Să dezvăluim modul în care cei bogați trăiesc deasupra legii, să stabilim sisteme pentru a face acest lucru și să ne înfruntăm pe ceilalți. Bun venit în Offshore. 00:45 Unde cei 1% ascund sute de miliarde de dolari în artă 12:04 Dezvăluirea modului în care Apple și Nike au făcut miliarde în triunghiul Bermudelor 20:15 Mega iahturi și steaguri false: Demascarea secretelor offshore ale superbogaților 30:16 Cum un Miliardarul saudit a evitat un proces de divorț de 320 de milioane de dolari 37:51 Expunerea cleptobraților: lumea cei mai corupți copii nepo Faceți clic aici pentru a vă abona la VICE: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE Despre VICE: The Definitive Guide To Enlightening Information. Din fiecare colț al planetei, poveștile noastre captivante, caustice, inovatoare și adesea bizare au schimbat modul în care oamenii gândesc despre cultură, crime, artă, petreceri, modă, protest, internet și alte subiecte care nici măcar nu au nume. încă. Răsfoiți biblioteca în creștere și descoperiți colțuri ale lumii despre care nu știați că există. Bun venit la VICE. Conectați-vă cu VICE: Consultați catalogul nostru complet de videoclipuri: http://bit.ly/VICE-Videoclipuri, editoriale zilnice și multe altele: http://vice.com Like VICE pe Facebook: http://fb.com/vice Urmărește-ne pe VICE pe Twitter: http://twitter.com/vice Urmărește-ne pe Instagram: http://instagram.com/vice Urmărește-ne pe TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@vice?lang=ro Rețeaua YouTube VICE: VICE: https://www.youtube.com/VICE MUNCHIES: https://www.youtube.com/MUNCHIES VICE News: https://www.youtube.com/VICENews VICE TV: https://www.youtube.com /@VICE-TV/featured Noisey: https://www.youtube.com/Noisey Motherboard: https://www.youtube.com/MotherboardTV https://www.youtube.com/@VICESports Waypoint: https://www.youtube.com/WaypointVICE
Toate lacunele pe care miliardarii le folosesc pentru a trăi deasupra legii | Offshore

37 thoughts on “Toate lacunele pe care miliardarii le folosesc pentru a trăi deasupra legii | Offshore”
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Thanks for watching! I am glad Vice could put this up as a series for the many people that haven't seen them yet. Please share with friends if you want to see more on these subjects. I have written many more episodes that I hope to get made one day!
Feel free to ask any questions or let me know anything else you want me to cover. Best place to find me is here or my socials.
Vice let me out of my accounting cubicle and I have been shooting all year long at some fun events.. You should be seeing me a lot more in 2025. Thanks Jackson
All this says is we need more luigis plumbing for us all.
modern art is a ploy for money laundering
They're making replicas of the paintings and putting them up in museums instead of the original painting because the rich owns the original!
This guy’s a great presenter, super fun and funny, well done! Great segment!!
Any of them became US nationals??
Minus the corny attempts at being funny this was a solid vice video
If i ran a small island country l, I’d offer a low ~1-5% corporate tax rate. If you don’t someone else will. The US should just offer an ultra low tax rate for massive corporations. This way they have no incentive to profit shift. Anyone who doesn’t look to minimise tax is dumb as far as I’m concerned.
I think this guy might fix all the damage Matt Shay caused
great work. keep it up. No to income taxes, increase corporate taxes!
If this guy disappears, we know why
this very annoying to watch!
I work litteraly in front of the port's wharehouses. I had no clue why there was so much security around this huge building. Now i know
77 million just voted for the billionaire class and actually believe that they care about them. The poor and uneducated are so easy to manipulate.
I thought vice was going out of business? 🤔
Great way to shift accountability from yourself to rich people for having a shitty life
Favorite New Show I hope the rich fucks don't shut you down !!!
It’s also a form of hoarding disorder to squirrel away things beyond actual needs and leave them hidden away out of sight while still pursuing more. Art is collateral not taxed and you can dodge appreciation and capital gains taxes. Same thing with collectibles. Personal property and it can be used for access to loans.
Its all about the money
Welcome to the comment section of the poor and incompetent
good information, horrible attempt at comedy.
The humour is excellent and it is the best way to get an overview of what sort of low things are being done to stay on top. If there were no humour it would be much harder to not be angered by what is being accepted by people wanting a cut of the money.
The series makes it easier to see values for society as a whole and potential ways the inequities can be balanced by thinking more about people what would be good for them in the long run as a whole.
In the end it also lets people see that you cannot win a rigged game and that the lure of one day becoming one of the elite is not actually realistic and not worth harming others through supporting a corrupt system.
Thought provoking and laugh out loud funny. Good combination.
who tf is dis goof presenter?
Slightly Fockerized Individual 😂 🎉But not As Bad As Most of Them? 😂🤣😂🥳🖕🏻😈👉🏻🤩
Yeah they don't care about law when it means they make money not even taxes then use force to control the rest thats all they do legality threw force not fact and thats unconstitutional but they don't care because they dont use law fact to do anything they use force
This guy is so annoying I couldn't get past 3 minutes.
You're not telling the whole story but whatever
Also the billionaires let you tell us their secrets? Yah and the Easter Bunny is Catholic
Billionaires aside that John Oliver attempt at comedy, whos already cringe, was childidish at best and 'journalism' at worst. had more holes than a ton of Swiss chhese. Look for a new career.
I’m glad Vice is earning the rich now. Pls, keep going
Do more like this, it's the first vice video ive watched through in years
Bring this dudes segment back. It was one of my fave segments so I was pumped when I saw this but it’s just all the segments he did smashed into one long episode. This was like the best content on YouTube. Bring it back. Bring it back. Bring it back………maybe toss in some USA USA if you feel froggy.
Why does everyone accept this? They aren't just catching those billions with a mosquito net, it's coming out of a pie the whole country uses to live on. Why does maga do everything possible to give them even more power?
When a company establish tax havens in an offshore account oversea (and engage in international operations), they are pratically akin to two companies from different nations colluding.
This whole issue is more about the problem of monopolies and company collusions rather than a flaw with the tax system.
Instead of trying to fix the tax system, such practice should be subjected to anti-trust laws.