Cum să navighezi – Cum să virezi (întoarceți) o barcă cu pânze pentru două persoane

Cum să navighezi - Cum să virezi (întoarceți) o barcă cu pânze pentru două persoane

Acest videoclip vă va arăta cum să virați o barcă cu pânze. virajul este termenul folosit pentru a descrie procesul de întoarcere a bărcii în fața vântului. O serie de viraje se numește „Beating” și acest lucru vă permite să navigați spre o destinație în sensul vântului. Vă arătăm pașii unul câte unul într-o manieră clară și concisă. Virajul este una dintre principalele manevre pentru a învăța să navighezi cu barca. Celălalt se numește gybing și face obiectul unui alt videoclip de pe acest canal. Urmărește-o pe ambele și învață pașii cum să întorci barca în orice direcție


34 thoughts on “Cum să navighezi – Cum să virezi (întoarceți) o barcă cu pânze pentru două persoane

  1. Im a poor af college student with no hope of ever owning something as expensive as this… why tf am i so interested in learning this.

  2. Thanks for this. I had a hellish lesson last week trying tacking for the first time in 15 knot winds. I think I did all the "don'ts" in your video. I've rewatched this video multiple times in preparation for tomorrow's lesson.

  3. I can't get over how good this tutorial is. Thank you @sailaboattv for taking the time to make and share this. I learned more about the concepts of sailing from 2 of your videos than I did in a weekend long windsurfing coarse with a less lucid instructor. THANK YOU!

  4. Very useful video. The only thing that is a minus is the use of the high metal arch in the middle of the boat, which the skipper was using during tacking for balance. This is not something you'll find in a normal sailing dinghy.

  5. Years ago I had some fun sailing single handedly on a 18' keel boat, and the it's quite a challenge to tack. I had to use the winch to pull in the jib because I wasn't strong enough to do it with my arms and I can't reach the winch myself. So I had to squeeze the tiller extension with my hamstrings after I turned, kneeling down and reach the jib sheet winch and hope it doesn't go too much off course as I pull the sheet. Another way to do it was to turn higher into irons and pull the jib sheet without the winch. Either way it's a challenge.

  6. As an instructor, this is the best video on tacking a 2 person boat I have ever seen. Focused, not too long, yet complete in every way. Thank you so much.

  7. I randomly took a beginner's sailing class several years ago at the local state park and it was so much fun. I was out of my element (water, cold, at the whims of other students 😂) and I think everyone had a great time. That said, I've quickly forgotten every tiny thing about this, and all, maneuvers. I was pondering on the theory of birds (yes, birds!) possibly tacking to travel through headwinds and decided to relearn tacking! This video was AMAZING. I watched the whole thing in delight. I'm pretty sure I would forget the back foot first rule; I remember ducking under the boom and spinning in circles. Also, finding a landmark behind you is smart and I know I never did that.

  8. now what i can't understand is why u guys say 45 degrees from the wind, since some boats gan go sharper to the wind then others. but overall its a good lesson and i learned new things. so thanks!

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