Ultimele zile într-o traversare transatlantică cu o singură mână – Ep181 – The Sailing Frenchman

Ultimele zile într-o traversare transatlantică cu o singură mână - Ep181 - The Sailing Frenchman

Asta e, ultimele câteva mile ale unui pasaj de 3050 nm, peste Atlantic cu o singură mână. A fost primul meu @minitransateurochef5520 , dar mă îndoiesc că va fi ultimul. Mulțumesc mult tuturor celor care m-au susținut în acest proiect, în special https://www.youtube.com/c/SVBteam – Hanorace, tricouri și multe altele sunt disponibile aici: https://www.thesailingfrenchman.com/shop / – Aflați mai multe despre Mini Transat pe site-ul meu: https://www.thesailingfrenchman.com/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=channel&utm_content=description ACTIVAȚI SUBTITRĂRI: pentru a activa subtitrarile, puteți face clic pe butonul CC la colțul din dreapta jos al playerului youtube și faceți clic pe rotița mică pentru a alege limba în care doriți subtitrarea. Acest link explică destul de bine procesul: https://www.wikihow.com/Turn-On-YouTube-Subtitles Mai multe pe Instagram #thesailingfrenchman și pe pagina de Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheSailingFrenchman/


37 thoughts on “Ultimele zile într-o traversare transatlantică cu o singură mână – Ep181 – The Sailing Frenchman

  1. Wow man, it's been an incredible journey and thank you for bringing us along for the ride!! You have achieved so much and although the transat result wasn't what you wanted combine that with your placings in the qualifying events and you are right up there. You can't always have fair winds!! I hope your next adventure is on a really fast sailing boat🤘🤘🤘

  2. I saw a moon something once, the moon was huge. Some sort of optical illusion, or i was hallucinating, or it was god saying hi, remember me.
    Anyways, thanks for posting, a big highlight of youtube.

  3. Well done Hugo; heartfelt congratulations!
    I felt elation when I arrived in Antigua beginning of Jan but I crossed with a crew member, and took almost a week longer. That was tiring; can't imagine doing it alone AND trying to keep the boat at maximum.

  4. Great to watch you getting some surfing in at the end. Fantastic job: it’s an accomplishment to cross single handed on such a small boat. You may have made a call that didn’t turn out for you in the end, but as one of my favorite YouTube Sailing channels once said, “fuck sailing. I fucking hate sailing” (but we always keep showing up for it). 😉

  5. Bravo Hugo!, great achievement crossing the ocean on a 21 ft boat, perhaps disappointing final result but i am sure this race will pay back in many other ways. Looking forward to some technical Q&A vlogs during this crossing. You met many squalls along the way, i am curious what tactics you adopted to maximise sailing near, through and around them. And great story telling by the way as always

  6. Hugo this is an great story! I just found your channel a week or 2 ago, looking for tiller auto pilot reviews. I came across your vlog installing your backup on the Maxi and have been binging the mini transat story since. Just fantastic! I'll have to go back and watch the back catalogue now. I recently purchased an old 31' sloop and am eager to start that adventure. Your story is inspiring. Many thanks for sharing.

  7. Long time watcher, first time commenter. Inspirational. Thank you. I have been short/single handing my Express 27 in California and would love to start more offshore racing. If you are ever in California, reach out.

  8. Bonjour Hugo!

    Dites-moi, s'il vous plaît, comment avez-vous fait le pilote automatique sur le bateau? avec la participation de la Mini Transat. Avez-vous eu un pilote automatique sur le bateau?

    Je suis désolé pour ma langue française.

    Meilleures salutations, Ilya.

  9. Salut Hugo.
    Je te suis depuis ton premier bateau acheté avec une bière 😊
    Bravo pour cette nouvelle transat. Oui il faut prendre des risques. Dommage.
    Bon vent et j’espère à bientôt

  10. What a humble and at the same time determined sailor you are, just so amazing and fascinating to watch your journey over the years. You make dreams come true…at laest for the time when watching each of your vlogs. You are an incredible ambassador for the sailing sport! Good luck and bon vent for all your future projects and challenges!

  11. Only 10% viewers hit the like button!!! Dont you like this guy crossing the ocean on a surfing tin can while you crack a cold one before the big screen. HIT THAT LIKE BUTTON, ,,JUST DO IT.

  12. Franchement bravo! quelle détermination! merci de nous avoir partagé toute ton aventure mini. N'oublies pas toutes les victoires que tu as gagné sur toi même! Je suis sur que tout ça t'as fait progressé en temps qu'individu même si pour un battant comme toi la déception de ce résultat n'a pas été facile sur le coup…. Quelles belles images de solidarité à ton arrivé à quai! quel autre sport individuel aussi extrême offre une telle camaraderie? BRAVO HUGO merci

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