Acesta este documentul meu scurt din 2018 despre Jim Brown, designer de multicoca și personalitate nautică. În anii 1960 și 70, zece mii de vehicule de evacuare au fost ciocane împreună în curțile din spatele Americii. Orb și grizzliat, Jim Brown clarifică povestea temerilor și a incendiilor care au creat barca cu pânze modernă. Dezamăgit! este scris și regizat de Danny Mydlack, pe baza interviurilor sale cu și a cuvintelor și arhivelor lui Jim Brown, legendarul inventator și călător oceanic și Camere: „Last Living Father” – Danny Mydlack, Scott Brown „The Anti-Yacht” – Danny Mydlack, Scott Brown „Escape Vehicle” – Danny Mydlack Clip video cu trimaranul său oferit cu generozitate de Jeff Monuszko Muzică: „The Anti-Yacht” Danny Mydlack „Love Grows” De Wolf Music „Cloud Watching” De Wolf Music „Escape Vehicles” Danny Mydlack Fotografii: „HAIR the musical” de APPLAUS Moss CC BY-SA 3.0 „Kent State Massacree” de The Everett Collection Istoric/ Alamy Stock Photo „UC Berkeley Protesters” de Ballantine Books Master Editare și postproducție: Danny Mydlack Editare contributivă: „The Anti-Yacht” – Michael Frierson ©2018 Danny Mydlack

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Thanks. The first time I was ever on a multihull was in the early 1970's, on what was probably a Searunner from the 60's, a yellow boat called Bon Bini (welcome) in Aruba where I grew up. The original Bon Bini was purchased by an American, Art L'amour, who started a dive operation. That boat was eventually lost in a storm, but Art bought another Searunner which he also named the Bon Bini and by that time I was a seasoned diver. When Art was away for a month for medical reasons, I sailed that boat helping to keep his business going. Those boats made great dive boats because the deck space gave us room for about 20 scuba tanks and about 10 passengers who all had a place to sit and hang out. We used the aft cabin for our inventory of other dive gear like masks, fins, back packs, regulators wet suits, lead weights etc.
Loved the way it set the stage, provided the context for the early multihull movement. Especially liked the profile silhouette with the growing trimaran. I’m sorry but the final visuals with the upside-down man and the sunset colors didn’t work for me. Likewise, I wasn’t sure about the black screen for the funeral. Brown has a wealth of video, audio and writing to work with. I am so glad y’all undertook to edit it and provide it to multihull fans. I wish Newick had been as prolific, especially during his years on St. Croix.
Thank you, professor!