Încercarea de scufundare a superiahtului rusesc de către ucraineană! |Ep46 SY News

Încercarea de scufundare a superiahtului rusesc de către ucraineană!  |Ep46 SY News

#superyacht #superyachts #yachts #boats #Ucraina Episodul 46 SY News (Miniatura reprezentativă a evenimentelor, nu iahtul real) Un bărbat a fost arestat în Port Adriano după ce a scufundat parțial superyacht-ul de 47 de metri al șefului său. Bărbatul, un inginer de la bord, este din Ucraina, a urmărit la televizor un elicopter de atac rusesc bombardând țara sa natală, ceea ce l-a determinat să ia măsuri împotriva lui acum fostul angajat. Aflați ce companie deține proprietarul superyacht-ului și ce fabrică! Abonează-te acum! https://youtube.com/esysmansuperyachts Urmărește-mă pe: Instagram – http://instagram.com/esysman_superyachts Twitter – https://twitter.com/eSysman Facebook – www.facebook.com/eSysman Muzică de – Epidemic Sounds https ://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/arptj5/


42 thoughts on “Încercarea de scufundare a superiahtului rusesc de către ucraineană! |Ep46 SY News

  1. That engineer has a conscience and I admire what he did. That takes guts and especially turning himself in and telling the truth, plus going now to help the Ukrainians fight for their freedom.

  2. Interesting, it seams I am going to be that guy… going against the tides , the devil's advocate.
    Reading through the comments everyone cheering for such an unlawful activity from this Ukrainian, who did not think things through and acted solely based on emotions.

    As far as I understand the situation the owner of the yacht did nothing else other than supplying his OWN COUNTRY with military equipment way before the war has started. That is his legit business. Probably preventing China or NATO from invading his motherland. He has nothing to do with Putin or this whole situation in Ukraine. This situation would be the same as if someone attacked Toyota's CEO just because saw on tv that a Toyota was used for a drive by.

    I don't remember all this hate or sanctions against war criminals and military suppliers like Lockheed martin, when NATO bombarded Serbia when the whole war on the Middle East started all for nothing as Biden pulled out of Afghanistan leaving all the US military equipment for the enemy…. where is all that rage against all the people that went on Epstein's Island?????? The FBI covered it all up leaving us in the dark. Why is the media not full of all these dark deeds from the West? You want to find a dictator? No need to go to Russia plenty of those in our own political system. Justin (lil bitch) Trudeau who run into hiding from the truckers. The EU that wants us all vaccinated with that shit full of side effects including death….. but you guys just suck it all up whatever is on the mainstream. Today it's russians, all russians. If there are UFOs please come and take me away from this clown world.

  3. Hey guys, im from NYC and still here till this day and I could count on one hand the amount of places we could dock our boats within NYC, and their all horrible. Which is why you don’t see any yachts or nice boats in or around NYC even when the summer comes around when there’s nice weather. Anyone who even wants to go jet skiing, on anyones boat, or even a nice beach gotta drive anywhere from 30-60 min. East of NYC to an area we refer to as Long Island, NY. It’s a big suburb that sits on the border of NYC. However, there’s a lot of nice marinas, and even houses that are on the water where people dock their boats etc. . We could go out on the boat and fish on Long Island between late May and mid September when the weather on the Atlantic Ocean is nice enough for us to enjoy ourselves.

  4. most of the news on the television is fake and propagated by the theater license of the bbc. Almost all the war footage is old photos from other wars used to incite people to believe that is happening. check out skyline camera footage live in those Ukraine cities, nothing but fake crap by that disgusting president of ukraine ( put there by the bush family). television is a fake instrument

  5. Hello , I am a former Flight Attendant for a legacy carrier and wonder if you can provide me with the steps to become a crew member to be onboard long term ?

    I appreciate any help or advice you can give me


  6. Should not condone this . It won't hurt the oligards. They monopolise russian economy. They will just take from common russian folks only…

  7. Sanctions have financial bite. The yacht Dilbar has 96 crew members. All being paid while they sit at port doing nothing. These boats don't sleep. Constant power/fuel is required. Ongoing maintenance, insurance, food for crew and whatever. Add port costs and NO revenue = owner nightmare.

  8. You know this is still a warcrime right? You are on one side of a war but that does not mean attacking civilian ship of the other side is a good thing

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