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Racing The Tornado – Flotă mixtă – Vânt ușor

7 thoughts on “Racing The Tornado – Flotă mixtă – Vânt ușor”
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How about sailing the boat to Italy, then trailer it to the worlds. Just kidding, but that would be quite an adventure.
That wind bending near the buoy was definitely pure calculated tactic. Lol good job.
Thoroughly enjoyed coming along for the ride again Joe!

Brings back memories of living in Oman in the late 90's early 00's, and racing Hobie 16s then moving to Dubai and getting a Nacra F18….Always a great way to spend a weekend racing cats
Hey Joe ill probably go to lefkas this week and I was wondering if I can maybe rent out a dinghy like a laser for the day???
2.45 9.01 Hi Joe you could ask RedBull for an endorsement to help you get to the worlds.

Though you might have to do some crazy stunts to maintain the RedBull vibe
Thoroughly enjoyed the video Joe, wishing you and Ben all the best at the worlds; looking forward to those videos.