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Navigați peste 40, navigați peste 50, navigați peste 60 și mai departe
20 thoughts on “Navigați peste 40, navigați peste 50, navigați peste 60 și mai departe”
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Sailing 40 & 50 should be easy … pushing it at 60 & 70 … definitely would need crew for those lengths … oh … wait … you meant ages … I’d want something newer, boat’s systems age over time and it becomes nearly impossible to insure and few places will allow haul outs without it … oh … sorry … sailor’s age … ok … limits climbing the mast and hull scrubbing to contracting out
Sailing is quite the ageless lifestyle….just another one of the great things about it.
See Jon Sanders the Australian yachting legend just completed his 11th solo circumnavigation at age 89
I am retiring in 4 years at 62. Have my funds ready to purchase a 45 to 50 footer. I have a 8 year plan to live on board n travel as far n wide as I can. Just me the wife n GF together.
These short videos are recaps to give Chris a chance to chat in the live chat with viewers …
There is a wealth of information about getting yourself in optimal physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and sexual health and well-being. As with anything, do you research and apply that knowledge and wisdom in a meaningful and permanent way to your life and the lives of others.
As we get older, we need more money to get things done. Things we used to do ourselves, have to be outsourced. So it's all nice and dandy if you have the means.
The older we get as sailers, the bigger the boat, the more equipment we need, everyone else dying or selling, youngsters on the brink, costs in harbour mounting, etc.
So yeah, it's rough with enough money and worse if you have to scratch. Still, compared to living with your son in law or in a retirement home, it's better.
Advice from someone who wears glasses (even tho I am not even 30 years old yet), get sunglasses made for your eyes. It costs a bit more, but it makes a huge difference in that it corrects your eyesight while protecting it from the sun as well. Or wear contact lenses under your sunglasses, but those can be tricky to take out and put back in while the boat is rolling in heavier weather, but you should not sleep in them so you have no choice but to take them out.
Most of the features mentioned here are worth taking into consideration no matter the age, except the in-mast, that thing really helps a lot when you are short-handed, but I would not opt-in for those just yet, maybe later. We had issues with it on charters multiple times (yes, those were human errors, the previous crews did not furl the sails properly), and truth to be told, we kinda love the lazy systems, so we choose a boat without in-mast for now when we get the chance, but I get that as someone gets older it would be harder to manage the sails and in-mast combined with an electric winch is a big big help.
I love oysters.
My biggest fear of falling down the companionway is landing head first resulting in a hole in the bottom of the boat.
Thanks Chris for constantly reminding me that I'm getting older!!! Lol
So how hard is it to convert a standard full battened main to a in-mast furkling main? Boats like the Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 419 and Beneteau Oceanis 41 out of charter generally come with a battened main in a stack pack. Cost prohibitive to change? For ease it make sense even if there is a performance hit.
You should do a video on some available boat models that meet the criteria you outlined in this video
I like the idea of the US Virgin Islands, but what is the cost if you're not a US citizen?
I always thought of old people when people talk about cruising The Great Loop. I though about going down the Mississippi myself.
Audio to text capabilities. Amazing. My original plan was just to get a younger woman to operate the radio to cover my hearing challenges.
You give me hope Chris. I'll be in my late 60s when I sell everything and buy my first live aboard yacht.
Chris you look so prestige on that boat with that pipe. Not wealthy but I see the printer just going to town for the grand purchase.😝😝 I just want to 🍔🍺⛵⛵⛵
Great video. No other sailing channel touches on this topic. one thing you said; in-mast furling system. Do you think it is better over the in-boom system? Just curious about your take on the matter. Thanks for encouraging older people that are interested in sailing!!!
Hi Chris! Thanks for helping keep the dream alive. Some days it’s all I have. Keep up the excellent work! Kind regards