După 1 an de construcție a bărcii noastre vechi, a devenit în sfârșit iahtul off-grid la care visam. Fără să ai experiență, acesta a fost un proiect provocator. Totul trebuia să fie personalizat pentru că nimic nu este pătrat. Mulțumim tuturor celor care au urmărit călătoria, nu am fi putut-o face fără sprijinul dumneavoastră! O plimbare completă prin tur va fi cât mai curând posibil! Set de instrumente folosit pentru întreg proiectul https://amzn.to/3CzGy5z Aspirator care ne-a salvat https://amzn.to/3Vtmt9E Instrument de router pentru laminat https://amzn.to/3z7tofl Susține canalul nostru! https://www.patreon.com/Goodbandugly Merch! Susține canalul nostru și primești ceva extraordinar în schimb! https://teespring.com/stores/sailing-good-bad-and-ugly Încărcăm un videoclip nou în fiecare săptămână! Nu uitați să vă abonați și să distribuiți videoclipul. De asemenea, ne puteți găsi și contacta aici -Instagram @Kristen.r.davis @Neptunes_reaper https://www.instagram.com/kristen.r.davis https://www.instagram.com /Neptunes_reaper -Facebook https://m.facebook.com/sailinggoodbadandugly Doriți să ne arătați sprijin sau să ne cumpărați o bere https://paypal.me/goodbadandugly Iată un cod de recomandare pentru a obține un credit de 20 USD când vă înscrieți în GOOGLE CODUL DE UTILIZARE FI K18F80 https://g.co/fi/r/K18F80 *Acesta este planul nostru telefonic internațional* SAILMAKER-ul nostru Precision Sails https://www.precisionsailloft.com/Good-Bad-and-Ugly/ Linkuri utile! -Link către cei mai buni fani! Ventilator Caframo 12V https://amzn.to/2M9c8Nc – Manualul nostru mecanic și electric pentru proprietarii de bărci Go To Book https://amzn.to/2LH0YjJ -Camera noastră principală https://amzn.to/3D1ApAr Camere de acțiune GOPRO HERO 8 https://amzn.to/3SayNZw GOPRO HERO 10 https://amzn.to/3D3NXeZ -Drona noastră https://amzn.to/3gdIQuY -Rucsacul nostru rezistent la apă favorit https://amzn.to/35bjcSm Pentru întrebări de afaceri svdeaddolphin@yahoo.com Muzică pentru videoclipurile noastre Epidemic Sound merită… https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/23ruvj/ #timelapse
![1 AN RECONSTRUIREA O BARCĂ VECHE ÎNTR-UN TIMELAPSE MODERN DE YACHT [START TO FINISH]](https://sailingtv.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/1666115786_maxresdefault.jpg)
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Thanks so much for being here with us throughout this journey. If you enjoyed the transformation please give the video a share🙏🙏 the full reveal video will be coming very soon!
Awesome work. How much you think you’ve spent in the boat after renovations?
Would you recommend spending a little more and buying a finished and ready boat, or have you saved tons of money?
Would you guys try breaking down total costs, from where and why, on paper for us?
Are you in Dominican Republic because it’s cheap? I’m about to do the same damn thing.
Very cool
Hi guys I’ve been watching your program for a good couple years now I just can’t believe how good good , bad and ugly has turned out it’s a Credit to you both what you have transform this Yacht really appreciate your videos , Cliff from Logan City Queensland Australia 🇦🇺 from the big island 🏝
Wow- I’m exhausted just watching!!! 👏👏
Well done your hard work has paid off. Happy Sailing
That was an immense amount of work and the result looks stunning!
There aren't many people in this world who would be prepared tackle such an undertaking and pull it off, but you did.
Well done guys. Respect..
Damn, there's some work in that. Looks 10,000% better.
The synergy that is Matt and Kristen! ⛵
Wow… well done you guys, you put your heart and soul into your boat and your channel… I too will be taking the same same steps in the next few years and can't wait… keep up the good work
Amazing job!
And I don't know if something is wrong at my side but this weeks episode didn't show up in my notifications list. Just to let you know Xx
Warwick DYSON
Congratulations guys. Your ongoing persistent has achieved a stunning result. Enjoy it all long into the future.
Insane amount of work…and you guys are still together! Cheers! 🍻 Job well done👊…so where we going to sail this baby?
Larry laminato and boat yard Betty have done an amazing job of transforming your boat. Can’t wait to see the full reveal and the next adventure in your new boat.
congrats on a beautiful boat, looks great! That time lapse really shows how much hard word work went into it! Back to sailing, with a motor for those sketchy spots!
Wow………just wow❤
Great Job, I understand all the hard work that ya'll put into this rebuild. I remodeled a whole house and it took me 8 years one room at a time. Looking forward to the reveal video. Take it slow and make sure we see all the details.
Fantastic work💪😃⛵️
Great job. So much work. You guys are amazing. Are you gonna name her? What will it be? You should be able to enjoy her easily for the next 20 years. She looks brand new.
Good stuff. Thanks.
I got clip showed!
Patience is a Virtue!!!!!!!!! Well Done!
Matt and Kristen y’all have done a magnificent job,you should be very proud of yourself . Like everyone else watching your videos very entertaining and the we can do this makes a lot people thing why can’t we .Please keep up the great work and it looks like it’s time to enjoy can’t wait for the journey……..