172. Viața noastră pe mare | Duminica navigatie

172. Viața noastră pe mare |  Duminica navigatie

Viața noastră frumoasă pe mare, cu excepția cazului în care pânza mare se blochează în catarg… 😂🤪 Săptămâna aceasta luăm o pauză de la pasajele mari care navighează direct în vânt și ne relaxăm câteva zile în timp ce navigăm de-a lungul coastei frumoasei Guadelupe. spre aceste insule drăguțe unde ne pregătim pentru marea noastră velă direct în vânt, din nou, până în Martinica! Am mai făcut acest pasaj și poate fi puțin complicat și, dacă nu este planificat corect, am putea fi prinși de valuri masive și de valuri între insule. VĂ RUGĂM LIKE ȘI ABONAȚI-VĂ LA SAILING SUNDAY 🥳 SAILING SUNDAY WEBSITE: https://www.svsunday.com SAILING SUNDAY SHOP: https://svsunday.com/online-shop-home/ DONAȚII DE ANIMALE DE STRADA: https://www.paypal .me/jacksonstreats PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/sailingsunday SOCIAL MEDIA: Conturi de Instagram @sailing_sunday @brittnimoffatt @ryanweepers @jacksontheshepherdx @animalrescueyachtclub Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sailingsunday TikTok @clubrescueyacht


33 thoughts on “172. Viața noastră pe mare | Duminica navigatie

  1. I really enjoyed this weeks content, but I have to tell you I am still laughing at the quote, "resting bitch face" I now know what to name my look when I am driving

  2. I see suggestions/criticism in the comments which is fair, but I’ll be one to point out and recognize that everything you two have learned about sailing has been since you stepped foot on this boat 3 years ago. Most that will be quick to judge have been doing it their whole lives. With that in mind, keep up the good work.

  3. The "bugger off" look Jackson gave Ryan was priceless. Britiny is looking rather sharp too. Ryan, you seem to have a habit of sliding off settee's… All great fun… One of my fav channels…

  4. Hey Ryan – Keep up the good work! I've also got old baggy sails and in mast furling – great combo, especially when it's windy! I get some folding but only in the middle not on the leech like that. As someone else said, a bit of tension on the outhaul when furling but also you can try and tighten the vang/kicker and loosen the topping lift a bit. That might be enough just to keep the boom down and leech taught so it can't fold like that. Worth a try.

  5. Always a groovy, gear, fab, bitchin' and far-out time following your latest sailing adventure. I lover watching just you three on your exciting and silly travels, but just the same….where are the frigging puppies. LOL! Stay groovy and stay safe.

  6. Maybe I missed it, is there a video that vaguely outlines your long term plans? If not, please do one. Thanks.
    Also, how's Finn, the cat?
    Love your content by the way.

  7. I have same in-mast furler for 10 years. Rules to avoid jamming. 1. Always furl in and out with some tension. 2. Never leave outhaul lose while furled. 3. Must have firm halyard. If it does jam, Furl in and out with tension both ways, but not out until fully jammed, do this many times as it retightens the lose sail around the furling tube. Otherwise as you know, its up the mast with an eggflip and plyers to pull it out. #Affinitysailing_Gary

  8. Sick and tired of hearing about Jackson he is a dog get with the program there heaps of utubers with pets harden up if he dont like it take him home

  9. That was an excellent binge watch! Took me a week! I don't think I've smiled as much for any other sailing channel (20+), so well done there. I appreciate the evolution of the music selections, too. Not that the zeep zorp electronica was bad, just a bit monotonous when on a binge. Anyway, fair winds to you. Sub'd and bell rung. Cheers.

  10. I love watching whether you are sailing or not! And Jackson is a very nice added bonus. I love the way you accommodate him in sailing, he’s
    a very lucky boy!

  11. Just watched you in the Zingaro podcast, just subscribed to your channel, love your positive energy and comedic perspective on a very difficult lifestyle. Great ‘crew’ that takes the highs with the lows 🙂 So entertaining! Sail on!!!

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