Korčula la Hvar în 40 de noduri – Navigarea cu furtunile de iarnă în Croația

Korčula la Hvar în 40 de noduri - Navigarea cu furtunile de iarnă în Croația

Te-ai întrebat vreodată cum este să navighezi în 40 de noduri? Alăturați-vă cu mine într-una dintre ultimele etape ale călătoriei mele cu navigație solo din ianuarie 2022. Aaron mi se alătură într-o călătorie pe care nu o va uita în grabă! Vino să navighezi cu 45 de grade! Urmăriți-ne la: http://www.45degreessailing.com/ Facebook : https://web.facebook.com/45degreessailing Instagram : https://instagram.com/45degreessailing?igshid=YzAyZWRlMzg= Muzică pentru videoclip de la: http://www.epidemicsound.com/ Filmat și montat de Nick Hathaway, 45 Degrees Sailing


18 thoughts on “Korčula la Hvar în 40 de noduri – Navigarea cu furtunile de iarnă în Croația

  1. You get bothered when tacking in 20 m/s wind. Better to reef in time like these guys did. The furling sails made the WMG worse, but it is nice all round.

  2. I was surprised to see the furling lines for the main don't come back to the cockpit. I thought pretty much all modern yachts had that set up these days. This reminded of scrambling about on pitching coachroofs and clinging on for dear life on the bow while changing hanked-on jibs. This was all in freezing seas off the UK. Can't say I miss those chilly dunkings. Back to Croatia for a charter out of Dubrovnik next week. Will be hoping for 14 knots rather than 40. Love your videos. Proper sailors.

  3. Sorry, it is in german! Super Aufnahmen, total interessant .Ich bin gerade im September die gleiche Strecke gesegelt bei moderaten Winden. Wir hatten eine Bavaria 41, die zum Glück mit Leinen , die ins Cockpit führten ausgestattet war.Zumal die Ausstattung mit Automatikwesten auf dem Charterboot unterirdisch war. Lehrreich war für mich die Manöverleine zur Winsch auf dem Decksaufbau umzuleiten . War ich noch nie drauf gekommen !

  4. Really cool to see excitement and fear (or call it respect for force of nature) during your trip, especially when the reefing of the sail went well. Very recognisable set of emotions that we faced as well during our 40 knots storm last year in Greece. But experiences like this also boost confidence and are making you sharper on your responsibilities as a skipper. Thanks for sharing!

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