Iahtmanul Alex Thomson în jurul lumii îndeplinește o performanță îndrăzneață la bordul iahtului său de mare viteză, HUGO BOSS. Thomson urcă pe catargul înalt de 30 de metri al navei în mișcare și se scufundă în ocean. Aceasta nu este prima cascadorie pe care o vedem de la Thomson. În urmă cu doi ani, a terminat The Keel Walk, o cascadorie care a devenit faimoasă în întreaga lume. Urmăriți videoclipul la http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2PQfJ2SAg4 Pentru a afla mai multe despre Alex Thomson Racing și HUGO BOSS, vizitați: https://www.instagram.com/alex_thomson_racing http://www. facebook.com/alexthomsonracing https://twitter.com/ATRacing99 https://www.alexthomsonracing.com/ http://www.hugoboss.com/sailing #mastwalk
The Mast Walk de Alex Thomson

48 thoughts on “The Mast Walk de Alex Thomson”
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cool! I used to climb up my 12M Magic. 26 meters high. not to shabby either. and then you we're weaving left and right..
he's fat
Well done, legend
what a dope
Did anyone watch this with their mouth closed?
Huh?! I thought this was for repair or something.
But just a stunt in a suit, unbelayed. He must have had frictious shoes on. Serious dive!
Great control over the boat.
All is Amazing… The Boat, The Mark, Alex, The Wind, The Sea… All is just One Thing..The Style of de Net….
Would anyone else also like to see him dance a jig on the top spreader or is it just me?
Wow your amazing
Супер. Но войти в воду можно было лучше.
30m? holy shit i never relise they are that tall
Too bad he can’t dive.
I wanna see them tack while he’s near the top and catapult him into the sky so he can grab onto the helo skids with one hand and unfurl the Union Jack with the other.
WTF did I just watch? 😁
All show and no go!
100% douchebag production and there’s never a hungry shark around when you need one. 🦈🦈🦈
Why the horrible music instead of the sounds of the ocean? Did an adult review this video prior to release? Best of luck, but this is awful.
Jibe ho
Sailed with this incredible man today, absolute legend.
What's more impressive is just one guy holding her sideways for 40 days in the Indian Ocean
He did it like a Boss…
Hugo Boss
RIP sunglasses
Nice over rotation on the dive should have kept the first take in for the Lols
Well, that's one way to fix a skyed halyard.
Fuck Hugo, this dudes the real boss!!
The video i saw before was a Michael Jackson Video performing the Moonwalk and then I saw this: the mastwalk! What comes next ?
my name's Bond…James Bond…
Not disappointed the dive could’ve been better though
Hello for our little school project, we have to present a commercial on an imaginary topic. Would it be okay if we used scenes from your videos to show the exciting world of sailing? Greetings from Maike and Sarah
Mad dogs and Englishmen. The original and only Thin Red Line.
How‘s the music called?
Jake Gyllenhaal https://youtu.be/TU-9_6l1xkM
To think that there are starving children in the millions and this is going on…….. PATHETIC AND DISGUSTING
и чё за пассажир в пиджаке ? чё хочет ?
where's a great white when you need one?
I was worried for the dive! he said he's scared of heights and told he's terrible at diving 😂
$08 ^ ^
He over flipped on the dive and they had to re cut the entry into the water.He was landing on his back from the first shot
0:24 was so cool for some reason
Unglaublich.. Hab immer noch ein Grinsen im Gesicht.. 🙂 🙂
most impressing thing about this for me as a non-sailor is how they managed to keep the boat this way for so long. wow. edit: ok now after watching the behind the scenes I know they didnt. impressive anyway.
If James Bond was a sailor he would be Alex Tomson
Cool! Did anyone catch what it was advertising?