S2 E16 Amintește-ne de ce navigăm? Sunt necesare înotări de noapte la mijlocul trecerii! | Navigand cu Six

S2 E16 Amintește-ne de ce navigăm?  Sunt necesare înotări de noapte la mijlocul trecerii!  |  Navigand cu Six

Iată cel mai recent episod plin de aventură în timp ce navigam în America Centrală din Mexic până în Costa Rica. Ne-am blocat cu oficialii chiar înainte de a pleca! Trebuie să prognozăm o trecere a vântului ușor prin Golful Tehuantepec și vânturile Papagayo, în timp ce avem suficient vânt pentru a naviga pe tot pasajul. Apoi cam la jumătatea pasajului nostru… pirați!? Poate?! Sau ar putea fi pescarii care pun liniile cărora le-am putea fi victime în câteva ore scurte. Trebuie să navigăm pe lângă Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras și Nicaragua pentru a ajunge în Costa Rica și fiecare secțiune are propriile provocări. Cea mai mare provocare sunt liniile prinse în jurul cârmelor și recuzitei noastre în miezul nopții, care necesită o baie sau două de noapte… Nu este ideal! Cu siguranță să spunem că uneori ne întrebăm de ce alegem să navigăm. Cu toate acestea, gestionăm fiecare dificultate pe măsură ce apare și doar devenim mai puternici și mai rezistenți pe parcurs. Comentați mai jos, apăsați subscribe și deveniți Patreon… Alăturați-vă familiei noastre Patreon https://www.patreon.com/sailingwithsix Pentru a vedea unde ne aflăm în timp real, accesați https://forecast.predictwind.com/tracking/display /Happy_Days Urmărește-ne pe Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sailingwithsix/ Facebook https://web.facebook.com/sailingwithsix/ Site-ul https://sailingwithsix.com/


23 thoughts on “S2 E16 Amintește-ne de ce navigăm? Sunt necesare înotări de noapte la mijlocul trecerii! | Navigand cu Six

  1. Absolutely love your videos guys and I’m always looking forward to seeing your next adventure. Great job mate dealing with the long lines, I think that they should be illegal myself. ❤awesome thank you for sharing

  2. Hello sailing with six haven't seen any of your videos for a while wondering what happened to you. Anyway I'm happy to know it's not pirates going near your boat just some fishermen that fishing net tearing up a rudder is not a good thing. That's a really big risk taking your family and a place like that knowing that there is pirates in areas like that just stay safe my friend God bless you and your family

  3. i do look forward to your videos, good job and keep it up. i said it when you got the fish hook injury, but your team is so good on these emergencies, the older kids knew something was wrong from the change to the engines sound and came out without prompting to help and then they where very helpful, even guessing in advance about the epoxy needed. it speaks volumes of the good things to come for the family on the ocean.

  4. Wow, what a struggle with bureaucracy in Mexico. Nice fish, love the sushi. Extreme stress with the long lines. Finn was very knowledgeable about the epoxy putty. Great to see Archie giving support from a horizontal position. What a team. Loved the video.

  5. There are two kinds of people….
    Those who want to live their lives free and open….
    And those who use their power to control and restrict others.
    Bureaucrats/pirates are the same.

  6. Good video. As an American I am incensed at the hassle Mexican immigration was giving you when you were trying to LEAVE their country at the same time the Mexicans have allowed millions of illegal immigrants to transit through Mexico so they can walk across the Southern border of the US. Maybe those locals thought you were wealthy since you’re sailing around the world and thought you’d give them a “gift” under the table.

  7. I was watching another boat sailing on the Caribbean side to Panama and they were so worried about pirates from Nicaragua they sailed many miles out of the way to avoid them .
    Glad to see it's not as bad on the Pacific side ,but those fisherman lines are brutal .Once again, great crew, great video .

  8. Hi guys, another great video. Congratulations and well done on providing your four children with the best education in life. I was 52 before I knew that Sassafrass was a timber. As a prospective buyer of a US based yard I am interested to know what the problem was with the Mexican authorities. Was the boat issues just general or was it specific to you guys who have just purchased a new vessel and they were unsure of the paperwork? Keep up the great work living life. Cheers from Newcastle Australia.

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