2024 Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race | Start – Transmisiune live

2024 Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race | Start - Transmisiune live

Urmăriți o reluare a transmisiunii în direct a startului Rolex Sydney Hobart 2024, cea de-a 79-a ediție a cursei.


28 thoughts on “2024 Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race | Start – Transmisiune live

  1. Always with the slight if hand / secret hand agendas. How many women in the race ? Tell us again and again. Us dumb men didn't hear you the first few times. Soon they will want their own race. Pushed into the divisive agendas further to erode and divide. You woke agenda tossers make us sick. Go broke.

  2. Good commentary as usual from Gordon and Peter but whoever was in charge of the camera feeds was way off. Missed all the important cross tacks and mark roundings, the drama on WildThing, etc. Maybe they don’t understand yacht racing. As a result the commentators were often left floundering as to what to commentate on. There’s always next year to try to get it right.

  3. Is the footage getting worse? Much focus on about a half dozen boats, and maybe a total of a half dozen minutes on the two front runners. Have enjoyed your other footage recently but this was less than appointing. On the other hand the audio commentary seemed better this year than in past years.

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