Jolie Brise – barca care i-a schimbat viața lui Tom Cunliffe

Jolie Brise - barca care i-a schimbat viața lui Tom Cunliffe

Iată o „specială de blocare” lansată mai devreme de Crăciun despre unul dintre cei mai mari tăietori dintre ei, Jolie Brise. Această barcă mi-a schimbat cu adevărat viața. Ea merită această emisiune realizată profesional, de calitate TV, așa că turnați-vă un pahar din cele mai bune și închideți ușa cabinei asupra lumii timp de o jumătate de oră. #tomcunliffe, #yachtsandyarns #sailing, #JolieBrise,#pilot cutter Dacă sunteți interesat de navigație, lucruri maritime și drumul sărat către libertate, vă veți bucura de restul canalului meu. Când sunt plecat în croazieră, nu știu niciodată când voi avea ocazia să încarc și acum este iarnă, așa că de ce să nu devin membru al clubului meu de site-uri? Acolo, veți găsi o mulțime de videoclipuri și articole numai pentru membri, care nu sunt disponibile în altă parte și veți avea șansa de a vă alătura unui forum online obișnuit. • Site web: – • Deveniți membru: – MODALITĂȚI PENTRU A VENI CONTACT CU MINE și ÎNĂRĂ-TE ECHIPULUI • Site : – • Twitter: Alăturați-vă conversației – • Facebook: Să ne întâlnim aici – ALTE PRODUSE • Articole: – • Cărți de vânzare: – • Cărți audio: – https:// Urmărește-mă pe YOUTUBE Apăsați butonul ABONAȚI-VĂ. Aș aprecia dacă v-ați alătura canalului meu „Yachts and Yarns”. Apăsați butonul LIKE când vă bucurați de un episod – este gratuit și în felul acesta voi ști ce fel de conținut vă place. Atingeți pictograma CLOPOTER, pentru a primi un sonerie. Apoi veți fi întotdeauna notificat când apare următorul blog video. Bun venit la bord! Tom Copyright Tom Cunliffe 2020


23 thoughts on “Jolie Brise – barca care i-a schimbat viața lui Tom Cunliffe

  1. Well that was just the most wonderful film. My eyes are moist with tears. I loved the point where the crew turned her downwind….and I loved the Rioja story….and everything in between. One of the best films I have seen on YouTube. How you managed to record such perfect sound is quite beyond me. Really, well done, this is why I watch YouTube and not tv. Tom, I totally love your videos….thank you so much for creating them, they give me such pleasure.

  2. I remember coming through the Cally canal with Jolie Brise in our lock group.She was covered in crew from stem to stern yet broke every transit protocol whilst transiting.I had a 60 footer crewed by myself and three kids under nine and i could swear they tried every trick in the book to gain a perceived advantage,made it very difficult but appeared oblivious of their actions causing risk of damage.Ignorance or deliberate,i still do not know.I have a sad memory of such a nice vessel so badly handled,arrogance? Who knows.

  3. A little bigger version at 65ft OD Elley Grey is a replica St Malo pilot cutter taken from a design of 1896 worth a look as the lines of Jolly Brise and Elley are almost identical in profile but Elley has more beam and slimmer sections making her even faster and she is GRP so much less maintenance!

  4. Sigh…. How fortunate you are to have romanticism and enthusiasm. Having worked boats in my youth, all I recall is the constant hard labourious monotonous work, maintenance, and discomfort of working tubs like this. Being wet and cold, standing 4-hour watches with a skipper screaming at you whilst being wet and cold. Being bullied by asshat 'mates'. Never enough money to actually fix the thing but always bodging it up for another trip. Passengers being sea sick to the point where had to charter choppers to fly them out because they refused to go on. Fridges failed so you had to eat awful food for days on end whilst you drew the short straw and got the bunk next to the gen set. Sigh She is beautiful, as long as some other poor bastard has to work her. For me, there is a reason boats have improved.

  5. That was a great story and great video, very inspirational.
    Dropping the pick though, I saw a coastal coal carrier in Black Wattyl Bay in Sydney Harbour do that many years ago. The ship had backed up the harbour, empty, away from the dock and attempted to do a power turn into a following wind. When side on, the wind took the bow of this quite large ship as it was way up in the air. So the Captain dropped the anchor to pin the bow to let the stern swing around to about 45 degrees. The Captain then raised the anchor and powered forward swinging the stern around as aggressively as he could, but in the very narrow bay this huge ship came with in a few feet of cleaning up a whole row of timber carrying barges and some yachts anchored to the shore. It was a truly exhilarating sight. That ship some years later caught fire between Wollongong and Sydney, to end here career as a burnt out rusting hulk.

  6. Had to comment that I forwarded the video link to several friends. Watched the video several times on my big smart TV and learn something new each time I watch it. There are so many details in view and one doesn't catch them all the first time . Great job. Thanks.

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