4 ani pentru a construi o barcă frumoasă

4 ani pentru a construi o barcă frumoasă

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50 thoughts on “4 ani pentru a construi o barcă frumoasă

  1. Hi everyone. Weird to re-upload a video, but I've been spiralling about this now for hours and decided to just re-upload for my own sanity. The explanation is provided at the end of the episode, but I'll recap it here as well.

    Long story short, I included a song that I wrote in the last episode. I wrote the song a few years ago, during a covid quarantine in a farmhouse in Switzerland. Just recently, I decided to release it.

    This morning, I got two very accusatory messages claiming that I had "stolen" a section of my song from some Turkish song. I'd never heard the Turkish song before, and I quite obviously did not steal anything – But I immediately listened to the song in question, and it definitely had melodic similarities to a section of mine. There are, ultimately, only 12 notes in music, and everything repeats eventually. It of course wasn't an exact match, and although I would have reason to stand my ground, I had to decide if this is a fight I'm willing to take on. Music isn't my main livelihood – it's something that brings me JOY, and arguing with some fairly vehement strangers online about some admittedly clear similarities would not bring joy. So, I decided to just take the path of least resistance and cut out that section of the song. I left up the other parts.

    This whole process has left me with a knot in my stomach. I feel horrible, and yet I don't think there's anything I could've done differently. I wrote a song, sitting with Dini in a farmhouse in Switzerland, and through some twist of fate a section of it bears resemblance to a Turkish song that I had never heard before. I've got to choose my battles in life, and I'd rather just cut that piece out of the song out rather than add stress into something which has only ever brought me joy.

  2. We, here in NZ are with you all the way Mia. The world is a crazy place sometimes. So disappointing that your awesome music is being aggressively challenged in this way. ❤

  3. There are 12 tones on the scale. Every tone has its relating chord + subchords. Every chord has a scale conditioned on the rules of harmony, so no matter how hard you try, there will always be a chance that a line or phrase just composed will be similar to one composed at an earlier stage.
    I have great respect for you choosing not to take that discussion by removing the peace from your upload.
    And I have great disrespect for the nerds claiming that you should have stolen a phrase from a totally unknown turkish song!!!
    Some people are just too small 😞
    Love and respect from Denmark ❤

  4. Hi. It happens every day in the music world. It was an accident easily made and you've dealt with it perfectly. Give it no more oxygen. ❤ On another matter, I have watched this channel from the beginning and loved every minute. However, I'm perplexed by the way that the cockpit coaming meets the bulwarks. No need to explain if you're busy. I'm sure that it will resolve itself as the build progresses, but it looks odd to me. Thank you for an enjoyable channel. 👍

  5. Hi Maya,
    I have been following you for 4 years, I have watched all your videos.
    And I thought I was the only one watching you from Turkey for these 4 years.
    As a small boat builder I admire Aladino and have learned so much from him in 4 years. He does his job like art.
    When I watched the notes section in this video, I was very surprised and, frankly, a little ashamed for the people of my country.
    I'm sure I listened to the music, but I guess I didn't understand which Turkish music it was.
    There is no need to be upset, aggressive people have always existed and will exist. Sorry 🙁

  6. I admire your integrity and willingness to compromise, the world needs more people willing to do that. Of course everyone should pick the battles they're willing to make sacrifices for, however, always remember that the path of least resistance to one is the path of resistance to another and so no matter what you do (particularly in the age of the internet), you will always find someone somewhere who chooses to be offended by what you do. Don't compromise your authenticity for the lack of authenticity of others or let others dictate the boundaries of your creativity. To thine own self be true.

  7. What court would they take you to, a Turkish court? I don't think that's even possible. Even if you're selling the music online, you could probably just make it unavailable in that country. It would be their loss. In any case, as an artist myself who's had to deal with a similar accusation, I know how you feel.

  8. I really enjoy the addition of music to your episodes. There are similarities in music, writing and most art forms. Don’t let what “someone” says upset you.

