În episodul din această săptămână am pornit de pe una dintre cele mai frumoase plaje pe care le-am văzut vreodată și ne-am navigat cu barca cu pânze prin atolul interior, navigând în jurul capetelor de corali, astfel încât să putem ajunge la pas și să ieșim din lagună înainte de apus. După ce am navigat pe trecere pe o maree și un curent de ieșire, punem pânzele înapoi și avem o vele fantastică către următorul nostru atol, numit Makemo. Chiar dacă am făcut o mulțime de cercetări anterioare și am planificat pentru a obține momentul corect, avem o experiență destul de îndrăzneață când ajungem pe acest atol insulă, deoarece trebuie să luptăm cu un curent de ieșire foarte puternic. Totul a funcționat și ne-am trezit la un alt punct de ancorare foarte frumos chiar lângă satul insulelor. Petrecem câteva zile explorând orașul, precum și recifele extrem de frumoase din jur. Alăturați-vă nouă în aventurile noastre de navigație prin Oceanul Pacific! Vă mulțumim că urmăriți aventurile WE! SV Soggy Paws- The Tuamotus Tide Guesstimator http://svsoggypaws.com/files/index.htm Melodiile prezentate în acest episod provin din Epidemic Sounds: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/wesail Vrei ceva WE|Sail Merch ??? Consultați WE|Sail $WAG $TORE https://www.wesail.world/wesail-swag-store Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare și NU UITAȚI SĂ ABONAȚI!!!! Gândiți-vă să deveniți unul dintre părinții noștri și ține minte… membrii nu plătesc pentru călătoria noastră, ci mai degrabă ne susțin sucurile creative, care uneori echivalează cu o bere gustoasă! Așa că faceți popcornul floricele, reduceți luminile și stați pe spate, bucurați-vă de spectacol! www.patreon.com/wesail URMĂȚI AVENTURILE NOASTRE PE FACEBOOK SOCIAL MEDIA www.facebook.com/wesailaway INSTAGRAM www.instagram.com/we_sailaway
Navigați spre Makemo și învățați să navigați pe Tuamotu| Episodul 174

41 thoughts on “Navigați spre Makemo și învățați să navigați pe Tuamotu| Episodul 174”
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So beautiful there!
I did not find the tides at the passes matched the predictions. If you follow the rules at slack, with sun behind, with calm weather you will never get anywhere. I just showed up and decided if the pass looked good. A few times I fought some strong currents.
I agree with the last comment.. keep it real. You guy’s are becoming my favourite sailing channel.
Did the Soggy Paws current guestimator and up helping much? I downloaded it, thanks for the tip! Learning a lot from you two!
I got to meet Warren and Erica this last week at the Annapolis Boat Show and I can't tell you enough good things about these 2. It was amazing to see them interacting with there fans and just how excited people were to meet them. I too love the fact that they didn't edit out the REAL life of things when sailing. I have several pieces of there merch and I love the quality. The sunset hat is the best! Sending out good vibes to you guys!
You guys are fun to watch…Hahaha…you two discussing course changes…
She would drive me crazy….. couldnt do it. good thing you are easy going. WOW
great video,pucker power.thanks for sharing
WORD! I'm checking her out too. lol The stern section is epic!
Might be time for the installation of FLS (forward looking sonar) to take all the worry of atoll passes away, both at night and daytime.
Loving the videos guys!
It’s great to see what it’s really like going through the atoll passes! Thanks for sharing so we can see what’s ahead!!
Toooo many hand tatts. Whew…
What a beautiful sunset wow. Water is so clear thank for taking us
Erica was technically correct, if you have a plan B&C you should really tell your crew, for any strange reason you can’t helm, atleast the crew knows, yeah we are on plan B. “Stay the course” you don’t want anyone panicking “oh chit we need to change course, we aren’t on target”. Would love a boat tour guy’s, i like this helm up, if you read this and have a link already?
Cheers guys!
Trev YTSCs..
I'll come back to watch you guys. But please don't wear that striped shirt ever Erica. JMO 😘
A somewhat unnerving episode, yet still enjjoyable.
