S2#28. Adio + Actualizare privind incendiul și asigurările. Catamaran Leopard 45.

S2#28.  Adio + Actualizare privind incendiul și asigurările.  Catamaran Leopard 45.

@Barefoot Doctors Sailing – Veniți desculți cu noi în timp ce navigam cu catamaranul nostru Leopard 45 peste Marea Mediterană, pe coasta italiană și petrecem mai mult timp în Ponza, apoi navigăm spre Formia, pe continentul italian. Vă arătăm cât de multă creștere de alge aveți la o barcă nouă după 2 luni, pierdeți un știft de căpăstru de pe căpăstru în timp ce ridicăm ancora și trebuie să ne gândim cum să facem căpăstrul să funcționeze până când putem obține un nou căpăstru. Eli parcurge cum să pregătească interiorul bărcii pentru o trecere, iar în Sfaturile căpitanului vă arătăm cum să tăiați și să sigilați capătul frânghiilor pentru a le obține o viață lungă… Recuperăm un pepene care plutește din mare, dar este sigur sa mananci??? Încercăm oricum…. Apoi avem timp să ne luăm rămas bun de la Nat și David, deoarece timpul lor s-a terminat și avem o nouă persoană misterioasă care se alătură echipajului… Priviți și veniți desculți cu ne în timp ce călătorim și explorăm planeta, mai ales din apă, dar uneori prin mintea altora, deoarece oferim ajutor și sprijin acolo unde este necesar prin soluțiile uimitoare TUFMINDS! CE ESTE TUFMINDS Programul gratuit TUFMINDS este lansat ca program pentru smartphone sub Exqisit Life Foundation Charity, o organizație non-profit înregistrată și necesită sprijin financiar pentru a finanța programul gratuit. TUFMINDS salvează vieți intervenind în punctul de sinucidere și trăgând pe toată lumea la niveluri mai înalte de rezistență mentală, bunăstare și funcționare. de asemenea, creează atitudini mai bune, rezistență și adaptare – toate foarte importante pentru marinarii care se confruntă cu situații dificile pe mare. @Barefoot Doctors Sailing Donațiile către organizația de caritate pentru a sprijini prevenirea sinuciderii cu programul gratuit TUFMINDS pot fi făcute la: https://shoutforgood.com/charities/ex… Pentru mai multe informații: www.TUFMINDS.com www.barefootdoctorssailing.com .au Aplicația TUFMINDS – în App Store


33 thoughts on “S2#28. Adio + Actualizare privind incendiul și asigurările. Catamaran Leopard 45.

  1. Thank you for all you do!
    Love your videos!
    Can you share if you had any issues with your 45.
    Would love to know why the name barefoot doctors if you don’t mind sharing.

    Thanks again 🎃

  2. Hey guys love the videos as they are, different points of view are what keeps things interesting. As an aside when you were looking for the shackle pin you showed another shackle that was locked with a zip tie, might I suggest you get some stainless wire and mouse all your shackles with that zip ties are not the best choice for that application.
    cheers Moose

  3. Good mix of info in your videos. When you're on land showing the local jaunts & daily's is fun & informative, plus sailing & living at sea, even the knots & for what uses, is fun. Just enjoy seeing y'all have a lovely life on the sea.

  4. Hi, guys!
    Thank you for the videos that you share. I have watched from the beginning.
    I would like to see some of all of the things you listed in future videos.
    Again, thank you and stay safe!

  5. Nice mix of content. Here are two thing you need on board: 1)a hot knife for cutting rope ; 2) plastic scrappers for green algae ( before going at it with a sponge). You will remove less bottom paint. Here in the Tuamotus we have algae too. But less in Tahiti. Let us know if the algae disappears in different waters.

  6. Hi folks, another good episode, and pleased to hear about the other perhaps more realistic side of boating, its not all G&T’s on the rear deck gazing at the sunset. Hopefully your family member will settle in ok and learn some new life skills whilst with you, you both are good teachers! I always like the practical tips you offer, as a sailing channel I always prefer more content on sailing and less on eating out at restaurants. The walking tours are always good to follow as many people may not have the opportunity to visit some of these places. Crossing fingers on the insurance saga. Take care.

  7. I had a small NACRA 5.8 catamaran and kept a couple of lines with looped ends in the water. That way if I went overboard I could use the loops in the line as a step and pull myself out of the water easier. Good thing to have at the end of the day and you're exhausted.

  8. On cleaning the algae, I wonder if a high pressure washer would work? You'd have to get the nozzle really close to the hull and the main unit on deck, and it would have to have a long enough hose to reach where you need to go. Point the nozzle down so the debris moves in that direction and (hopefully) doesn't block your viewing. Wear wetsuit to protect skin if you accidently hit it with the output.

  9. I like a mixture in your videos, the travel, learning about a town, maybe some of its history, visiting the shops, maybe an interview with a chef willing to show how they make a dish, you sharing your favorite recipes, sailing lessons, repairs, good and bad things that happen every day. Mix it up so every episode is a little different.

  10. Love the how tos, sail changes and wind dynamics would be interesting, how the bow sprit works, all of that with fun land based stuff. Great videos and keep the great attitude

  11. To address you algae problem look into aproduct called Hull Shield. It is a sonic cleaner , does not hurt sea life or corals. Whales and other animals can not hear it. Neither can people. It is a transducer with no through hulls. Pretty amazing tried and tested product. Same idea that US Naval ships use

  12. Absolutely correct of the taking on experiences that real sailing ⛵️ gives. Then decide whether you are sea worthy as an individual or a couple 💑. As for the programming of you adventures. I would say you're the best judges of the mix, so far I enjoy your presentations.

  13. You are doing just fine with the information. I do like the sailing part, love to watch the storms and roiling water. Great job guys. Love this channel.

  14. Hi. Yes please continue as you can, to inform us of the trials, challenges, and developments, and the resolution of the fire-damaged boat loss claim.

    The builders, brokers, yacht clubs owners, harbor operators and vessel owners ought to all be vocal and determined in the reduction of obstacles and costs of insuring and the hurdles and delays to placing and collecting valid claims. These vessels are our homes or livelihoods, or both. Rapidity of service and satisfactory resolution of getting, maintaining, renewing, and any necessary claiming upon vessel policy coverage is essential.
    I wrote we, however, I'll only become a vessel owner if the insurance debacles are significantly reduced. …or as I can perhaps at some point be self reliant and go the self-insurance route, or possibly oin into a not-for-profit mutual protection and recovery association to get necessary coverage to be allowed entry into harbors and to gain docking and slip use.

  15. Hi. I've a rigging and sail-plan question. I am surprised and the height of the bottom of the boom that extends from the mast, above the cabin, due to the high fly-bridge. Is there a different model from Lagoon, or another manufacturer or kit-producer, that allows more sail area placed lower above the water, lower on the mast? Is there an sensible modification option, for the next time the rigging and sails are due for replacement to make that high fly bridge lower or retractable, and the boom lower, and the sail plan lower and perhaps larger?

    When you have an opportunity to confer with rigging, sail, and vessel experts, pose the question and inform us, please.

  16. As a Aussie with new boat due in 2024. Would love to know more about , planning a sailing season , dealing with Schengen issues, outfitting the boat , what you bought , what you are missing, planning your winter, are you putting boat on hard and coming home? Costs ? Good luck with insurance claim.

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