Va începe iahtul nostru abandonat GRATUIT?!

Va începe iahtul nostru abandonat GRATUIT?!

Accesați pentru o reducere de 15 USD la primul tratament pentru disfuncționalitate, dacă vi se prescrie! În acest episod încercăm să punem în funcțiune iahtul Cruisers abandonat pentru prima dată în ultimii ani! Nu știm prea multe despre acest iaht masiv, dar cineva de la șantierul ambarcațiunilor a spus că unul dintre motoare are unele probleme. Este adevărat, îl putem face să funcționeze, ce alte probleme vom avea? Aflați în acest episod din Rebuild Rescue! Consultați sursa de piese marine pentru toate nevoile dvs. de navigație: Videoclipuri de salvare a reconstrucției: avem un iaht abandonat GRATUIT! Luăm acasă iahtul nostru abandonat GRATUIT cu transportul Gentry & Sons PL5IMg7-HLL1Y5o0Bc1SYIBJONdcdsNQcQ Probleme cu iahtul abandonat GRATUIT ! Yacht-ul nostru abandonat GRATUIT primește prima spălare în 15 ani! Ia-ți niște produse de salvare pentru reconstrucție! VERIFICAȚI ACEST LINK….. este gratuit… Informații de contact Sales@rebuildrescue. com #FreeYacht #AbandonedYacht #RebuildRescue


40 thoughts on “Va începe iahtul nostru abandonat GRATUIT?!

  1. As a marine technician this was actually intriguing to watch the difference in the diagnosis process of a DIYer especially the fogging part as a tech we would never fog a fuel injected motor as it would cause more harm to the seal it's almost like you answered your own question when you said you did it to Old carbureted motor lol and the white smoke is mostly bad gas . cool video !

  2. Are you kidding me, you call this a yacht? it is a small pleasure craft by marine standard. Of course it will start, depends on how much money you dump into it. I seen heavy equipment left out in the open in videos like Diesel Creek, and that guy usually get it running. The battery is always gone, oil fuel look like grease, but run it will.

  3. Im sorry dude , but I gave up watching this , as I have never seen anyone deliberate so long before actually doing something , you literally talked for 35 mins then took one plug out before I quit , shame !

  4. In the 90s i had a few speed boats over here in uk i used lake windermere until they brought speed limit down to 6 knots. I never had anything in that league. But the cooling system is different on boats and i think the exhaust is water muffled from memory. My outboards had to have the drive in a bucket of water to allow it to pickup the water for the coolent

  5. Love the channel, Really love it if u can start putting Vid in playlist. So its ez to watch if u miss something. Will make it so much more fun to watch vids when u can see per Part or per Episod.

  6. I'm a 100% disabled USAF vet, and a big fan of the "free airplane" restoration series… As a fisherman & lover of being on the water; I'm really interested to watch you restore the free yacht. Thankyou for all that you do for us veterans.

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