Înapoi la Grind; Începutul muncii cu barca pe greu | Episodul 244 #sailing #boatyard #diyprojects

Înapoi la Grind;  Începutul muncii cu barca pe greu |  Episodul 244 #sailing #boatyard #diyprojects

Bine ați venit la WE|Sail, în episodul din această săptămână ne întoarcem în sfârșit în VA, după aproape 2 luni de plecare, este timpul să ne întoarcem la muncă. Începem o listă lungă de lucrări de ambarcațiune pe care le-am așteptat cu nerăbdare și una dintre ele este sarcina MARE și complexă de a reface complet vopseaua antivegetativă de pe fundul navei. Să înceapă săptămânile de măcinare!!!! Urmăriți canalul YouTube al prietenului nostru Tom aici: https://www.youtube.com/@whatintheworld_tom Vă mulțumim că ați urmărit Aventurile lui WE! Gândiți-vă la a DEVENI UNUL DINTRE PATREONII NOȘTRI și ȚINE minte… membrii nu plătesc pentru călătoria noastră, ci mai degrabă ne susțin sucurile creative, care echivalează ocazional cu o bere gustoasă! Așa că faceți popcornul floricele, reduceți luminile și stați pe spate, bucurați-vă de spectacol! @Patreon https://www.patreon.com/WEsail ––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––– Vrei să vii Navigați cu noi pentru următorul charter WE|Sail Patreon în GRECIA 2024? Trimite-ne un e-mail astăzi pentru mai multe detalii… wesail.charter24@gmail.com Când: 28 septembrie-5 octombrie 2024 Unde: Atena, Grecia ––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––– Dacă sunteți interesat să vă rezervați propriul charter, luați în considerare rezervarea cu Navigare Yachting. Utilizați codul de reducere de mai jos pentru reduceri speciale cu WE|Sail! Utilizați linkul de mai jos pentru a rezerva cu ei astăzi! https://navigare-yachting.com/en/destinations/british-virgin-inslands?ny=4668 –––––––––- ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––– Verificați produsele de la Claryti. Ecologic, Artizanat, Organic, Conștient social, Durabil, Vegan/Pe bază de plante, Deținut de femei. – www.claryti.com/we_sailaway UTILIZAȚI CODUL DE REDUCERE: WE_SAILAWAY pentru 10% reducere la întreaga comandă ––––––––––- ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– –––––– Partenerul nostru Sail @PrecisionSailLoftVictoria – https://www.precisionsailloft.com/about/our-partners/wesail/ NOUL nostru partener Highfield Dingy @Highfieldboats – ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––- Cântece prezentate în acest episod vine de la @epidemicsound Vrei muzică fără drepturi de autor, dă clic pe linkul de mai jos!!! https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/ad6geh Vrei ceva WE|Sail Merch??? Consultați WE|Sail $WAG $TORE https://www.wesail.world/wesail-swag-store Obțineți 20% REDUCERE LA ÎNTREAGA achiziție folosind codul: WEYOUTUBER ––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––– URMĂȚI AVENTURILE NOASTRE PE SOCIAL MEDIA FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/wesailaway INSTAGRAM www. instagram.com/we_sailaway


26 thoughts on “Înapoi la Grind; Începutul muncii cu barca pe greu | Episodul 244 #sailing #boatyard #diyprojects

  1. Those are weevils. They dont come from the outside, they are in the grains. The only way to make pasta last is temperature control. Preferably in smaller quantities so you rotate it regularly or if in bulk needs to be vacuum sealed or refrigerated. They come out of the pasta and they go into other grains. Same thing happens to Pet Food as it's mostly wheat.

  2. So where did all that super toxic old bottom paint go? That dust is poison.In the beautiful water after the next rain? Oh well. It was expedient. Floating chain is good but so is using vacuum pickups on your sanders. I think you got away with one there.

  3. Hi you guys! Jeff Broome here… SOOO glad to see you're back on VA (such as she is lol) and that you're moving towards getting her back in the water so the lifestyle that you've got me (and many more) working towards. Can;t wait to see how she looks when you're done! By the way, how was your vacation on land?

  4. A lot of the grains you buy have bug eggs in the bag already. Best way to keep the eggs from hatching is to stick them in the freezer for a couple days.

  5. What works well with the weevils is to transfer the content of pasta, rice and whatever else into sealable, bpa free, light weight containers and then add 2 to 3 dried bay leaves in each jars. Good luck

  6. Hey guys you started sanding and the shot showed your dingy not tarped sure hope you did it otherwise that’s another project to be added

  7. Be aware, I did the Starlink conversion in our RV eliminating the 120v Starlink router and going to our dedicated router using a 12v to 48v POE injector. I could not reconnect after a software update and had to go back to the Starlink router and reboot. I am sure we could go back to the conversion setup but keep the Starlink router handy!

  8. I loved the bare feet shot. Reminds me of people on TV that sit behind a desk w tie, jacket, pressed shirt and then…, shorts and no shoes! for some crazy reason LMAO!

  9. nice to see you back on your boat guys….love ya. i think you already know, there is something weird with the audio of one of your microfones❤

  10. OMG, I remember to well sanding the bottom of my 40ft trawler, and it was not a fond memory. That Tyvex suit was never comfortable and I can't believe it was to welcome in 100 degree heat. We had the weevils in our rice at home and now we keep it in sealable hard plastic containers as soon as it comes home from the market. Absolutely love your videos, lookin forward to seeing the copper bottom.

  11. In the opening segment were you walking along the public dock in Raiatea? With gas station at the end? If I spent 2 weeks there fixing, oh gee!, stuff and stocking up. But I found a better market in Fare.

  12. Great video of boat jobs, but I was disappointed that we never got to see the finished product with the starlink satellite disc. I was waiting to see Warren's handy work, but he never showed us. And copper coat seems to be the way to go if you want it to last for a long time.

  13. Just curious what grit sandpaper was used? Looked like Warren had a grinding pad, and then followed up by a palm sander with maybe 80 grit?

  14. Put the grains and beans in sanitized 1 or 2 liter bottles Pressurized with C02 (Soda stream) to displace oxygen. Wil last for ever! even in the dirty blige!

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