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Guvernul SUA aruncă bani pentru superyacht rusesc? | Clipuri SY
16 thoughts on “Guvernul SUA aruncă bani pentru superyacht rusesc? | Clipuri SY”
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That is what it normally costs, right?
Very interesting update, I would like to know what is happening with Dilbar?
Presumably, the U.S. government will be reimbursed out of the sale proceeds. Plus interest. That would be normal business practice.
What’s bleading mean?
Sell it or sink it?
bleading? Spell much?
Give that yacht back to Vladimir, Putin, doesn’t belong to the United States
If they are buying fuel, are they renting it? Which corrupt politician is the beneficiary of the rents?
This is crazy
In the end, the Yatch will return to the proper owner…
Comical might as well give it to Ukraine for a Navy ship or rather give it back
Joe's new boat
Shore power hello 😊
Just give it to Cocainsky as military assistance. He would like it.
Probably pay includes 15% to the Big guy.
Just remember, if they can take the yacht from someone that lives in another country, they can take a hell of a lot more away from you. This shouldn't be allowed