Ep77 | Tot ce ai vrut să știi despre show-ul nautic de la Annapolis (și multe altele!)

Ep77 |  Tot ce ai vrut să știi despre show-ul nautic de la Annapolis (și multe altele!)

Salonul de barca cu vele de la Annapolis are mai multe bărci în apă decât oricare alta. Împarte inteligent spectacolul cu barca cu motor (se întâmplă cu o săptămână înainte) cu spectacolul cu barca cu pânze, astfel încât vânzătorii rămân, dar toate bărcile se schimbă. Înseamnă că sunt multe de văzut și, de fapt, există și multe alte bărci pe docuri pe care poți fi dus să le vezi. De exemplu, Blue Water Yachts nu avea o barcă acolo, dar te-ar putea duce să vezi un Hylas în apropiere, pe care se bazează noile iahturi. Dar, desigur, spectacolul de barca cu pânze de la Annapolis nu este doar despre bărci! Este plin de petrecere pentru toate cele 5 zile, cu evenimente care au loc în fiecare seară. Am fost chiar și la o petrecere într-un chandlers! Așadar, în acest episod, aruncăm o privire în jurul unui Garcia și urcăm la bordul uneia dintre bărcile patronate, un pașaport minunat 456. Vom avea un videoclip suplimentar special care arată întregul tur și, de asemenea, ne uităm la uimitorul Passport 615 de la spectacol. Vor fi o mulțime de videoclipuri suplimentare care arată ceea ce am văzut la spectacol, inclusiv un tur al unui Outbound, un Oyster și preferatul nostru Hylas (mi-ar plăcea să vedem un nou iaht cu apă albastră). De asemenea, ne uităm la câteva catamarane. la spectacol cu ​​prietenii noștri Heidi și Franny care caută să cumpere ceva în intervalul 45-50 de picioare. Va exista, de asemenea, un videoclip special care arată mai multe bărci la care s-au uitat și turul complet al uimitoarei pisici de curse HH. Primim și câteva elemente tehnologice în timp ce ne uităm la re-tachetarea Fair Isle și, bineînțeles, ne petrecem timp prinzându-ne din urmă cu prietenii și întâlnindu-ne cu celelalte canale Youtube care au apărut (au fost mai mult de 50 de canale, o petrecere destul de mare!) a fost minunat să ne întâlnim cu patronii acolo, am avut o întâlnire specială la Quirk n Bach Pottery, un mare mulțumire lui Jeff & Cameron pentru că ne-au găzduit acolo, Jeff organizează toate canalele YT la spectacol și a făcut o treabă incredibilă. ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– –––––– Urmărește-ne pe Instagram #svfairisle ––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––– Vă rugăm să vă abonați-nu vă costă nimic ȘI NE AJUTĂ CU ALGORITMUL YOU TUBE –––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––– Mai degrabă vezi videoclipurile noastre fără reclame?… Există o cale… PATREON: Există o cale pentru a vedea videoclipurile actuale fără reclame înainte de a fi lansate publicului, devenind membru de onoare al echipajului și alăturându-se grupului nostru Patreon. Veți avea patru sau cinci zile pentru a vedea cel mai recent videoclip înaintea oricui. Există, de asemenea, o mulțime de videoclipuri suplimentare disponibile pe Patreon și ne puteți contacta direct la bord. De asemenea, avem acum sesiuni lunare Zoom cu Patreons, ceea ce este foarte distractiv! Continuarea producerii acestor videoclipuri depinde de patronii noștri și suntem foarte recunoscători pentru sprijin: https://www.patreon.com/sailingfairisle?fan_landing=true&view_as=public ––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– – FACEBOOK: Puteți urmări și pe facebook unde actualizăm constant ce se întâmplă: https://www.facebook.com/svfairisle/?…. ––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– –- SITE WEB: Multe mai multe informații pe site; http://www.sailingfairisle.com –––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––


33 thoughts on “Ep77 | Tot ce ai vrut să știi despre show-ul nautic de la Annapolis (și multe altele!)

  1. Well done. It looks like you had fun. As someone else notes, the quality of your videos is excellent reflecting your backgrounds. I have been watching your channel from the start and your’s is only one of a few channels I will watch. Thank you.

  2. Beautiful episode! You really captured the fun and excitement of the show. So much to see! We are absolutely honored to be part of your adventure at the show and it was so much fun to meet you and spend time together. Thanks so much! Franny

  3. You bring a technical expertise which is so interesting. Sailing videos are the best. And a pretty girl! You are the best sailing video on youtube. Thank you. Will be a patreon when I can.

