2022 Marea Britanie Sail Grand Prix | Ziua 2

2022 Marea Britanie Sail Grand Prix |  Ziua 2

Urmărește acțiunea live din ziua a 2-a a Marii Britanii Sail Grand Prix | Plymouth. Totul este de jucat în încă 2 curse ale flotei și acea cursă finală între primele 3 echipe ale weekendului. Cine va ieși în frunte? Conectați-vă pentru a afla. Abonați-vă aici: https://bit.ly/2IZR3n4 Like SailGP Pe Facebook: http://sail.gp/facebook Urmăriți SailGP Pe Twitter: http://sail.gp/twitter Urmărește SailGP Pe Instagram: http://sail .gp/Instagram Rămâneți la curent cu buletinul informativ SailGP: http://sail.gp/signup SailGP navighează redefinit. Înființat în 2018 și cu sediul în Londra și New York, SailGP este un campionat sportiv anual, global, care oferă tehnologie îndrăzneață, de ultimă oră și atletism uimitor. Cursele de coastă, centrate pe fani, au loc în unele dintre cele mai emblematice porturi de pe glob și culminează cu o cursă de meciuri de 1 milion de dolari în care câștigătorul ia tot. Echipe naționale rivale din Australia, Danemarca, Franța, Marea Britanie, Japonia, Noua Zeelandă, Spania și Statele Unite se luptă cu catamarane F50 supraalimentate identice, proiectate pentru curse intense la viteze electrizante care depășesc 50 de noduri (aproape 60 mph).


50 thoughts on “2022 Marea Britanie Sail Grand Prix | Ziua 2

  1. The worst thing about the commentators is they can't even call it right. Towards the end of the 5th race AUS took a better course, moved ahead of GBR, but the commentators kept droning on about GRB being in the lead.

  2. Of course aussies not crashing both boat's!
    How they another would sailing in final?
    Southern sailing!
    Forgetting european or northern!
    Funny swiss sailing nation? Only financed by a billionaire!
    Swiss only spending money for football! Hahaha

  3. Today was a kiwi day likely every!
    Go kiwis go !
    Southern hemisphere!
    Europe its lost again!
    Likely 80 years ago!

  4. Thanks for the broadcast. IfI may recommend that the camera stay mostly on the big picture. The developing 2nd and 3rd place finishers were competitive and we didn't get to see the position change. PLEASE sort this stuff out.

  5. Why do the commentators refer to all the boats by their country name except when talking about Great Britain and it is Ben Ainslie does this and Ben Ainslie does that….give the one eyed pommy commentator the boot

  6. Stop using km/hr!! Who uses that in yacht racing? No one! You’re just pissing off genuine sailing fans…….who happen to be watching this……..not a couple of randoms who happen to accidentally spill their coffee on their iPad and this starts playing. It knots……..knots!!!

  7. The coverage just keeps getting worse. We need more overhead views. Closeups of the boats going fast are fun but don't show what is happening in the race. Do better please.

  8. The final race was less than 10 minutes. Why do the organizers oppose letting them sail?
    As usual the commentators and production are atrocious. Commentators think that the audience are dumb. Production people have no clue about sail racing, showing close-ups as 5 boats are at the mark. They make an exciting race dull.

  9. Stoked to see our Kiwi Team finally pulling it together with some real consistency!! Having Ray Davies on duty has been a huge step forward!!! Well Done Kiwis!!

  10. Race 5 , I think it was the right call, it was close but the shift went against him and he wasn't clear enough

  11. By FAR the best production quality of the events yet. Commentary is approaching very good and camerawork is finally starting to watch the bigger picture. Bravo, and what a race!

  12. What changed with the filming? Yesterday’s was so immersive, so amazing. Today it’s back to the overhead style. I am disappointed.

  13. DIRECTORS: At the finish, don't just stay on the finishing boat when there's tight sailing for the 2, 3, 4 position – if you have to split the screen, but show us what's happening

  14. I'm confused by this penalty. While I concede that not only was it close and that we can't see the data that the umpires see so it is hard to question their decision. However, all the discussion seems to be about how close the cross was. In his interview Tom explained that he got a very late favourable wind shift that closed the gap. Is the algorithm correctly considering RRS 16. When Tom changed course for the windshift (his description) did he give GBR sufficient room and opportunity to keep clear?

  15. Consideró que el mejor para llevar la rueda del VICTORIA o el F 50 es Botín D. Ya que fue campeón mundial del 49 que es mejor que el 4,70 creo que el equipo ganaría mas , un fuerte abrazo de un regatista .

  16. Great racing spoiled by the most useless, biased, butt kissing commentators of any sport. Get these pack of clowns off the mikes.

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