Adventure Now S.3,Ep.11. Yacht cu vele Altor of Down de la Lerwick în Shetland până la Stornoway, Hebride

Adventure Now S.3,Ep.11.  Yacht cu vele Altor of Down de la Lerwick în Shetland până la Stornoway, Hebride

Bună ziua și bun venit la episodul 11 ​​al celui de-al 3-lea sezon de aventură Acum la bordul iahtului cu vele Altor of Down, un Moody 44. Vă rugăm să veniți alături de noi când vizităm Lerwick în Insulele Shetland, apoi să plecăm cu un vânt de est favorabil și să facem o trecere frumoasă către Stornoway pe insula Lewis și Harris din Hebridele Exterioare. Ne face plăcere să fim din nou în Stornoway, iar Mark își ridică deschizătorul de conserve din Biroul Portului din Stornoway, pe care l-a comandat în timpul vizitei noastre anterioare din mai, acum aproape 4 luni. Multumesc OXO. Apoi părăsim Stornoway și navigăm de-a lungul Hebridelor Exterioare spre Insula Mull, însoțiți de delfini și bucurându-ne de un apus spectaculos. Filmat în septembrie 2022 folosind un Panasonic Lumix FZ1000, Samsung Galaxy S10, un microfon Rhode și editat cu iMovie. Dacă ați ajuns până aici, vă rugăm să vă abonați, să comentați și, dacă vă place videoclipul, poate dați-ne un mie în sus. Toate acestea ar ajuta cu adevărat canalul nostru și ar fi foarte apreciate. Mulțumesc. De asemenea, puteți consulta: site-ul nostru la FaceBook: Instagram la adventurenow_altor Credite muzicale: Nimbus de Eveningland Violet Sky (Versiune instrumentală) de Hello Violet Sky de Phello Where Are You Now (Versiune instrumentală) de Loving Caliber Where are You Now de Loving Caliber feat. Lauren Dunn Until the World Ends (Versiune instrumentală) de Arch Tremors Until the World Ends de Arch Tremors feat. Lollo Gardtman Vă mulțumim din nou pentru că vizionați aventura noastră acum! Videoclip postat de la Pembroke în Milford Haven, Țara Galilor, Marea Britanie pe 20 octombrie 2022. #svalbard #spitzbergen #pyramiden #glacier #norway #adventurenow #adventure #boat #yacht #moody #moody44 #sailing #ashaandmark #sailingadventure #arcticcircle #northatlantic #sailing #sailingboat #instagram #livingafloat #ice #mountain #mountain #hiking #samsungS1 #samsung #longyearbyen #80degreesnorth #north #freedom #samholmes #liasailing #altor #altorofdown #bernardmoitessier #Ålesund #Ny-Salt-Saltend #Samsung #Ny-Saltgrund #maelstrom #Saltstraumenmaelstrom #støtt #motivație #motivațional #Hjartøya #bud #fishingvillage #HustadvikaMunicipality #MøreogRomsdalcounty #ålesund #Honningsvågen #shetland #shetlandislands #Lerwick #Stornoway #Islears #Stornofles #Islears #Stornoway scotia #westcoastofscotland #oxo


26 thoughts on “Adventure Now S.3,Ep.11. Yacht cu vele Altor of Down de la Lerwick în Shetland până la Stornoway, Hebride

  1. Another enjoyable video, I especially liked the verse at the start. I now need to buy a Fray Bentos Steak Pie, luckily I already have the OXO can opener.

  2. You two present some of the best vids on youtube. Thank you for yet another one. I can picture the sunset over the Hebrides, and the dolphins reminding me of a trip to Ireland a couple of years ago when looking into the sunset over the sea I could imagine a river valley in Africa filled with raging wilberbeasts and running streams. Your humour and Asha's contributions really add to some beatiful scenery. Great stuff.

  3. Perfect sailing … fantastic trip from Lerwick and a Working tin opener !!!!! Life is good !!! ….. Fair winds and Cheers from Muros !!!

  4. Dolphins great 👍 stunning scenery great 👍 filming was great 👍 but the tin opener working its magic on fray bentos priceless👌🤣great as alway ,,I've just booked tickets to Lerwick next August 😁😁

  5. Stunning video. We're wondering between a 7th Iceland roadtrip or the NC500 for next year! Fantastic video as always. Marks can opener reminded me of my laser guided scissors! Ha ha! Thanks for such a great video!

  6. Such a great encounter with nature. How are you going to better this in Season 4? When I was young, I went to Cape Wrath, and thought that there was nothing beyond – puts your achievements into perspective. You are clearly very in tune with Altor and sailing her beautifully. Finally, the effort you put in to production of the video should be commended. Hope to see you in BOC for a well earnt pint, and a discussion about the chaos in the UK. Chris

  7. Asha & mark , thank you so much , inspiring , fun , educational,. Adventurous philosophical poignant and just fabulous , I have watched your back catalogue while recovering from bike accident – now I have caught up , adventure now is my highlight !
    Im not sure how an insurance sales man (lol ) and a quirky polish girl make this work but the chemistry is just fab so enjoyable
    Enjoy your winter wherever you are berthes

  8. A man after my own heart….. Fray Bentos pies!…. that brings back memories 😊 Great video as usual and a great article in Yachting Monthly…. you should both do more.

  9. Hello Asha and Mark. Only discovered your channel last week by chance and I had to tell you how much I’m enjoying it. Thanks for inspiring me to shake myself out of a boring rut and set the bar higher for life’s journey! ❤

  10. Mark and Asha, another great video. The sign of a true sailor – having a ready supply of Fray Bentos in the store. Nothing better after a hard sail – a Fray Bentos and a tin of beans.

  11. Love your videos guys. There is nothing like a pod of dolphins playing around the boat, I've had them taking turns in swimming under my bow scratching their backs in lime bay. If you need a can opener, the one that always gets overlooked is the P-38 can opener. It is so simple (and cheap) but works extremely well, looks like a broken hinge. Fair winds guys.

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