Steaua de mare care a mâncat reciful – Free Range Sailing Ep 102

Steaua de mare care a mâncat reciful - Free Range Sailing Ep 102

Săptămâna aceasta navigăm 120 de mile marine până la recifele Swain din Marea Barieră de Corali de Sud. Pe drum prind un ton pe care Pascale îl pregătește pentru un brunch delicios. Sărind atât la recifele Sanctuary, cât și la Sweet Lip, descoperim că o mare parte din reciful de corali a fost afectată de stelele de mare Crown of Thorns și vă împărtășim experiențele noastre. Deveniți un patron al Free Range Sailing! Dacă Patreon nu este treaba ta, poți face o contribuție PayPal aici: Urmărește-ne pe: Instagram: freerangesailing Facebook: Acest videoclip a fost filmat în iulie 2019. Credite muzicale 00:01 Olivia – Hyson ( 03:06 Catch the Wave – Velvet Moon ( 06:15 Through the Vast Kelp Forest – David Celeste ( 10:29 From Here on Out – Get Happy ( 11:35 The Morpho Butterfly – Bill Ferngren ( 14:16 Atmosferă – Borrtex sub licență Creative Commons 3.0 Unported ( 16:17 Moțiune – Borrtex sub licență Creative Commons 3.0 Unported ( La cererea unora dintre patronii noștri, am creat o listă de redare Spotify cu unele dintre melodiile folosite în videoclipurile noastre. Iată linkul:


38 thoughts on “Steaua de mare care a mâncat reciful – Free Range Sailing Ep 102

  1. Very informative. Troy you have a very easy manner when informing the viewer.
    A clear explanation without the over patronising academic snobbery.
    love your channel.

  2. Nice work guys!!! Love your content! Keep up the good work! Wished i was doin what you do! Im a land locked mechanic in the state of Wyoming with dreams of living life on the ocean….

  3. 'Crown Thorns Starfish' in particular are edible. Despite being a bit unhandy in handling and processing, they actually taste quiet well. With already not having much meat/flesh on/in them, they are bloody expensive, too. I wonder why the local industry has not specialised in harvesting and exporting them. Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam, and so forth. The locals 🙃️ probably do not know about the opportunity.

  4. I believe they have been using plain vinegar now to inject the Crown of thorns with to kill them. It would be good if it could be confirmed so more people could take part.

  5. I've always enjoyed your videos. This one, however, exhibits a level of polish and professionalism that is orders of magnitude from your other videos. I can't begin to fathom how much effort this one took! That said, I hope you continue with a mix of "easy" to produce vids and throw in a "national geographic" style one every so often.

  6. Tritons trumpet is one of the few natural predators of the crown of thorns starfish. The over fishing of the Tritons trumpet is one of the reasons for the proliferation of the crown of thorns.

  7. Agree with others, the quality of this video is a step up! Also, I love the educational information about the reef ecosystems you provide. Thank you for making these videos.

  8. Thanks for some wonderful info about the health of the ecosystem of the outer reef and the impact of the crown of thorns starfish.beautiful footage as always

  9. I've seen the southern cross, something I never thought I would never see, while onboard the "USNS Mercy" hospital ship in 1988. My wife and I will arrive in Sydney, AU on Thursday, 25 Feb 2021 onboard the cruise ship "Insignia". Australia is very large like the USA, so seeing things and touring the highlights require more flights, trains, rental cars, and/or buses than we can afford after a cruise across the Pacific Ocean. Do you have any advice for us while in Sydney?

  10. Seems like an opportunity could exist for such a person that would wish to erradicate the invasive starfish. Im sure many would give into thier pockets if he/she could devise a successful plan of action against this vile thing.

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