ÎN SFÂRȘIT NAVIGĂM PENTRU OCEANUL ATLANTIC! Am vorbit despre asta în videoclipurile noastre de atâtea luni și suntem atât de încântați să vă arătăm cea mai mare aventură a noastră de până acum. Bine ați venit la bordul S/V Rhythm în Gran Canaria, pornind la pornirea transatlantică – al doilea ocean ca mărime de pe planeta Pământ. Un vis mare… Un ocean mare… O barcă cu pânze. Aduceți-l. Acum te poți alătura echipei de pe Patreon! patreon.com/CutterboveSailing Ne puteți susține pe Paypal Donați: paypal.me/cutterbovesailing Cumpărați-ne o cafea: buymeacoffee.com/cutterbovesailing
Navigarea peste OCEANUL ATLANTIC – Traversarea Atlanticului Partea 1

13 thoughts on “Navigarea peste OCEANUL ATLANTIC – Traversarea Atlanticului Partea 1”
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Tony, Tony, Tony…
Luck is crazy and it's up to anyone, but they all made you pay. 😏
Aren't they cheating on you? 🤣
Tony’s definitely getting tested on this passage and doing great 👍❤ you both keep on going
Marvellous at least it’s not boring 👍
Yet another cracking episode, keep up the amazing work 👍👍
From here that looked very sketcy going under the boat with a line attached to Tony without any sort of release on it .
If it had got caught on anything under the boat …. say nomore. Stay safe.
Love watching you both. You are doing a great job. Very jealous.xx
Good Luck
Thought later in the year was better for a crossing??
I hate fixing toilets. Well done.
Can not believe that y'all were dealt with three back to back problems like that. So So SO Impressed with Tony for going high and low to keep the adventure going. Can't wait to see the rest of the crossing!
Great video guys! Good job capturing the footage when things are hard. Makes a hard situation even more difficult, speaking from experience. And props to Tony for sorting those problems out!
Excellent filming & fanty music