekend I have had fitted a heavy duty diesel filter to prevent dirt and water getting through.

    Final task will be a new filler cap…that is properly sealed…to prevent water getting in.

    Great TV lads! ⛵️

  13. Good fault diagnosis process, breaking the system down into manageable chunks then homing in what's wrong by the process of elimination.
    I wonder if making yourselves a fuel polishing system might be a project worth considering. It would essentially consist of a pump and filter (probably Racor water separator type) with pipework on one end to go into the tank probably a rigid pipe the return line would be a flexible pipe to return polished fuel to the tank via the fill point or containers.
    As a final thought, you can soften plastic pipe by putting it in boiling water for a few minutes.

  14. "Gonna be tough without an engine, you really got to think about what you're doin' … " I won't lie to you, I laughed. Ah yes, cruising: repairing your boat in exotic ports of call.

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