Nou proces emis împotriva văduvei lui Mike Lynch, apoi anulat de către Giovanni Constantino de la Italian Sea Group! #bayesian #Italyyachtsinking #italianseagroup Tragedia lovește când superyacht-ul unui magnat se scufundă, ducând la pierderi de vieți omenești. Aflați mai multe despre acest dezastru de lux în acest videoclip șocant. Cum ar putea acest Superyacht BAYESIAN de 184 de picioare să se scufunde la ancoră??? #scufundarea #bayesian #superyacht #italia BAYESIAN, barca cu pânze Perini Navi care s-a scufundat la ancora în apropiere de Palermo, Italia, este discutată de un căpitan profesionist de superyacht cu vele despre posibilele cauze și elemente de design ale acestei serie de producție. Suntem întristați de această pierdere de vieți și sperăm să învățăm mai multe pentru a evita pierderile viitoare. Dacă apreciezi acest conținut, te rog Abonează-te!
Tragedia iahtului bayesian: noi imagini și proces!

49 thoughts on “Tragedia iahtului bayesian: noi imagini și proces!”
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The transom on the Bayesian has the classic “Ron Holland Stern”, that has been a signature for his yachts from the early 70s.
Very informative reporting.
Perini you are done.
Thank you for explaining.
Imagine the distress of the widow of Mike Lynch even hearing that a lawsuit was being considered. What sort of people would do that to her. Oh yes of course, the very rich ones who have never been held to account for anything. Well I sincerely hope the inquiry looks into every little detail of the yacht's design and what the weather suddenly did to it from above and possibly then below!
Once an anchored vessel becomes unmoored it is at the mercy of wind and wave. Without an anchor holding it's head to wind it is OUT OF CONTROL and doomed to either being cast onto a lee shore, driven onto shoals or reefs or knocked flat to founder and flood. Therefore, the primary cause of this tragedy is not the gust that capsized 'Bayesian', but the failure of the Captain and crew to remain securely on the hook.
If I were on the Italian Sea Group board of directors I would be demanding the resignation of the CEO. He’s been a public relations nightmare. He’s done everything perfectly wrong.
Giovanni is sinking his company. Better start planning the bankruptcy…
It is lovely and refreshing that your approach is from a sailors point of view, giving heaps of details (and insider information) about our larger "siblings"!
It was clear to me that the mast of the Bayesian must be pretty heavy but 28 tons is a lot, especially compared with only 1.8 tons for a similar mast in carbon fiber.
True, according to the captain of the Bayesian between 2015-2020, she had an additional 30 tons of ballast inside the keel box to counterbalance for the mast. But even so her point of no return would be reached at 77° with the keel up and 88° with the keel down which is (in my opinion) unacceptable for a seagoing sailing yacht.
Now I'm really curious about the angle of vanishing stability for the Encore. From the video it looked like she was instantly popping right back up again (like anything calling itself a sailing boat should). Would you have a chance to find that out?
However, thank you heaps and well done
PS: completely forgot: also thanks for all the Info's about Perini Navi which I found quite interesting!
PSS: and about the Encore who seems to have a lot in common with our own liveboard cruising yachts for seaworthiness and practical use even though her size belongs to a very different category. But then, there is people who know about the elements and the sea, and others who don't and simply trust the manufacturer to be doing the right thing.
I suspect The Italian Sea Group TISG will collapse, I understand they were supporting Perini-Navi. Without a full order book, the bank funded working capital will be at risk. The supplier's credit insurers will get cold feet, making matters difficult for the suppliers, even the smaller contractors are likely to approach them with wariness.
Really informative video. Thank you.
Mathematically it would be interesting to see the weight distribution of that heavy mast. The thickest part is low down and it tapers, so weight drops of as you go up. Would be interesting to see modelling of the effect of weight on the recovery angle. The vent placement has clearly been recognised as a design defect as builders don't do that now.
That lawsuit did the job it was intended to do. Many armchair investigators were pointing fingers at P N with little to no evidence. That lawsuit was intended to stop those who were engaging in speculation at the expense of the P N name.
Agressive and in very poor taste, I maintain the the vessel was overloaded by the mast and the ballast they added for stabilizing the mast. plus several design errors.
If I were a potential client, I would NEVER deal with Perini Navy of Italian Sea Group. The way this man has responded is DISGUSTING. He is so defensive and aggressive that it makes you wonder what he is trying to hide.
