Cât câștigă Sailing La Vagabonde pe YouTube?

Cât câștigă Sailing La Vagabonde pe YouTube?

Cât câștigă Sailing La Vagabonde pe YouTube? Canalul Sailing La Vagabonde este condus de doi bloggeri australieni, Elayna și Riley, care au o relație și au un fiu pe nume Lenny. Pe canalul lor, se documentează călătoresc pe tot globul pe iahtul lor. Să aruncăm o privire la defalcarea surselor lor de venituri. Să aruncăm o privire la cât câștigă Sailing La Vagabonde AdSense – Estimăm că Sailing La Vagabonde câștigă în prezent 464 USD în fiecare zi în contul Patreon – Brandon Tatum aduce o estimare de 188 USD pe lună sau 2,27 milioane USD anual din contul său Patreon. Câștiguri de marfă – Presupunând că Sailing La Vagabonde realizează o marjă de profit de 20% din vânzările de mărfuri, veniturile lor ar fi estimate la 2,54 milioane USD pe an. Cheltuieli Sailing La Vagabonde folosește aproximativ 20% din venitul său anual, care este de 508.000 USD, lăsând 2.032 milioane USD obligați pentru impozite. Taxe Sailing La Vagabonde plătește 892,9 mii dolari impozit pe venit și 40,6 mii dolari ca taxă Medicare. Aceasta înseamnă că iau acasă 1,09 milioane de dolari pe an. ►Disclaimer◄ Cred că tot conținutul utilizat intră sub incidența utilizării corecte, dar dacă vreun proprietar de conținut ar dori să conteste acest lucru, nu voi ezita să elimin imediat conținutul respectiv. Nu este intenția mea de a încălca în vreun fel dreptul de proprietate asupra conținutului lor. Dacă se întâmplă să găsiți arta sau imaginile dvs. în videoclip, vă rugăm să-mi spuneți și voi fi bucuros să vă creditez / Eliminați conținutul. E-mail de afaceri: qualityscript01@gmail.com


22 thoughts on “Cât câștigă Sailing La Vagabonde pe YouTube?

  1. Dude you should seriously consider a 9 to 5 day job. Your estimations are WAY OFF. Stop making videos about La Vagabonde cause you clearly just using their success to try build your own….

  2. No wonder they can now afford to hire a videographer, two staff to look after the kids, cook, and clean, build a new high speed cat, live in top hotels during isolation, hire luxurious airbnbs complete with swimming pool, hot tub, sauna,…fly home to OZ, hire cars, rent homes,…raise two kids…and all without working for a living! Life of Riley right enough.

  3. Your subscriber and views numbers should tell you something very important, you ain't doing anywhere near as good on the net as Riley and Elayna – and there's a good reason.
    Sorry I clicked on this site and won't be back. The whole tone of your intrusive probe into the price lives or others, I find offensive.
    I'm really sorry sites like yours exist – trying to make money off other people's private lives.

  4. I"ve watched Vagabonde from the start but the last two years has been so hard too watch you can see what money can do to some People .She needs to pull her head out of her ASS and start being a Real mum too them kids

  5. There's a better way to calculate this. Social blade and vid IQ will estimate how much they make on YouTube ads… They never used to run ads but it looks like they've started.

    They used to show their earnings on Patreon. Now it's hidden but it shows you their number of patrons. But you can use waybackmachine.org to view screenshots of their Patreon page before they hid anything. Take the money they were earning then, divide it by the number of patrons then, and multiply it by the number of patrons now.

    Now you have the money from their patrons plus ads. That doesn't include the other things they sell through their website or the money they'll be making from their new charter business.

    Obviously, this is all before expenses. They've got the boat, family, crew, etc. But they're subtracting from a pretty nice starting place.

    All that to say, they never set out with this as the intention. This was all a side effect of following their instincts and taking risks. You can't reverse engineer this kind of success. Just follow your heart without knowing the destination.

  6. I dispare at the world we live in today and it’s moral values. Why on earth would someone become a Patreon and give these two money when there are people living in terror/extreme hardship/literally starving to death!
    Are these two somehow more worthy??
    If you can tell me why and how they are please do!!!

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