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Outro: „American Pie” de Hoodie Allen Astăzi văd care este cea mai bună ofertă de masă de 5 dolari a unui restaurant fast-food: McDonald’s , „Mâncarea pe calea ta” de la Burger King sau „Biggie Bag” de la Wendy (va fi o zi grozavă)
Care lanț de fast-food are cea mai bună ofertă de masă de 5 USD?

29 thoughts on “Care lanț de fast-food are cea mai bună ofertă de masă de 5 USD?”
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Thanks to my friend Matt Shaver for the idea. Sub to his comedy sketch group https://www.youtube.com/@CoolGuyzOnline
Ordered McDonald's after watching this
You should you eat raising canes for a week and I will to do it with you
You should see how many refills of soda you can drink in a day.
I'd choose Wendy's any day!
Probably just a UK perspective because all our prices on shit we buy is the gross price incl. taxes (the best way), I would be absolutely furious if a "$5 meal" was even 1 cent more. Might be petty but if it's anything over what it's called then that's false advertising. #RantOver
Our 5 buck meals would be 5.40 with tax 8 cents on the dollar
Wendy’s is my go to. Where I live they still have the 4 for $4 meal where you get a Jr. Cheeseburger, 4 piece nuggets, fries and drink. But you can upsize the fries and drink for a little more so I get a medium fry and large drink and my total is $5.50 after tax and lately when you go on Wednesdays there’s a coupon so you can get a 6 piece nugget for free with a purchase so I’ve gotten 10 total nuggets with my meal and it’s all still $5.50.
How can the taxes be different when its all $5. Sales tax is a flat rate so they should all be the same
I like with the McDonalds meal you can get a Large soda instead of a small with the others
the Wendy's dude wasn't having none of it
Wendys wipes the floor with these two
Wendy’s worker spit on your food no doubt
Chicken McNuggets for next challenge?!?
Kfc has a $5 meal
Two pieces of dark meat, mashed potaty, biscuit
Love watching all the food channels going to pay so much for junk food. Then I watch really good channels that make real food..
Dumass, for 10 bucks you can have a really tasty, nutrition rich meal at home.
I work at Taco Bell and we have a thing called the Luxe cravings box and it includes a Seasoned Beef Chalupa Supreme, a Beefy 5-Layer Burrito, a Double Stacked Taco, chips & Nacho Cheese sauce, and a medium fountain drink. I think it’s a good deal for the price
At least the food sales tax is cheap in your state, where I live it's 10% making the meals cost around $5.50!
damn bro got like 130k subs in 2 months
McDonalds $5 deal is decent. Can't really complain.
These prices of the leftover from the tax the places are throwing pennies to compete with each other so petty over pennies
That's like asking what dog makes the tastiest pile of crap.
Don't you dare dis the BK song
The yachtdom needs a Guy Fieri crossover, sorry I don’t make the rules
Wendy's is my favorite over all yes I had each bk was 2nd
"$5.07 I thought it was a $5 deal"
Yes. Till the government gets thier bit.