24 de ore de SAILING (Sailing Learning By Doing Ep128)

24 de ore de SAILING (Sailing Learning By Doing Ep128)

Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce navigam peste noapte peste vârful Sumbawa, Indonezia. Oferim actualizări din oră cu privire la progresul nostru, câteva informații despre realizarea pasajelor, pregătirea alimentelor și somnul. A fi pe ocean, cufundat în natură, observarea faunei sălbatice, a stelelor, a lunii și a răsăritului este un lucru destul de magic. Bucurați-vă! #SailingIndonesia #Learningbydoing #sailing Dacă vă plac videoclipurile mele și apreciați efortul depus pentru a le realiza, atunci poate că ați fi interesat să susțineți producția lor. Un pic merge un drum lung https://www.patreon.com/vernondeck https://paypal.me/vernondeck?locale.x… Un link către podcast-urile recente pe care le-am făcut: http://www. visualrevolutionary.com/podcast http://wearelookingsideways.com/podcasts/073-vernon-deck https://www.oceansailingpodcast.com/p… NOU!!! Obțineți marfa Learning By Doing aici!!! https://teespring.com/stores/learningbydoing SUBTECH https://www.subtechsports.com Cod promoțional: teamsubtechvernon Reducere: 20% (livrare gratuită în toată lumea) Indiana Paddlesurf: https://shop.indiana-sup.ch VERNON10X (cod de reducere de 10%) Vă rugăm să vizitați: http://www.vernondeck.com INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/Vernondeck/ FACEBOOK: https://goo.gl/WNrSV5


24 thoughts on “24 de ore de SAILING (Sailing Learning By Doing Ep128)

  1. 22:35 Not boring! Thank you! Really enjoyed this one. I always like, uhm, linear(?) videos, where the story is told from start to end with no big jumps. Nice to see Marie hand stearing and taking nightshifts. I remember my first time hand steering a sailboat, i would go off course every time time we tried to have a conversation onboard. Especially after a few hours . Its not easy 😉

  2. Hi Vernon and Marie – not sure where to start? I have followed a lot of YouTube sailing channels that seem to have the same format, and having I think watched nearly all your episodes, have to congratulate you both, the way you blend your nautical adventure together is just unique and really sets you apart! Here in the UK we approach Christmas and our shortest day of the year, we love travelling so seeing tropical blue skies and waters as you enjoy them is just great. Wishing you both a Happy Christmas and all the best for the New Year. Take care, keep safe and fair winds.

  3. Not boring in the slightest. We are living the journey with you as best as we can, so the 'run of the mill' content is great; gives us a better feel of things. Thanks.

  4. I hadn't watched the channel in a while and it was nice to see the addition of Marie. She's quite lovely and seems to be a good cook too.

  5. Great diving around that volcano island you went by (Sangeang). Whacky current, and that brings food and lots of marine life. Thanks for documenting an over-nighter, and now I don’t feel bad that my bio phosphorescence shots never work 🙂 Magical indeed.

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