Cum să navighezi – Ce face ca o barcă cu pânze să funcționeze? (factori esențiali)

Cum să navighezi - Ce face ca o barcă cu pânze să funcționeze?  (factori esențiali)

Navigarea cu o barcă se bazează pe mai multe lucruri pentru a fi aliniate. Acest videoclip arată cele șase lucruri pe care le considerăm importante. Acestea sunt Conștientizarea vântului, Setarea velei, Echilibrul bărcii, Trimul bărcii, Cursul navigat, Poziția centrală. În acest videoclip vă arătăm ce să faceți cu fiecare dintre ele. Când sunteți aliniat, veți naviga mai bine și cu mai mult control. Navigarea este o abilitate care este o combinație a celor 6 factori pe care ți-o arătăm. Stăpânindu-le pe acestea, te vei identifica rapid ce să faci când ești pe linia de plutire. Aceste abilități esențiale sunt baza a tot ce trebuie făcut în barcă. Se aplică bărcilor mici, dar și iahturilor mai mari, deși acestea sunt mai puțin manevrabile


31 thoughts on “Cum să navighezi – Ce face ca o barcă cu pânze să funcționeze? (factori esențiali)

  1. 10:43 – Whats going on there? In either shot the Jib is backed?
    Not a good thing to show in a training video without mentioning it.
    People learning are just feeling their way. That image is wrong and should be held up as such.
    Other than that Good stuff.
    Luv and Peace.

  2. Going on a sailing cource today (this will help sooo much) as a younger person it is differcult to get all the points and fully undrstand, ive been sailing for 2 years and this will really help me to get much better at sailing

  3. I bought a sunfish for $400 years ago and learned it with no help. I still don't understand all the sailing lingo. I'm that dude that says left and right, or forward or sideways. I call my lines the "sail lifting line" and the "sail pulling line." But, I'm picking up some good knowledge from this video. Any tips to help me sail better and faster are appreciated. And to be honest, I don't want to learn proper sailing terminology; I think it makes some of these people sound like pretentious assholes. I'll stick with being the "cousin Eddie" of sailors. Have fun fellow wind catching water vehicle dudes!

  4. Great videos thanks! Out of interest, what difference will the centreboard make having it 3/4 up on a training run vs down? During training years ago I always forgot this rule and the centreboard stayed down the entire trip. Cheers

  5. Nicely done.
    I learned a few things.
    I have pretty good Rs Quest dinghy sailing experience and J24 and this video is pretty useful
    Thanks for making it

  6. A lot of information and it’s all pure gold.
    Much respect and admiration to the wonderful sailors in this video!
    Thank you

  7. I just watched this and around 8-10 more on the same subject. Though this one leaves me wanting to know a lot more about sailing into the wind, it is by far the best out of the videos I found on sailing. The others didn't teach much at all, they just showed some one sailing and saying (not explaining) what they were doing. Explaining is what is crucial for learning quickly.

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