Poate Antares 12 să facă față rolului său de crucișător de familie multifuncțional emblematic al Beneteau? Alex Smith se îndreaptă spre Barcelona pentru a afla… Specificații Beneteau Antares 12 LOA: 42ft 7in (12.97m) GRAND: 12ft 5in (3.78m) MOTORE: Twin 400hp – triple 300hp Outboard Mercury VITEZĂ PRINCIPALĂ: 37 noduri PRET 415€ CONTACT : www.beneteau.com ► Deveniți un ABONAT GRATUIT la pagina YouTube a MBY acum – https://www.youtube.com/user/ybwtv?sub_confirmation=1 ► Pentru cele mai recente recenzii, lansări de echipamente noi și știri despre turnee, vizitați site-ul nostru web aici – http://www.mby.com ► Dă-ne Like pe Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/motorboatandyachting ► Urmărește-ne pe Twitter: https://twitter.com/mbymagazine ► Urmărește-ne pe Instagram: https ://www.instagram.com/motorboat_and_yachting/ ► Ce ai crezut? Spune-ne în comentariile de mai jos! ► Nu uitați să apăsați butonul de LIKE și să vă abonați dacă v-a plăcut 🙂 #MotorBoatYachting
Barca care să învingă nava amiral Merry Fisher? | Beneteau Antares 12 sea trial | Barcă cu motor și iahting

12 thoughts on “Barca care să învingă nava amiral Merry Fisher? | Beneteau Antares 12 sea trial | Barcă cu motor și iahting”
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Love it all aside from the outboards. They don't belong on a cruiser sticking out in the way. Just a personal beef.
I appreciate your honesty, it must be difficult when you've got people from the company on board with you.
A very comprehensive review. If only all reviews were so inclusive of content. You clearly love this model.
A seakeeper on an outboard cruiser? I think I could spend my money on other things. What do I know, my Beneteau has a mast and sails. I have to say that the finish looks better than my boat which is getting pretty old now. Good video.👍
Nice boat but not a fan of outboard engines but thanks for the video.
Having owned several Benetoys over the years, I'm struck by how cheap and "IKEA-ish" the cabinetry is…. some people are really good at building to a particular price point, while others just cut a little too much. I think my opinion of Beneteau is unchanged by this boat.
Great boat for the US, but this side of the pond I personally don’t see the outboards being popular.
Great review though Alex, plenty of honest detail as always.
Way too many ads…
Non boater here, the slap of the water on the fibreglass, sounds very disconcerting (although clearly isn't). Is this eliminated with an aluminium or steel hull?
That rear table looks like it has a bad seam on it or it may just be an odd artifact of the video. If it is a flaw, then on such an obvious piece of equipment I wonder what is going on where I cannot see it.
Griddle must mean different things in the UK vs America. That's a grill to us.