Iahtul Oceanco Y721 de 127 m/ 417 ft al lui Jeff Bezos a fost lansat astăzi

Iahtul Oceanco Y721 de 127 m/ 417 ft al lui Jeff Bezos a fost lansat astăzi

Oceanco a lansat Y721 devreme în această dimineață. Goeleta cu trei catarge de 127 m/417 ft a căpătat faimă, nu numai ca cel mai mare superyacht din Olanda de până acum, ci și ca cel mai mare iaht cu vele din lume, care a fost cel mai probabil construit pentru fondatorul Amazon Jeff Bezos. Lansarea iahtului a început la ora 1 dimineața, iar la ora 3 dimineața iahtul a fost eliberat din docul uscat. Transportul către Greenport din Rotterdam a început imediat după aceea. Deși direcția Noord – Nieuwe Maas este mai scurtă (23 km/ 14 mile) cu doar două deschideri de poduri de luat, transportul a mers pe direcția destul de lungă Noord – Oude Maas -Nieuwe Maas. Nu am văzut niciodată un transport care merge atât de repede. Cu o viteză medie de 8 noduri/ 15 km/h, transportul a sosit doar 3 ore mai târziu, la ora 6 AM, la Greenport, chiar și cu 4 deschideri de pod și o distanță totală de 40 km/ 24 mile. Cel mai probabil, Oceanco a încercat să țină sub secret lansarea și transportul (nu am văzut prea multe filmări în jur) cu această direcție alternativă. Un pasaj din Rotterdam Center și De Hef ar atrage, cel mai probabil, mult mai multă atenție. Apropo: podul De Hef va rămâne intact, deoarece catargele vor fi și ele la Greenport. Filmări realizate de The Nautical Lady și Dutch Yachting. Bucurați-vă de videoclip! #jeffbezos #oceanco #y721 #amazon #superyacht #megayacht #dehef #rotterdam


27 thoughts on “Iahtul Oceanco Y721 de 127 m/ 417 ft al lui Jeff Bezos a fost lansat astăzi

  1. This must be the new way to fight global climate change. This type of people are very good at it. Especially in talking BS about it and what you or me must do about it in order to reduce it. Their acting looks like above… Bunch of spoiled hypocrats!!!

  2. It looks like an old whaler for schooner head Bezos. That guy has no taste in women or boats. His old boiler girlfriend has more silicone in her than his boat. Money doesn't by taste or style. What's up with this dude?

  3. An 18th century ship-of-the-line also had three masts, but it was only 200 feet long, with a crew of 600-800. I keep expecting to see black iron snouts run out from the portholes of Bezo's big ship. I doubt if the sails are of much use except in very good air. The engines can probably easily sail her anywhere she wants to go. Or, she can hide a few tugs in the bilges.

  4. Every billionaire got to be that rich by chipping a little off every paycheck or every worker they ever employed. People should think about that, especially those without Union protections, and those with minimal skills. Below the elite few in the good-old-boy network of executives and boards of directors every employee is disposable. But within the elites, they have a code of cooperation to make sure they give each other magnificent pay, benefits, and golden parachutes, no matter how badly the executives and board members manage to screw up the corporation.

  5. Not to doubt the quality build and the competence of the shipyard.

    But Looks like a chinese Restaurant ship on Yangtse. Money cant buy taste.

  6. I'm only here to laugh at the egotistical prick not getting his way. Why couldn't it be towed past the Koningshaven Bridge, and have cranes used for erecting offshore pinwheels (since Bezos is into "green" virtue signalling) put the masts on?

  7. I know it's not finished, but the lines aren't pleasing. It looks like the love child of a cargo ship and a late Victorian steam yacht. If I were Bezos, I'd send it back.

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