We loved Makemo! And we also had some challenges entering the atolls and we found Soggy Paws current guestimator helpful. Greetings from Saudi Arabia 👋 🇸🇦
Come on Warren, You've been married for 10 years, you should know that you will never win an argument with the long haired general😂😂😂 Another fantastic episode. Thanks guys, keep safe
hmm beach boys kokomo or is it makemo – bermuda bahama ………etc
Very jealous of the things you guys have to worry about….
Thanks for another excellent vid. Mu only comment is that you are brilliant. Cheers🥂💐
I'm assuming it is too late to be a stowaway from Mexico to south Pacific? Happy sails!
That is some beautiful water guys! Another great video! Keep it up, we love ‘em.
Couldn't help but remember the "pucker moments" that added fun to the memories that are created during a voyage. It was also nice to see the communication that took place after the fact when a plan was changed that created angst with the crew. Done that, been there. Great video, thank you!
Sooooooooooooooo much fun you guys 🎉 If I'm not mistaken when studying and passing my USCG Master 100 Ton license, the Captain does indeed have the last say in course change based on research, observations and gut instincts. Love you ladies, yet it is what it is. Great episode ‼️. ✨ 🌊 💨 ⛵️ 🏝 👙 🌞 ✨ 💕
Beautiful camera work, and I really found the sailing conversations between you both very real, calm considering the stress of entering this Atoll. What a gorgeous island.
Goes without saying! Stunning. Great video. Love the interaction between you both. Keep them coming guys. Thanks
All the motivation you need to keep the videos going guys is,,,, imagine about 30,000 people in a stadium, watching your videos, let’s call them subscribers, We are all sailing with you, can’t help mind you, but we are there.
great sail from Atoll to Atoll.
Love your show, but when we watch, the wind noise is really loud, is there a Fuzzy cushion thing on the mic? Trying to figure out if it is us ? The wind is just loud…
Erica – I love your giggle… I always enjoy butt-pucking moments! Sister is just along for the ride… OK – we're doing good…. just fine… experiencing the moments and capturing media at the same time… just extraordinary. Warren – is always logical… go figure. Nice dissolves at the end of the videos.
I don't know how you two do it. If my wife and I spent that much time together in such a confined space, only one of us would come out alive. (And it wouldn't be me.)
Hi Guys! LOVED the nail-biting moments! Reminded me of our cruising through the Pacific NW… timing the tides with the massive whirlpools that could knock the boat 90 degrees in an instant! Can soooo relate to Erika with the "ask" for "options" talk BEFORE taking the option!!! John would have worked it all out, but hadn't shared everything at the start of our cruising. That changed quickly!!! Saves the marriage!!! Thank you also for the fishy shots! I am sooo impressed with your free diving! I find myself holding my breath with you… only, I don't quite make it! Always wanted to learn how to do that! Love seeing the fish as here in the Med, there are so few fish to see that one loses interest in snorkeling. I so miss the Caribbean diving! And WHAT a contrast with the previous less built-up islands. Couldn't help but giggle when you described the "open hours" of the shops!!! Took time for us to just get used to summer and winter hours plus siestas here in Greece! Can't help but mention how impressed I am with Erika's French!!! It has sooo paid off! Must also take time to mention, Warren's ability to repair and manage all situations on the boat. They are to be applauded!!! I look forward to each week's episode. Makes me miss the boat… but not the stormy days, repairs, etc! Love enjoying it all through your eyes!!! Thank you again!!! Stay well and safe… and always… have fun!!!
Greetings from Romania, I follow you with love, I am interested in such a catamaran, how long and wide is it and from what year?
Hey y’all…there’s a tide calculator for Tuamotus that helps with transiting the atolls. You can’t go by standard slack tide times. It may be on SoggyPaws. I’ll try and find it and send it to you but I’m sure you’re in the main islands by now.
Great editing! I liked the music choices and the music/video interface/fading! There was something about it that had a "watching a big screen movie" feel to it! Here's hoping you had at least as much fun living it as I did watching it!
Thank you for sharing
No matter how many options you've planned for, you gotta be fluid with things changing on the fly. I learned this the hard way and man did it take a while for me to adjust LOL Keep on keeping, you fantastic friends! Warren, did you ever get a chance to read the book recommendation of Homo Deus by Yuval Harrar Noah? I thought I saw it in an episode but was unsure it was you.