În jurul Capului Horn (1929)

În jurul Capului Horn (1929)

Călătoria curajoasă a căpitanului Irving Johnson în jurul Capului Horn. Simplu ca producție, dar genial în conținut, acesta este cel mai bine vândut videoclip al nostru până în prezent. Căpitanul Irving Johnson a navigat la bordul scoarței „Peking” în 1929, când soarele apunea în ziua navigației comerciale. În timpul călătoriei sale pe marele windjammer german, Johnson a compilat imagini inegalabile ale activităților zilnice ale echipajului și imagini spectaculoase ale unei furtuni sălbatice în timp ce nava a făcut trecerea periculoasă. Narațiunea călătoriei lui Johnson este o încântare deținută de portul maritim mistic


20 thoughts on “În jurul Capului Horn (1929)

  1. What would it take to colorize this film? Capt Johnson mentions that it's difficult to see just how massive the ocean is in black and white – made me think there must be a way to color it

  2. So this video is even more interesting to me. I'm from the city called Hoorn. Cape Horn is named after my city, decided by 2 Dutch Captains. In a video that itself is 100 years old, commented by an American.

    This is why I love history.

  3. Yesterday we were on the Peking and had a guided tour. The guide recommended this very impressive video. Now there are handrails and even an elevator for handicapped. Back then they just had "Take care!" as only safety measure…

  4. It seems silly but i would eat my own foot to round the horn on Peking to feel her going 16 knots

    Ps i had the …pleasure? Of meeting Irving Johnson at 65 he could do a full extension with his body on a straight pole…he could literally pound a nail with his hands…really straight edge though, rum? Heavens no, he wouldn't have a cup of tea…might be something to all that. Incredible nonetheless as a Johnny come lately to square riggers and filmI have the utmost respect for him.

  5. Wow the Irving would have made a great carnival barker or one of those salesmen who used to do slice-o-matic pitches on Saturdays in the department stores.

  6. What an extraordinary document of a particular place and time. Thank you
    I grew up a few miles from Mystic Seaport, we used to go to it every few years. Wonderful place

  7. absolutely amazing, 12:51 that was a solid young man and so ahead of his time to have been training wrestling and jiu-jitsu. blessed to have come across this. that dog lol "safety what's that? take care of yourself in every case and you'll be alright" That's going on the wall!

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