Construirea de bărci în Maine: o privire asupra iahturilor Sabre

Construirea de bărci în Maine: o privire asupra iahturilor Sabre

O privire asupra iahurilor Sabre


One thought on “Construirea de bărci în Maine: o privire asupra iahturilor Sabre

  1. Watching this is sad to see how this all played out. Sabre no longer building sailing yachts, they are building what the customer(s) want-power yachts. What I see on the rivers are yachts sitting at anchor or docked, they are floating condos, nothing wrong with that, just different than maybe how it used to be. Fuel is so cheap today it is hard to justify the cramped, by comparison, sail for the same uses. When I see a sailboat out though she is sailing, not anchored off the swimming area.

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