Prima mea REGATA DE VELICĂ! (Învățând făcând Ep191)

Prima mea REGATA DE VELICĂ!  (Învățând făcând Ep191)

Concurez pentru prima mea regata de navigație, săptămâna Airlie Beach Race. Au participat 190 de bărci din mai multe divizii. Am făcut parte dintr-un echipaj de 7 persoane pe un Northshore38. A fost o săptămână plină de acțiune, cu condiții foarte dificile, de la 5 la 30 de noduri. A fost destul de cool să te bucuri de barca altcuiva și să navighezi cu foarte puțină responsabilitate. A fost, de asemenea, nou pentru mine să lucrez în echipă în timp ce navighez, deoarece navighez în mare parte singur cu barca mea. Sper că vă veți bucura de acest videoclip la fel de mult cum am făcut-o eu. Dacă vă plac videoclipurile noastre și apreciați efortul depus pentru realizarea lor, atunci poate că ați fi interesat să susțineți producția lor. Un pic merge mult Patronul nostru: Paypalul nostru:… Obțineți un tricou cu noul design Maries aici! SUBTECH Cod promoțional: teamsubtechvernon Reducere: 20% (livrare gratuită în toată lumea) Indiana Paddlesurf: VERNON10X (cod de reducere de 10%) Vă rugăm să vizitați: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK:


32 thoughts on “Prima mea REGATA DE VELICĂ! (Învățând făcând Ep191)

  1. Just delightful to watch. Be sure and thank the captain and crew for letting us join them. Was a great view of what a race is like. Thx.

  2. That was exhilarating to watch, so much going on! What a thrill to be part of that experience, I’d love that….one day. Thanks for taking us along

  3. I didn't understand the penalty. Of course I don’t know all of the rules. It looked fair to me. Nascar fan here, where rubbing is racing.🤣 Thank you to the crew for allowing us to tag along. Good race, men. 🏆

  4. Vernon, What's more important is that I hope you enjoyed your first regatta. Great vid and I hope you did all the races. I look fwd to seeing more Thanks

  5. Great race day the fun race… Did the race in 84…. Made the first 50 so we got a plaque… hahaha… almost won…LOL Good to see the race still going after all this time…

  6. That was a cool ep mate. I did the Hamilton Island Race Week in 1992. That was such a blur then. I loved the raw footage.

  7. Awesome video. You really captured the drama of yacht racing! Hope your incredible drone skills rubbed off on Cam so he can film when he and my hubby Rob do the upcoming 2-handed division of the Sydney to Hobart on our NS 38 Inukshuk 🤞

  8. Great photography as usual Vernon. The owner of Negotiator was a bit of a dunce. You have to anticipate the track of the right of way vessel and gybe early if you are on port. Additionally if you call someone up on the start line, YOU have to give them room and opportunity to keep clear and watch their stern. (It comes towards you as they go up.) You wouldn’t have made that mistake. 😜

  9. Hey Vernon that was an excellent video. Very exciting to watch and beautifully filmed. it's definitely up there amongst your most exciting videos …great stuff thanks again!

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