Aoki Lee Simmons EXPONĂ LA Hollywoods SECRET World of Yachting|Industry Elite PRINS

Aoki Lee Simmons EXPONĂ LA Hollywoods SECRET World of Yachting|Industry Elite PRINS

#aokileesimmons #russellsimmons #kimoraleesimmons


39 thoughts on “Aoki Lee Simmons EXPONĂ LA Hollywoods SECRET World of Yachting|Industry Elite PRINS

  1. Read the British body guard book about the Saudi family freak offs sorry I forgot his name but he exposed the shit out of them even women are raping other women

  2. People can say what they want about Russell Simons, but when His daughter was joking about getting a Sugar Daddy if he didn't up her money Russell did check her and said why would she even joke about that. Next thing you know she is pictured with that old man.

  3. I’ve worked in high end salons and worked with a very pretty girl who was dating a billion heir to a vitamin company based in Switzerland. He told her to a yacht party that P Diddy threw. She didn’t say much about it when she told us when she got back.

    I also worked at the Four Seasons hotel as a hair stylist and there are constant escorts at that hotel and in the restaurants looking for men. We were under strict secrecy working there. These high end hotels cover a lot of rich people’s crimes.

  4. This is what Arab slavery looks like. People have to remember that Arabs enslave sexually everyone and every race. And so all of these nomadic prostitution is because of their influence in the world.

  5. Instead of wasting all this money, these rich people need to share their wealth and help people suffering throughout the world , who don’t have anything!!!

  6. Aoki is a Harvard graduate instead of creating a startup or networking with other Harvard peers, she’s kissing a non billionaire grandpa. She could do way better.

  7. Aoki Lee Simmons exposed herself. She and those beautiful young things are practicing the oldest trick in the book. I watched her videos. She was indeed "paid."

  8. Someone said she learned from her mother. Try her sexual assaulting father who groomed her mother as a teenager into his wife. Why do u think he is out of the country? He was getting exposed for SA Russell Simmons that would be the one that was in this type of scene ..

  9. Its prostitution and the men are vulgar and degrading.They have orgies and pay girls to be together and do some nasty stuff. It's not classy. It's low down and sewer and sometimes violent.

  10. Carnival Shares.. Norwegian Cruises Shares.. all anyone needs to do is look at the stocks billionaires tend to visit in real life AND/OR stocks they put their money in

  11. Idk why should we defend these people who are doing this willingly and fully knowing what they are up to.. they have no dignity. Disgusting no matter how many people normalize prostitution.

  12. Ending up in sex work when you’re raised in an environment as a woman where you’re shown your only worth are your looks. What a shocker. I can’t wait until people figure out modelling in itself is a form of sex work too but I know we’re far from that realisation as a society.😒

  13. Wow. This makes a LOT of sense & it’s really unfortunate. How will human trafficking ever end? Think of the kids who are being kidnapped and yachted. This is so so sad

  14. At first I was hoping she was so smart and did this as revenge to her father.. I thought she was trying to show him how creepy it looks older men with young woman but it’s giving me poor thing… She been going to st. Barth for years during Xmas time as child with her dad.. shoooo I was just in St. Barth last month. Next time I go I’m looking for a yacht guy lol

  15. Thank you so much for pointing out that a lot of male celebs and influencers are also going yachting. Cause I was baffled at everyone all of the sudden living in a penthouse suite in Dubai.

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