A very unlucky weather event on a vulnerable as it turns out Super yacht. TISG CEO must have alteria motives, because as a CEO he couldn't have done a worse job publicly if he tried. MUPPET!!
This builders built yachts for hanging arround and never sailing arround world?
This are villas to show luxury in harbour?
This italian yachts built for hanging arround and go out for dinner with houghe dinghy!
This yachts only built as villas at coast!
Never for sailing!
15° Angle and looking dangerous
Navi italo crap is anti AC sailing competence!
They could cross the vents so the right side vents on the left side.
And the left side vents on the right side.
So no matter the side she’s down on.
The water would never ingress,
As long as the vent tube went to opposite side of the hull.
And they never shared the same atmosphere.
So those not understanding.
If you looked straight down on the rear.
Front facing to your right.
The vent on the right side would cross the whole back half before bending into the engine bay.
And so on..
Tallest aluminum mast! That's like saying tallest brick skyscraper.
How is it not obvious by now that the sinking of the Bayesian was the direct result of a freak weather event and multiple design flaws? Constantino confirmed the design flaws when he blamed the crew before the vessel was even reached by divers!
The design flaws are as follows:
1.The vessel sits lower in the water due to it's "look at me mast"! (compared to sister ships, same hull, two smaller masts)
2.The canvas covered forward cockpit that could become a swimming pool in a weather event like a downburst!
3.The sunken steps on either side of the hull leading to the aft cockpit that can become a swimming pool with some heel!
4.The sliding doors in the aft cockpit which fail when the vessel heels (turning a smaller swimming pool into a big one)!
5.The lack of escape hatches in cabins!
6.And lastly the pathetic downflooding angle of between 40 & 44 degrees allowing the HVAC system & engine room to flood!
I'm confident there will be lawsuits issued against both Constantino (defamation) & The Italian Sea Group (manslaughter) Here's hoping the Italians don't try and lead the investigation in favor of the real guilty parties in this situation.
Lucky that Encore was pointing straight out of the marina when she broke free!
So never buy Perini super yachts !!
Sarebbe interessante che ci spiegassero perché in 15 minuti l’equipaggio e alcuni ospiti non hanno allertato gli altri!! Personalmente non ho tutte le certezze che avete voi,
The lawsuit the 2nd nail in Perinis' coffin, the CEOs' comments the first, both despicable, both should be fired. The third may well be the upcoming accident report listing inadequate righting capability, lack of protection from water ingress (side vents and cockpit) and lack of escape hatches. I wonder if this boat was insured ?
Perini Navi conduct utterly reprehensible. Without knowing all the facts they immediately blamed the crew and now this lawsuit against the widow. The lady doth protest too much and in the fulness of time when this Bayesian Yacht is professionally examined for seaworthiness the flaws wont lie with the crew.
Es muy fácil determinar lo ocurrido ,
Se hace una simulación sin mástil y seguramente se determinará que no hay manera posible de que el casco se escore 90 grados ..
Luego se hace una simulación con el mastil y seguramente aparecerá la causa que propicio la escira tan pronunciada ..
Una vez determinado el punto de escora máximo hay que analizar si en ese ángulo ya habría accesos de ventilación a la sala de maquina .
Caso resuelto
Russel Radial
Angle of vanishing stability less than 90º! A down flood angle less than 45º! These are the specifications of a boat that will not recover from a knock down. Its plain as math right in her stability numbers. Enormous forward well deck reaching too near the hull edges. Enormous rear well deck reaching too near the hull edges. Well decks lead directly below decks through enormous non watertight "shopping mall" doors. She swamped like an overgrown open dinghy. The video of a large cruising catamaran tossed like an inflatable pool toy was interesting.
Perini Navi – thinking that attack is best defense ! – for the design which is not sea worthy….that flooding came like Niagara waterfall down the side steps – passengers had no chance against tons of sea rushing in….
Who in the right mind is installing double sliding door on a sailing yacht ? Max lean angle of 42 or 44 deg ? – this is a joke !
Not sea worthy design – only rich NON – sailor can buy !
The sinping 4 disc incompetent designer and company buy some people is mind blowing. The reports are coming out from other engineers something about how bad this design was. And crew talking about how cheap and underbuilt the systems were
Thiel Isle
This happened because of somebody`s negligence, or bad luck, an accident in other words. Law suits etc, …thats a shame.
