Cum ne permitem să navigăm în jurul lumii!

Cum ne permitem să navigăm în jurul lumii!

Așa procedăm în aceste zile. Facem videoclipuri și navigăm. A fost odată ca niciodată, Riley a lucrat în larg în Australia pe platforme petroliere timp de aproape un deceniu pentru a economisi pentru barca noastră originală. Este greu de subestimat cât de uimitor de recunoscători suntem echipei noastre de susținători care au devenit un pic o familie pentru noi acum că ne-am întâlnit pe mulți dintre voi. După cum explicăm în videoclip, ne-ar plăcea să ni te alături. Pentru cei dintre voi care faceți deja parte din echipaj, VĂ MULȚUMIM că ne-ați ajuns până aici, să vedem ce ne rezervă viitorul 🌎⛵️✨ Vă rugăm să deveniți un Patron și să ne susțineți producția!


20 thoughts on “Cum ne permitem să navigăm în jurul lumii!

  1. Thank you for this information.
    I had no idea how this worked.
    Thanks most of all for the fabulous content you provide though.

  2. Congrats Alayna / " to you two prancing weasels holidaying around the world " Lol funniest thing I've heard in years lshidmtamsfo 😉

  3. Been watching you guys a while now. Love the channel as it’s been a part of our homework for doing very similar. The end of this year our motorhome will be bought and paid for with a business to pay for it all. We were told it would never happen,😂 you wanna bet lol

  4. Hi I'm Tony. I live in London. I'm a chronic agoraphobic. I love watching your videos. It's the only way I get away to see this beautiful world. Tearing up typing this. Life is short! It bloody is too no bull!!! Make the most of it and keep bringing joy to people in Internet World as we need it right now. I can't type anymore sorry. I wish you all the best and stay safe.

  5. Last 5 weeks I have watched around 130 videos… You are so good, your vidd make me want to go sailing to. I just love the water. Due to my job I get to cruise on the odd cruise ship or two…

  6. You guys are so inspirational! It’s because of you that I had the courage to go buy caprice and now be running a very cool sailing program.
    In the future when I have it in my budget I will def be giving back to you guys.

  7. You have built by far the most successful sailing-video business on Youtube through hard work and creating reliable access to your supporters. I am sure you make more than the "average" sailing team, but you certainly deserve what you earn. Your patreons obviously agree.

  8. Commenting my support 😆 have really enjoyed getting into these vids…you guys are definitely inspiring and a great positive addition to my media stock, hoping you all are very very well 🌺🤙🙏

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