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MSC Seashore Yacht Club Tour – cea mai bună valoare în croaziera în ocean!

8 thoughts on “MSC Seashore Yacht Club Tour – cea mai bună valoare în croaziera în ocean!”
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As soon as you arrive at the terminal you check in at the YC Tent at the base of the escalator. Someone will escort you up to the X-Ray machines. They will wait for you to go thru then take you to the YC Lounge. You can relax have a glass of Champagne. Then a Butler will escort you from the YC lounge in the terminal directly to the Top Sail Lounge.
My wife and I have been cruising in the MSC Yacht Club since 2016, and it is fantastic!
Wait until the MSC World America arrives in April 2025. Our next voyage is on that vessel June 2025!
Yacht Club poolside cabanas – there are a few reserved for the Owner's Suites, and the Royal Suites. The others are available as he said on a first come, first served basis.
The yatch club sounds like my cruise heaven
Yeah the yacht club is the best first classic experience out there for the money and it's the best value for first class travel
Oh by the way the only people who will board before the yacht club guest will are the repeat cruisers the ones are doing back-to-back cruises
All the other cruise brands out there could learn something from the Yacht club experience on MSC will you get all the complaints as people expecting yacht club experiences but only pain for Bella
Thanks for the video. I’m traveling yacht club on seashore in 30 days. I can’t wait!!!
Great tour but please edit out the wide angle sped up video sections. They made my wife and my head's spin and did not add to the tour. But very good tips and review overall.