Cea mai bună valoare vreodată? | Cobra Campione 41 Flybridge | Barca cu motor și yachting

Cea mai bună valoare vreodată? | Cobra Campione 41 Flybridge | Barca cu motor și yachting

Unghiularul Cobra Campione 41 a fost afișat pentru prima dată la Show -ul de la Düsseldorf Boat 2025. Oferă practic cu trei cabine și trei băi, după cum a descoperit Hugo Andreae în acest tur. De când a filmat acest lucru, prețul de pornire a crescut la 361.143 EUR, dar include acum un motor Yanmar de 170 CP mai mare și un echipament destul de mult standard. Cobra Campione 41 Specificații: LOA: 42ft 0in (12.80M) fascicul: 11ft 6in (3,50M) Motoare: un singur 170 CP până la twin 370HP Yanmar Diesels Viteză maximă: TBC Preț: De la 361,143 EUR INC VAT DELATE DE CONTACT: WWW.COBRAYACHTS.COM ► devine un subscript liber de la MBY. https://www.youtube.com/user/ybwtv?sub_confirmation=1 ► Pentru ultimele recenzii, noi lansări de viteze și știri de turism, vizitați site -ul nostru aici – http://www.mby.com ► Like Us pe Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/motorboatandyachting ► Urmăriți -ne pe twitter: https://twitter.com/mbymagazine ► Urmați -ne pe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/motorboat_and_yachting/ ► Ce credeți? Spuneți -ne în comentariile de mai jos! ► Amintiți -vă să apăsați butonul de genul și să vă abonați dacă v -a plăcut 🙂 #MotorBoatyachting


48 thoughts on “Cea mai bună valoare vreodată? | Cobra Campione 41 Flybridge | Barca cu motor și yachting

  1. Its an interesting boat, what you see its what you get. The fly bridge prefer the helm further forward and I'd rearrange the sunbathing at the front.
    I'd say owner only, family boat, a charter boat? Hum. Master cabin odd levels ceiling and floor. Think I'd like the so called VIP for the master.
    I can see her appeal amd she'll have her fans but not for me. Prefer the coupe in style and looks for a start. But if its simplicty you want she do it well

  2. The initial assumption when designing the Campione 41 boat was to prepare a spacious and comfortable motor yacht, which would be a good proposal for a weekend boat with a medium configuration, especially for charter companies. Initially, we assumed a layout of 3 sleeping cabins + 3 bathrooms. During the work, the Campione project evolved, and the proposals prepared by the designer for the equipment and finishing of the said yacht meant that we were able to adapt this yacht also for a private user looking for a spacious 2-cabin boat in the Premium version. Along with the change of the target customer and, consequently, the materials used, the cost of production of the said unit also increased. Nevertheless, with the use of more expensive materials, we also decided to enrich the initial equipment of the Campione 41, which currently includes a YANMAR 170HP engine, a platform covering in the form of high-quality synthetic teak, an electric anchor windlass, Axiom 9 devices with a built-in Empirbus SMART YACHT system and 6 cleats. The yacht gains not only in aesthetics, but also in the use of more modern and efficient solutions, which are to provide the customer with comfort even during long cruises. Even after changing the profile of the Campione 41 yacht, it still remains competitively priced compared to other European and American products of this type. Thank you Hugo for your video tour on our yacht !

  3. The Cobra Campione 41 Flybridge, is a good looking boat, with a lot to offer. The asymmetrical decks helps add a lot of volume of space to the cockpit and a the salon, the cabins are large and is easy to get around. The flybridge version adds more additional space. Bottom line, you get a lot of bang for your… buck!
    Thanks for another great tour… Hugo

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