Am construit o placă Cornhole masivă pentru paramotoare!

Am construit o placă Cornhole masivă pentru paramotoare!

Am construit o placă cornhole masivă — 400% MAI MARE — pentru a ne putea juca cu mașinile noastre zburătoare (PARAMOTOR). Este cea mai mare placă cornhole din lume! După Cornhole Championship 2019, am vrut să știu cum să construiesc cornhole boards! Eu și prietena mea ne-am îndreptat către Home Depot pentru cherestea și feronerie. Cea mai mare provocare a fost cum să zburați cu un paramotor și să aruncați saci de cornhole (în timp ce operați un avion). Acum avem cea mai mare placă cornhole din lume… Învață cum să zbori cu paramotoare! Bryan este un instructor de zbor minunat în Oregon, care vă poate ajuta să zboare cu parapanta motorizat în siguranță. Dacă sunteți interesat de ANTRENAMENTUL DE ZBOR, vă rugăm să vizitați: Vă mulțumim uriaș lui Ryan Roberts și Mark pentru ajutor cu acest record mondial! Uită-te la sacii de cornhole fabricați de viper cornhole bags!


44 thoughts on “Am construit o placă Cornhole masivă pentru paramotoare!

  1. Cool! Lol Next do the scientific version to see what speed and altitude you need to guarantee a hole in one. Btw don’t ask me My math Kung fu is not strong.

  2. In my day "cornhole" meant a little something different, I saw the title and thought how would one cornhole on a paramotor? figured I'm game I'll watch, turned out to be the game my bad. Loved the video thank you for your service dear sir. I always remember the fallen.

  3. You are obligated to bring that with you to every fly in you attend. Everybody will want to give it a try.

  4. Appreciate the respect for the fallen! 🙂
    Nice shout out for Oregon Paramotor!
    Need to drop the bags using your feet for an added level of difficulty

  5. OK…correct me if I'm wrong. She can cook! She can fly! She knows how to use power tools! What the hell are you waiting for Tony! Don't let her get away!

  6. 2 hours just to make a hole I thought you where building a storage 🤦‍♂️wasn’t it easier to make the hole in the sand🤣

  7. I was up there from San Diego the week after you did this. Guess your motor was laid up in Bobs garage, so I had to fly alone. Two awesome mornings of low tides and lots of beach. Able to go low and slow all the way up and down the coast. Best flying I have had up that way in three years. Would have been cool to meet you and your beautiful young lady. Maybe next time.

  8. Killer edit! It's apparent that 1-2 weeks was invested into this project. People don't realize how much time is spent selecting music, timing cuts, color correction, audio processing, etc. This is a masterpiece. Keep up the amazing work Anthony, and PERSEVERE!

  9. Now that had to be fun. You get so excited flying. Thank Anthony you for your Service to our country! Blessings to our fallen who gave their all for the freedom of our country!

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