De ce nu funcționează pânzele pe nave?

De ce nu funcționează pânzele pe nave?

Accesați pentru a economisi 10% reducere la prima achiziție a unui site web sau a unui domeniu folosind cod (NAV). ––––––-DESPRE ACEST VIDEO––––––- În acest videoclip, privim diferite moduri că navele folosesc energia eoliană pentru propulsie. Ne uităm pe scurt la skysails, și apoi la rotoarele Flettner, discutând cum profită de efectul Magnus. –––––––FOLOSIȚI VIDEOCLIPILE NOASTRE–––––––- Pentru a obține o copie a oricăruia dintre videoclipurile noastre pentru a le folosi în scopuri de instruire sau educaționale, vizitați: ★ ✔ Utilizare offline ✔ Etichetă albă ✔ Fără reclame ✔ Fără sponsori ✔ Fără solicitări sociale – ––––ALĂTURĂ-TE COMUNITĂȚII NOASTRE–––––- Alătură-te noii noastre comunități de entuziaști maritim: ★ CasualNavigation Când vă alăturați, veți deveni parte dintr-o comunitate exclusivă, veți obține acces timpuriu la videoclipurile noastre YouTube*, veți primi conținut exclusiv* și veți avea influență asupra videoclipurilor comunității* *Toată lumea devine parte a comunității noastre, dar recompensele suplimentare vor depinde de nivelul pe care îl selectați. –––––––-CU MULTUMESC–––––––- ★ Imagini folosite sub licență de la Avatare de Voysla/ ––––––––––––––––––– ––––– Tot conținutul de pe acest canal este oferit doar în scopuri de divertisment. Deși s-au depus toate eforturile pentru a se asigura că conținutul este exact și actualizat, rămâne responsabilitatea spectatorului să determine acuratețea și validitatea acestuia. Conținutul nu trebuie utilizat niciodată pentru a înlocui sfatul profesional sau educația.


43 thoughts on “De ce nu funcționează pânzele pe nave?

  1. If the fuel savings could be counted on then owners would have no problem fitting ships with this kit and the customer chartering the ship would have no problem paying more as they could count on the fuel savings. But none of the parties can count on any of it because at the end of the day, it all depends on the weather…

  2. The idea that cost saving technology won't be adopted because the owner and the charterer are separate entities, unless we have implement global regulations to force its use, is just ridiculous. Just like a charterer is willing to pay more for a ship that can transport more goods all else held equal, they will be willing to pay for a more cost effective ship, all else held equal. If the owner can't recoup the cost of investment, then the cost savings just aren't large enough. The owner-renter relationship doesn't play into it.

  3. 3:15 That is a myth. The air current on one side of the wing is not married to the air on the other side. There is no reason for the 2 currents to arrive at the other end of the wing at the same time. So, there is no reason for the air current on one side to move any faster than the air current on the other side. Its the angle of impact that makes a wing work. In other words, wings and sails work on the same principle. The idea that air moves faster on one side of a wing than the other side is pure hooey.

  4. I like this channel, but the title is woefully misleading. Obviously sails work on ships and did so for a great many centuries. The more correct question is "Why aren't sails practical on modern shipping vessels?". It just makes me sad to see quality content creators increasingly leaning on clickbait-y titles that do a disservice to the education of your audience.

  5. Ships have so high burts that the sails could be placed along them. Not to replace the engines but to offload them when possible. Also making ships bridges more aerodynamic would help reduce the air resistance when they sail upwind.

  6. Ok, so here's my potentially stupid idea:
    Giant squirell-cage fan with variable geometry.
    Vanes could be oriented so it functions either as a vertical wind turbine or a Flettner rotor, depending on wind direction. With the ship travelling with the wind, it would generate electricity and the added drag would aid propulsion. With the ship going perpendicular to the wind, it would generate forward "lift" due to the Magnus effect.

  7. You're not making an adequate case for why regulation is needed. If the devices save fuel, the charterer would happily pay more (to a point) especially for long haul cargo vessels.

  8. You brought up some excellent points, but missed one. Anyone who has been on a boat under sail knows when going into the wind, which produces the highest speeds, boat heel to one side. This is a result od the force from the lifting action not pulling the boat forward acting against the hull. Anything not securely fastened goes flying. The way cargo is stacked on the deck would tend to slide off.

    As you alluded, there is a multitude of other factors, not the least of which is the need for a keel, increasing the already hefty draight, requiring even deeper water ports This on top of other factors like the shape of the ship to how masts would be secured. Did I also mention the cost of installing and maintaining massive amounts of rigging and sails?

    Implementing green propulsion on ships is very problematic. We see the challenges with wind and electric powered by batteries would leave little room for cargo. The only thing I can think is the use of solar panels to power electric motors – as a supplement to the regular. I'm saying that off the cuff, and people much smarter than I could determine whether that would work.

  9. Lol this would help everyone in the world so much but those pesky frugalists who understand money and economics just won't do it on their own, so let's FORCE them with government!

  10. What exactly is the environmental cost of increasing CO2 levels in the atmosphere? Oh, that’s right – larger, healthier plants; which increases oxygen.

    How is this a bad thing?

  11. Well… it would be nice if such laws would be introduced internationally, but it is not strictly necessary. The EU could just make a loaw saying only ships with particle filters and energy saving components reducing the fuel consumption by at least 15% are allowed to enter their harbours. And yes, there might be a lot of whining and threads of a trade war, but in the end they would just end up allowing other ships in as well but ddemanding prohibitively high fees which would, in essence, lead to the same effect.

  12. Alternative solution that doesn't involve the expensive and useless political wet farthest known as the UN: if the charterer saves money then they stand to gain from using a ship that is outfitted with cost saving devices

  13. First – I want to say that I enjoy your videos and explanations on maritime stuff. Very well done.

    Now I want to disagree on a point – regulation is not the way or the solution to achieve what you believe is better. With all regulations / in the end there are some positive benefits and negative consequences… but always the negative outweighs the positive. Same as casinos – the house always wins and the casino owners get very rich. I’m okay with this because people voluntarily gambled their money. But with government you don’t get to choose!

    There are private governance models that will work in these situations and they rely on competition to stay viable which means the over all odds are now in favor of consumers.

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