Am I the only person wondering why the hell you would want the most top heavy sail boat in the world. Was very interesting to hear the opinion on this incident by The Guy at Kraken.
I hope that Mrs Lynch has the resolve to counter sue the unprincipled, uncaring manufacturers and designers. Imagine paying millions for a product only to be treated like that after it killed your family.
To be considered "blue water " every sailboat must be able to get back on her keel after a knock down or even when turned arround. It is a must. Even stay afloat with the keel on the air es questionable. Sinking??? Unacceptable.
No mention anywhere of the main deck having a deep well towards the stern allowing access to the main accommodation, so designed that over the absurdly small angle of heel, water will pour down into the main spaces of the hull. Two large glass patio type doors are all there is between the deck and hull interior.
A water spout sucks wind UP. A downblast hammers it down. Two diametrically opposed forces.
I should have thought that the company has already followed its product. Who would buy even a lifebelt with its name on it?
Excellent coverage. About the centreboard, I feel the skipper made the right decision. If the centreboard had been deployed and she was blown towards shore, the board could have snapped and Bayesian could have been holed below the waterline. Even messing around on a Laser costing a few thousand bucks any sailor would get the board up approaching the beach. As I understand it, she was anchored close to shore and did drag her anchor.
While I am absolutely put off by the things the Perini boss is saying, I suspect he is not having an easy time. If the career of Enzo Ferrari is anything to go by, he is probably facing pretty rough treatment in the Italian press. Now with this misstep, there’s even more material to flog him with. Oh that poor widow Revtom Limited. As I’m sure you know, one-ship companies are an established way of limiting liability and insulating the shareholders from huge claims. What I find despicable is filing suit against the crew who actually put their lives at risk to save passengers.
Pirini Navi's statements are completely inappropriate! From 4:30 onwards they show a 2-masted yacht, the sunken yacht was a Sketch (1-masted yacht) whose mast was much higher. This results in a higher leverage in crosswinds. In addition, according to investigations, the keel was not completely lowered. The insurance company has now acknowledged an "unforeseeable event" (storm) and has promised to cover the damage. But you can't compensate for human life with money.
I molded my own one metre racing R/C Yacht which was super successful .my design was marketed by Robbe GMBH in Germany under the name of WINDSTAR.. viewing the Bayesian performing in perfect sailing conditions it is clear that the hull design was excellent . Such a crying shame that NATURE unleashed it,s awesome power which was concentrated at the unlucky Bayesian .which was anchored as a sitting target . the very worst situation to be in when subjected to a raw sudden downburst storm .
Does this situation have some similarities to the Titan disaster? A billionaires death trap.
that lawsuit against the widow would had been an example of a "frivolous" lawsuit. The investigation is still ongoing. And we don't know yet the combination of factors (crew actions plus design flaws) … But that 28 ton mast and those vents in the hull are not looking good. If the crew left the keel folded and some doors or vents open … That would not had helped. In the end, it was a tragedy that could not had been foreseen under exceptional circumstances. It is a rarity for a superyatch to sink while being at anchor.
Perini might have to review their designs and even perhaps issue an apology. We will see.
Personally, I would not buy, even not board a yatch or catamaram with vents in the hull.
That was a testing shot from the yacht maker. Immediately after the backlash they withdrew with some plausibility.
This sea group has displayed real sleaze in their defense of their reputation instead of just pointing out that the downburst is an extreme and rare event that it may not be reasonable to design against. Immediately blaming the crew on television before anything was known was an astounding decision.
At sea those vents would be closed or at least the downwind vents would be closed. There is an assumption that there is greater safety from knockdowns while at anchor. Knockdowns at anchor are very rare.
To torpedo your own company. It's funny how this is way worse damage than the widow could ever make.
The law firm must sue for damages from Italian Sea Group for damaging "their" reputation! That's the least they can do!!
Those passengers didn't have a chance against Mother Nature!
Perini really has a top heavy mast in management
That another large sailing yacht right next to the Bayisian was knocked down flat & imidiatly righted itself ,snaped right back up.
No they did not discussed it, the lawyers are fired.
The features of the yacht were also known and they paid good money for the cute door that chosen the water to come in. At least 300K.
Was the Bayesian sailing under British flag or Dutch flag?
I have seen pictures with the Dutch flag and Red Ensign.