Lagoon 42 a ieșit din fiecare altul catamaran până în prezent, cu peste 1.150 de bărci construite. Această versiune mai nouă, mai mare, are câteva trucuri de design pentru a încerca să se asigure că se întâlnește cu un succes similar. Raport complet în Yachting World mai 2025 ► Deveniți un abonat gratuit la pagina Yachting World YouTube acum – ► Pentru ultimele recenzii, noi lansări de viteze și știri de turism, vizitați site -ul nostru: ► Urmați -ne pe Twitter la: ► nu ezitați să comentați mai jos! ► Amintiți -vă să apăsați butonul ca acesta dacă v -a plăcut
Navigarea Lagoonului 43 – Va fi această nouă pisică voluminoasă cea mai populară multihull din lume?

26 thoughts on “Navigarea Lagoonului 43 – Va fi această nouă pisică voluminoasă cea mai populară multihull din lume?”
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How is it that this video drops 1.5 minutes ago and there are already 6 views….
This is one of the strangest interior layouts I have seen. Not sure if I like it but it sure is a lot of boat….
What they probably haven't changed is the build quality. The worst in the industry.
Did Lagoon fix their structural problems?
Maybe i'm just biased, but every time i see one of these cats, they look like they are built strictly for rentals compared to monohulls which seem built more for an owner.
Will have to experience the scow bow before I have any opinion.
Im sure the majority of, 'proper' sailors will hate it

I'm not one of those so I think it looks fabulously spacious and comfortable and I would be very happy to be aboard
Thanks for the brilliant tour as always Toby
What was the project name? "fat cat"?
Would it effect the sail ability of the craft if the jib was cut a little higher so you could see underneath it?
Who needs boat when you bring an apartment? I mean, let's be honest: this "thing" isn't about sailing.
Thanks Toby. The boat looks workable, but definitely not my first choice. Enjoyed seeing some of the construction details which are less than impressive as is the overall design. Definitely set up as a charter boat.
6:31 the "flat winder winch" is called a line driver, i.e., a bidirectional electric winch, usually single loop.
10:33 The modular tables are interesting.
12:46 I thought that was an aft berth. It's definitely wide for a forward.
Almost odd to have so much stowage on a charter boat, but would be useful for cruising, while adding more performance-sapping weight.
Amazing price, but also built to a price.
Given how expensive EVERYTHING is at the moment, that's actually a heck of a value. A true live-aboard that can basically go anywhere with plenty of room for actual living. The only drawback is the interior will need to be used gently. Veneers and plastic trim and such don't stand up to abuse. But then again, not hard to repair them either if needed. Thanks for the great tour.
no front door
I do like your show but i find myself becoming bored and skipping to another segments or just giving up,too much time spent talking over points that could be shortened perhaps.
Well dang, that looks a lot like all the rest of the Lagoons. Not a lot of solid wood. Simply stating it's a plywood and plastic boat – which, I think, we knew. Plywood has advantages over solid wood. I just wonder what it will be like in 5 years on the used market.
Its a Lagoon. if it was 1/2 the price i would not buy one. You cannot trust the build quality.
It’s a pity you don’t discuss the actual construction. I bet it still has plywood bulkheads, it’s a cheap fat boat. I definitely wouldn’t take it into the roaring 40s.
Putting such a large opening right in the middle of the boat seems like a really bad idea .Trying to make a boat into a house really.
I’m sailing around the world on my Lagoon 400S2 and love this new 43.
42,000nm of experience speaking here.
Currently in Maldives, Indian Ocean
This baby will be slow …if you like riding fat girls ….cheap and cheerful.
Hey Tobi, my dream is the Outremer 55. But your presentation`s make me like all boat`s!
great review. yes seems like a great boat with ample living space for that length!
So many cushions… in every cupboard!
The space gives a great sense of freedom, but at this price, you would expect it. The Winnebago of the sea.
A very enjoyable and thorough review as always. Much appreciated and greets to all from sunny and beautiful Greece. I'd like a little more info regarding the "White elephant in the room" the structural integrity especially the BULKHEAD issues. Thanks you in advance.