  9. I am also musician
    A diatonic scale is 7 notes
    Ok show me any piece of music that does not have some similarities to some other piece of music somewhere?
    People need to realize that there are going to be similarities that can be held to matters such a style or even genre. A it is a shame that a simple passage has caused this instead of the value of the entire composition.

  10. I am sure that even Beethoven could have been taken through the courts because three monkeys in africa sounded similar on an occasion fifty years earlier .
    the very simple facts are that there are only a finite amount of cords and that crossovers are inevitable .
    the rest of us just enjoy the music .

  11. I absolutely loved your song and have been enjoying your Spotify list as well. I would have totally done the same thing and hope you can see that there are far more lovers than haters in your comment section. BTW Aladino, the project is looking spectacular! I know you both are working hard on it but I can see you have been the strong determined force that is steering this boat to completion.

  12. There was a court case about “men it work’s” “I come from a land down under” where a very small part of the song was exactly like the song “kookaburra sits in the old gumtree”. Men At Work lost the case and had to pay a royalty. I’m not a patent lawyer, but I know that if there are significant differences between your song and what someone thinks is a copy, then I don’t think you have anything to worry about.

  13. If a melody is just a descending diatonic scale then nobody can make claims. Imagine someone doing this to you because the C-major scale. The descendants of nomads that invaded a big country in the middle east in the 1070s lay claims on all sorts of intellectual property, but nothing before was conceived by their actual ancestors. Such nomad raids happened not just there, but all over the place, and we can only call the guys who did this, killing, raping, pillaging, slave-taking barbarians – nothing to be proud of. The only thing these armies invented was cruelty. But today the descendants make claims about having the oldest proofs of human civilization. Yes, killed again and again by nomad armies.
    Cynical sarcasm is the only right reciprocation here.

  14. Your to sensitive forget about it.
    Music & art of all kinds does that, it happens. Its a Turkish song theres no way for us here in America or Canada to know or care besides there version surely sounds like two cats fighting…lol

  15. You are great maya you should name a put up those sad comment from those Turkish people and let the Web do what it do best … and concerning that song it just show that your ears are internationally hearted … maybe you could thanks them for allowing you to discover a culture that is not yours music is a freedom speaking language.. and as long as they think that their country is a free country it isn’t unfortunately for that great country with so much history and arts at its heart ……
    Your decision is what is making you feel better and make you avoid the conflict .. will they thank you for that …. .??? Keep high spirit you videos are great and your music is perfect …..

  16. I read/watched something recently about all possible combinations of notes have been generated by AI and open source published by someone. I have no further knowledge of this subject. At the time it didn’t seem fair for future human creators but it would provide some protections against lawsuits maybe 🤔 here I was watching a boat build channel which I thought was a Nordic sailing channel and it turns into an international incident 😂

  17. You should not have a knot in your stomach. You took the high road and remedied a situation that was coincidental. The ones who should feel bad are the haters out there just looking for a chance to pounce. They are what is wrong with this world.

  18. This has been an absolutely amazing venture into all the beauty life unfolds timely respectfully and with rewards beyond imagination. I love these episodes so much. Xxoo❤

  19. I was much more worried about that unattended open flame, so close to the boat and the plastic sheet than the music issue. That could have torched your boat! Lucky you, it did not happen. Good luck with the remainder of the beautiful refit. This boat will be a jewel when it will be ready to splash. Regards from CH. Silvano

  20. Just wanted to say thank you for your passion, in music, boat building and sailing. I’ve been watching from before the current project. You have an excellent balance between beauty and function. Keep up the good work. -From a music teacher, sailer and carpenter. Fair winds and sweet melodies.

