O mulțime de barcă într-un pachet de 33ft | Hanse 360 ​​recenzie | Yachting Monthly

O mulțime de barcă într-un pachet de 33ft | Hanse 360 ​​recenzie | Yachting Monthly

În parteneriat cu Musto… Theo Stocker înfruntă vremea de iarnă pentru a se exploda în noul crucișător mare al lui Hanse pentru a vedea dacă este la fel de ușor de condus ca generațiile anterioare, mai puțin luminoase. Aflați mai multe despre colecția Musto BR1: https://www.musto.com/en_gb/activity/collections/br1-collection –- Abonați-vă la canalul de Youtube al Yachting Monthly la: https://www.youtube.com/ user/YachtingMonthly/videos Abonați-vă la reviste la: https://www.yachtingmonthly.com/subscriptions/yachting-monthly-subscriptions Citiți mai multe articole de navigație la: https://www.yachtingmonthly.com/ Apreciați pagina noastră de Facebook la: https://www.facebook.com/yachtingmonthlymag/ Urmărește-ne pe Twitter la: https://twitter.com/yachtingmonthly Urmărește-ne pe Instagram la : https://www.instagram.com/yachtingmonthlymag/


15 thoughts on “O mulțime de barcă într-un pachet de 33ft | Hanse 360 ​​recenzie | Yachting Monthly

  1. A few things about the battery setup. I'm not sure how I feel about the starter using what looks like a cheap ratchet strap to hold it in place. I like the idea of ease of release without tools, but maybe they could have done a bit with a toggle or cam-over tightener instead. The big thing is why lead acid batteries in this day and age? We have so much better available, and if you wanted to change to lithium you'd need to swap out all their charging electronics. Lead acid is heavy, toxic, low capacity, and low output. Do better guys.

    That aside, I'm actually surprised by the price. I feel like these days I'm always seeing walkthroughs of million plus boats, so seeing one that's relatively affordable is nice. Was not expecting sub 200k base price.

  2. 7.8t/8t for a 10.60m LOA hull is insane…the hull and deck is fully monolithic? with 16tws any cfd designed hull can sail in a straight line at hull speed…so giving merits on that account i dont think it counts.

  3. Good review! Just wanted to say that I appreciate having a cameraman as it makes it much easier to judge the dimensions of the boat with the reviewer in frame.

  4. The head was one of the most impressive I have seen, and Hanse has put a lot of effort into the sailing performance. The interior has not received the same attention, but as you said, it's balanced, and you have to make some trade-offs as a builder. As always, this is a very thorough and professional review of the boat. Cheers.

  5. The boat is a great setup, the interior needs a bit of a homely touch, a couple of beanbags would probably sort that. I'd probably get rid of the chart table, it's so small and just use the saloon or galley.

    Boats only need one heads! At this size anyway. I will die on this hill!

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