Un cuplu dispărut după ce un iaht a fost găsit în Caraibe

Un cuplu dispărut după ce un iaht a fost găsit în Caraibe

Autoritățile își continuă căutarea pentru Kathy Brandel și Ralph Hendry – un cuplu din Virginia – după ce iahtul lor a fost găsit abandonat în Caraibe. Duminică, fiul lui Brandel a spus pentru CNN că au speranța că cuplul va fi găsit în siguranță; cu toate acestea, dovezile privind Simplitatea sugerau violență. POVESTE COMPLETĂ: https://www.wtkr.com/news/im-praying-for-a-miracle-family-who-sailed-with-missing-virginia-couple-reflects-on-their-time-together-before -tragedie


34 thoughts on “Un cuplu dispărut după ce un iaht a fost găsit în Caraibe

  1. It’s a shame it’s getting bad everywhere. Look at the United States the only people to make out are concrete contractor or landscaper. who’s gonna hire all these misfits They don’t even speak English

  2. Chasing dragons reminds me of icarus flying too close to the sun. Maybe now big nose kate will mind her own business? Because she was minding someone elses? Judah and ephesian won't be jealous of each other anymore in the waffle iron. Page six catiditis

  3. They’re dead, don’t ever be in a rush to go, luxury, boating, outside of the United States, and out of its waters, because you might get robbed and killed

  4. Kinda like Tom and Jackie Hawkes selling the well-deserved yacht and Skylar DeLeon pretended to want to buy thier yacht and threw them overboard on a test drive at sea.. scarry stuff

  5. Corrupt Socialist Govts are letting the criminals win on purpose. When all is said and done Socialism in all of it many flavors is simply thievery and tyranny who use people like pawns to gain more power to enrich themselves. None of this is new. It took many Romans hundreds of years to figure out Rome no longer existed because it killed itself from within just like the West is doing.

  6. They were going to get caught either way, they didn't have to kill them. Unbelievable. I hope they get severely hurt in prison, I am still crying over this. My prayers and my condolences to them both❤️🙏❤️💔💔💔

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