  21. I am from Turkiye and frankly I had not heard whatever song your aggressive commenters were referring to. I guess some people have more idle time in their hands than they have brains. Besides, It's one thing to point out similarity between the sounds of some music pieces politely; it is yet another thing to be aggressive about it. It's all about the "envelope" that carries the "message". If I were the recipient of that aggressive approach, the contents would not have mattered. I would simply ignore the message, until it is presented in an acceptable envelope. How probable is it that two composers come up with two similar string of notes? Even totally unrelated people can look like twin siblings. I mean, just look at actors Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Javier Bardem. Totally unrelated but spitting image of each other. Do their parents sue each other for "copyright infringement"? Isn't it also "creative work", after all? Ridiculous? Of course it is. Does it happen? More often than not. I understand your reluctance to insist on your creative work. What I don't understand is how some folks can be more royalist than the king. I believe your music is beautiful; it talks to my soul. Thank you for composing those lovely tunes. (I wish I could find them in YouTube Music too.)

  22. Ugh. Its the fusion of familiar sounds and melodies that makes new music so pleasing to the ear anyway. I'm so sorry you got bit by the internet. You both contribute a huge variety of unique beauty, grace, creativity and skill to us viewers to have you get bit, it just kills me.

  23. The boat is beautiful. You and Aladino are honest hard working people. When you played your violin I was happy to hear it again. I love your music. Its such a shame that there are haters that don't mind spewing it on the internet. Stay strong and keep writing music. You are gifted.

  24. Ever since you added the new cockpit sides, I've been looking at where they bend outward to meet the coaming. They're higher than the coaming. Are you going to do anything to blend those in?

  25. Your such a pro Maya cutting off the 1000s of comments u knew would be coming over that grill….its looking great yall😂

  26. I can feel your excitement doing the finishing touches. Love your music Maya. You shouldn’t feel compelled to cut parts of your music. If there’s no copyright infringement then you’re good to go. PERIOD!

  27. Always enjoy Maya’s expert music. The woodwork looks so rich and luxurious. Many many songs and melodies are similar and that should not discourage your creativity.

  28. Hi Maya. I’ve been watching your channel for 4 or 5 years and I thoroughly enjoy it. To be honest while I have always enjoyed your music I am drawn to the sailing and boat restoration aspects of your channel. Having said that I love the song that starts at 5:25. “Wishing Well” Is that the one that has caused all the controversy! I think is an amazing done and would love to be able to listen to it outside the video. Do you sell your recordings?

  29. Be careful with that open flame! Very sad to hear about the two haters that wanted to create conflict in your life. Good luck in the last lap of this massive project. The boat is looking great!

  30. Sorry for the accusations. I love your music and glad you are adding them to your videos. It really is delightful. Thanks for sharing another video and great music.

  31. I feel terrible for you and for the Turkish people. I think you handled it wisely, in deciding where to pour your energy.
    I feel terrible for the Turkish people to have been so poorly represented. My next door neighbours and a work colleague of mine are proudly Turkish with such a friendly and still weirdly humble way.
    Don’t let this constrain your artistry.

  32. Progress on the boat is amazing, great satisfactory step! Bravo!!! Sorry to hear about the music dispute, some people just have their realization only through fight and accusation. Keep strong, shake this story off and keep on with your music Maya! All the best!

  33. Totally epic Sun shot during lunch time! It looked so beautiful. You should put that one on a shirt. The boat is looking beautiful also. Best wishes from Hairbone in Michigan.

  34. Who cares….don’t lose sleep over someone’s opinion.
    I don’t listen to classical music but enjoy and appreciate all types…
    It’s getting harder everyday to just be happy and enjoy this very short life we have without someone trying to ruin it !

  35. Sadly I am seeing and hearing more and more aggression and nastiness online, which is so sad. I hear you. Its got bad last few months across the board and areas. I am into horses its there as well. Good response Maya, onwards and upwards.

  36. I feel blessed that I got to hear the original. And I’m sad that you were controlled by a threat. There is no international patent or copyright law. All those threats deserved was a “thank you for your feedback. Have a nice day.”

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