Sailing Uma este unul dintre canalele noastre preferate de navigație YouTube! Dan și Kika sunt cu adevărat pionieri cu spațiul lor mic și inovația în navigație! Uma realizează frecvent ceea ce mulți ar spune că este imposibil, totuși, credem că am găsit un domeniu în care greșesc. În acest videoclip continuăm renovările interioare ale Salonului nostru. A trebuit să rupem podeaua noastră frumoasă din salon, deoarece apa intra pe ușă și se așeza sub podea, făcând-o să putrezească! Am instalat o nouă pardoseală solidă din scânduri de vinil, care are un sistem antiderapant încorporat și este impermeabilă. Odată ce noul etaj a fost așezat, ne-am apucat de reproiectat și de a ne construi canapeaua! Canapeaua de pe barca noastră a fost de fapt proiectată ca un stand pentru sufragerie! Preferăm să avem o canapea pentru a ne bucura de vizionarea de filme și de jocuri în familie! Rezultatul final al Salonului este uimitor! Link-uri pentru produse Amazon: spumă de înaltă densitate de 6 inchi: Huse de canapea: Verificați magazinul nostru Amazon aici: https:// Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare! Vă rugăm să abonați-vă — Dacă ați găsit valoare în videoclipurile noastre, vă rugăm să luați în considerare susținerea canalului nostru: Ne place să auzim de la tu! Vă rugăm să ne lăsați un comentariu frumos și să apreciați videoclipul dacă vă place ceea ce facem! Mulțumesc pentru vizionare și distribuire! Vizitați site-ul nostru la: Like paginii noastre de pe Facebook: Instagram: Toate echipamentele noastre pentru camerele YouTube AICI : Folosim Artlist pentru toată muzica noastră! Poți și tu și iată link-ul! #saltyescape #catamaran #sailing
Credem că SAILING UMA ar putea fi greșit și cum o procedăm diferit!

26 thoughts on “Credem că SAILING UMA ar putea fi greșit și cum o procedăm diferit!”
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Yes, I got the message … It's a marketing stunt … You guys are trying to get the attention, as newcomer on YouTube … So you invent a Video title that kicks as of a well-known and popular competitor … Good thinking !
Great diy job on the seats
Nice try using UMA's well established name to generate views for yourself.
2:04 ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Dude, do you enjoy having fingers or have you decided they're a nuisance?
Good lord.
My absolutely favorite Channel is Sailing Delos, great Captn, great Family and always having some nice new crew members for some turns. I watched Uma for some time but its becoming boring, i like sun instead of constant cold weather and they never replied to any comment or question too. Nahoa was intresting but i belive its near over with two such small kids. They will not do longer ocean crossing as long as the kids are so little, not 1 and 2 years i think, they should have thought of that before. Its a difference if one kid like Sierra is on Delos and she is really pretty fit or you having 2 babies you cant leave alone for a sec. Good Luck and all the best for you, i know sailor families and travelling, sailing is the best education kids can get! speaking from own experience
btw guys, an Abo and a Like costs you nothing
nice having another Sailing channel, hope you are sailing a lot. 
cheers from Thailand
RV's and boats flex.
Salty indeed. If the only way to attract new subscribers is to talk crap about another channel… you might want to add pitiful to your name. No thanks…
Thank You!! I Love watching a family together.
The reason why the flooring manufacturer says, no boats or RVs is because both structures move and flex. Over time, the flooring will buckle and warp, then the buyer will come storming back, wanting their money back.
When this happens, I recommend plain ole rolled vinyl.
Looks great guys. I love your style. Diy and make this work. Great idea on the video title as well. I had to click to find out what you meant. Also we have the same batteries as you guys and love them. Would love to get the ones that have studs instead. Always afraid of stripping them.
Uma is right.
Take other people's opinions with a pinch of (sea) salt! Each to their own. Imagine if we all did the same thing? What's interesting is how experience is no barrier to individuality, the differing opinions of those with the most experience often don't converge, so we do what's right for us. Happy sailing!
Do you all have a video on how you did the fabric on the seats? Also so haooy for you all living the dream of being on the water. I will get there one day.
It's the movement and flexing as to why the flooring isn't certified for boats. All boats will flex a little, and RVs have vibrations, the flooring will often crack if the it's the rigid planking.
You didn't buy a couch, you did one better, you made a couch in your home.
So GREAT to see a family effort and adventure. I wish I had done it when I and my children were younger!! Here's another suggestion: Sailing Uma has very picturesque content and videography. However…they sail the world with almost ZERO interaction with the people of the cultures they visit. (if they do, they rarely put it in their videos) When you live vicariously (like many of us do) through the adventures of others…you want to see the the most important part of any culture…the people!! When you visit other countries…try to encourage local folks to appear on camera…and answer questions about their culture…so your viewers can experience the culture through their eyes. Safe travels!!
It's only waterproof if you glue the edges with waterproof glue, or water WILL get between the joins over time and it will swell at the joins…
Hope it went well…
There's nothing wrong with Sailing Uma. Nothing wrong at all. Dan and Kika have really worked hard to remodel Uma into a great world ocean traveler. I like them because they invited anyone who cared to watch their sailing adventure. I got to do something I have never been able to afford or take the time to do. I'm watching your video because I'm curious about the criticism. O well, each to their own.
Good luck with your channel… You'll need it.
Could it be the wood flooring you have is not recommended because of the movement and flex of the flooring? The floor might be too rigid and when the floor flexes it might cause issues later down the road. Just a thought…….
Ha Ha, I would leave everything just as it is.
Nice video. Not sure if you've checked out the channel "On Board Lifestyles". They rebuilt an old catamaran and have many great ideas and great design sense. Their instrument and electrical work was excellent.
Very nice.
It’s still not a couch on a boat it’s called a settee. So your still taking the recommendation from uma and good for you, that’s a good atmosphere to raise those kids in
The curf bends look awesome. I have to admit, I'm kind of surprised you didn't recover the ottoman with the same fabric. We used to have a sectional with a huge ottoman that did just what you are thinking. It basically turned a section of the couch into a queen sized chez. Very comfortable for movie night.