#DavidCayJohnston #Biden #Goldbars #Menendez #BernieSanders Aceste lingouri de aur se potrivesc cu adevărat! Lingourile găsite de federali în casa senatorului Bob Menendez din New Jersey le-au mai intersectat pe calea ofițerilor de aplicare a legii. Senatorul Bernie Sanders este împotriva președintelui Joe Biden și a conducerii democrate, spunând că va vota împotriva unui proiect de lege suplimentar de cheltuieli pentru a oferi ajutor militar de urgență Israelului și Ucrainei. Hunter Biden spune că și-a plătit tatăl înapoi pentru o mașină, dar republicanii sunt gata să pună un caz federal în acest sens. Vom vorbi cu autorul câștigător al premiului Pulitzer, David Cay Johnston, despre asta și multe altele. Jefferson Graham va trece pentru a revizui noii ochelari de soare de înaltă tehnologie Meta/Facebook. The Mark Thompson Show 12/5/23 Abonații Patreon sunt coloana vertebrală a emisiunii! Dacă doriți să ajutați, iată linkul nostru Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/themarkthompsonshow Poate că vă place mai mult PayPal. https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=PVBS3R7KJXV24 Și veți găsi totul pe site-ul nostru: https://www.themarkthompsonshow.com Link-uri pentru oaspeții de astăzi David Cay Johnston https://twitter.com/DavidCayJ Jefferson Graham https://www.youtube.com/@PhotowalksTV Susține emisiunea https://themarkthompsonshow.com/ Tenuta Winery Home of the Mark Thompson, „Why are you Yeilling” Red Blend și „Hei, which one of you” este Mark Thompson?” Pinot Grigio. Menționați „Smash it with your Iron Rod” și primiți 10% reducere la Tenuta Winery din Livermore! https://tenutawinery.com/ Coachella Valley Coffee Folosiți codul MarkT pentru 10% reducere!!!!! https://coachellavalleycoffee.com/ Obțineți marfa lui Mark https://getmarkmerch.com/ Socials- X-Twitter https://twitter.com/MarkTLive Threads https://www.threads.net/@markthompsontv Instagram https:/ /www.instagram.com/markthompsontv/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/people/The-Mark-Thompson-Show/100086467012680/
Lingouri de aur confiscate de la senatorul NJ Menendez, subiectul unui alt dosar penal

19 thoughts on “Lingouri de aur confiscate de la senatorul NJ Menendez, subiectul unui alt dosar penal”
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So what add do I get when I click to watch this episode in after hours? A YouTube ad for Donald Trump gold bars…🙄
2,5 million
💯on the Kars for Kids…😩
Loved Mark’s rant about Trump becoming president/dictator. Would love to have it in a clip!
More live music for your bumpers between segments. Love it! Jefferson Graham everybody!
As Marie said “let them eat cake”
Where does the appraiser get the comps from? 🧐
Agree w/Kim… Dr. PCH is dreamy!
Why is there a Trump goldbar add running at the beginning of this show?
i wonder if they used this for the movie for louis the XIII life it sure looks like it from all angles
Kim could sell it just by the sound of her voice describing it
Wowee! 18,000 – terrific!
Yeah Mark, finally! You have something to say to Andrew Peters he has been bugging me for awhile.
Mark – based on the chat, David's discussion went over the heads of many of us.
lock him up. a bit off topic..but i wonder how much stolen gold the Vatican has?
Guys, those who deny the epidemic are doomed to suffer from it. The Covid epidemic – if it follows the rate of progress of the 1918 Spanish flu would take 6 FULL YEARS to finish – but we travel SO much more now. To be wildly optimistic, it's going to be 8 years before the Covid epidemic threat is over – so that's 2027 at the earliest.
Mask up in public with an N97 mask. Vaccinate. Don't expose yourself to the heedless disease vectors that don't know/don't care about the threat, otherwise you will be exposed & even if YOU don't suffer, those that YOU infect will be more likely to suffer.
Maybe not so surprising considering our recent Thanksgiving getogethers.
I was sitting in my living room watching you on my little TV I.e. my phone and I realized that I have a 55 inch screen TV that we pay YouTube premium on right in front of me and I can just watch you on YouTube premium well you and the beautiful Kim in big 55 inch format. I was today’s years old and I figured that out. Great show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ughhhhhhh. These Fn E points😂
D Kay is scary when he spits the truth about another trump presidency!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!