Neom | Actualizarea liniei – 2025

Neom | Actualizarea liniei - 2025

Neom promite un viitor durabil, dar cu ce costuri? Descoperiți adevărurile ascunse ale deplasărilor forțate, deceselor muncitorilor și încălcărilor drepturilor omului în spatele viziunii Arabiei Saudite 2030. Acest oraș futurist merită prețul uman și etic? Actualizare Neom 2025: linia sau minciuna? #Neom #Neomtheline #theline


27 thoughts on “Neom | Actualizarea liniei – 2025

  1. OK, once we get over the carbon neutral tax/financialization fake out, projects like these may fall short of achieving their initial goal but wi push the envelope of engineering ambition. 👍

  2. Nice to see such progress. I think that a lot of The LINE could be built with robots or 3D printers..
    I guessed it will need about a cubic mile of concrete.

  3. hey Man thanks for the video, you are talking about actual facts than other youtubers. I really wish the Saudi Government can make the line into a circle, instead of linear city encapsules in confined spaces. This will be more Claustrophobic with less space to roam around !! Make A Circular city expanding, this will make success !!

  4. The production of steel, concrete and glass generates a lot of CO2, construction equipment isn’t much better. Saudi sewage disposal has been a joke so I expect this will be an environmental disaster…

  5. No… that's a CGI render of what you wish to create. And the other is a big fucking hole of which you are sinking alot of money into.
    Let it be known that the render shows the massive vision originally planned and they are proceeding with 1 – 2km of that.

  6. What are those comments here?? saudi just killed civilians, take their homes out. Made many workers die in unsafe condition, didn't compensated anyone… How can anyone be excited after knowing this??

    Cool they gonna build a dystopian city by not caring about the lives of anyone, and killing them… Very cyberpunk stuff.

    Also the line WILL fail, who is gonna go live in saudi Arabia? u don't even have free speech there, I'm a muslim and i don't wanna go there, imagine a normal person that has free speech. Give it all away to live in a line where they will definitely be monitored with thousands of cameras

  7. Rich people will live on top and the poor will live on the bottom. You have humans making this so classism is inevitable and they will not give the poor the same resources. It won't work unless you have an alien hive mind doing it. It will be a physical example of classism. The more income you make determines the level you can live on. People will be working themselves to death or doing whatever to make more money to get themselves to a better level. I expect them to even make the trains in each level run at different speeds. The top level with the rich trains will run fast and the poor at the bottom trains will run slower.

  8. Lol, talk BS about how Saudis treat their local tribe (homeless nomads) as if westerners treat their homeless community well. Why not babbling about your own country before assuming superiority towards another? At least Saudi Arabia is trying to find a solution for how to live comfortably in the extreme climate area. How about you guys? Where is any notable mini-terraforming colony city project after all those blabbering about living on Mars to the whole world? Where is it?

  9. Such a disgrace to see the line project sending people to jail or to capital punishment just for living where the wealthy want to build. May God be merciful and just.

  10. To cite just one example of the stunning stupidity of The Line's linear design, consider the difficulties faced by emergency services.

    Pick a random three-dimensional coordinate within The Line. Pick a random emergency. Try to work out in detail how to respond effectively.

    Remember: no cars and no roads, just a train.

  11. if there are no hookers there like in Dubai I promise you nobody is going to be interested in going on holiday to one of the most oppressive countries in the world

  12. Saudi Arabia is truly shaping the future of the world with its incredible projects like The Line, The Red Sea, Qiddiya, AlUla, and more. These developments showcase innovation, sustainability, and a vision for a brighter future. The Kingdom is setting a global example of progress!

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