  4. Judy, Judy, Judy. Please tell me you are not going to embarrass Fairisle, causing her to hide herself from other boats plus Hans Christian with one of those UGLY power winch handles. You know, you need the winching physical exercise.

  5. I was delighted to see the YouTube notification come through that you'd uploaded a new video and that it was from the Annapolis boat show! I crewed for a couple of years on a Saga 43 whose skipper learned to sail there. BTW, I love the Garcia yachts. Where I live in southeast Alaska, to get in close to the glaciers in some of the fjords, or in places like the amazing Glacier Bay, you need either a steel or aluminum hull. Plus, Garcia yachts have several 'expedition' features built in. The slanted windows on the cabin top are designed to reduce the glare of the sun when it's low on the horizon and to deflect any green water coming over the bow in a downward direction. There's also a lip at the top of the window to keep the water from going over the cabin top and into the cockpit. Good design features.
    Yes, $500 for a lightweight, waterproof jacket is just too much, but since you got it at the boat show price, you paid about the right amount. Juneau, Alaska is a temperate rain forest so I go thru a lot of rain gear every few years while sailing here.
    I agree with the rigger about the Stay-Loc terminal fittings being as strong as the wire shroud. They've certainly proven themselves on boats I've helped re-rig and are so much easier to change than a swage fitting.
    Oh, and congrats on the awards nomination. Your production value on your videos is top notch and I couldn't help but notice you got a big round of applause!
    Cheers to you both!

  6. I don't know what the requirements were for best sailing channel, but I did not hear "Saliling Florence" or Sailing Uma, both are outstanding channels Magic Carpet is more about building and repairing where Florence and Uma sail the world and then show fantastic footage of where they arw visiting. Don't think Magic Carpet is in that catagory.

  7. I recently bought that jacket in black! Certainly more than I ever planned to spend on a single piece of clothing but there aren't many options if you want thin, light, made in the latest Gore-tex material and made to last. It should last for many years if cared for and you can see the thought that's gone into the design and construction. Part of the price premium is no doubt that it's brand new design as most of their gear drops by over third after it's been out for a year or two. For someone who doesn't spend much on clothes, my major worry is losing it!

  8. The US does seem to be the last bastion of the traditional style sailing cruiser, they do look attractive, but I personally wouldn't get too hung up in twin rudders Steve. In the latest saga of the Gibraltar Orcas, the only boat to have sunk as a result of an interaction was one with a skeg hung rudder. It seems force on the skeg compromised the integrity of the hull whereas in all other cases the stock was bent but no hull damage occurred.
    Note to the Selden guy: I don't think your products are approved by Lloyd's of London – they do insurance! Think you mean Lloyd's Register – the classification society.

  9. I think I learn something from every one of your videos and this one was no different. I particularly liked the way you guys “presented” the boat show, but that may be because I’m interested in many of the same things. Thanks!🎃

  10. What a great surprise seeing this terrific overview. Annapolis is a super town with so much history so quaint. I've been coming to the show for many years both power and boat. I like seeing the Bacon Sails evening which I never even heard about and so good to see Rhiley and Eleyna hosting the cruisers event. I took a walk through La Vagabonde,, a highlight for me! what a beautiful boat great to see where all the magic happens.

  11. Very informative, well done! The Garcia Exploration 45 would be top of my wish list if I ever decide to upgrade from my Southerly 38 – Pete Goss has a glowing full boat tour of his Garcia 45 'Pearl' online.

  12. Hi, we saw you at the show, it was a pleasure to meet and talk to you. I watch your videos and it’s so informative and relaxing. We are learning so much to apply to our new adventures. I wear your T Shirt and it’s special cause we received it from you & Steve. Personal touch! Jeri & Max S/V Far Niente

  13. The guy from Selden used the word "passivation". Sailors who like to keep their stainless steel from bleeding rust should get familiar with that word. Stainless steel doesn't rust. However, when stainless steel fabrications like the bow anchor support or stanchions are fabricated in metal shops that also fabricate ferrous steel items, particles of steel, some as small as molecular size, settles on and in the grain of the stainless steel nearby and will eventually cause bleeding rust. Passivation is the process of soaking the stainless steel assy in a mild acid solution made from orange peels. The acid dissolves the ferrous particles and is washed off with water. It's marina safe and very cheap. Also, when you buy stainless steel bolts, be sure that they are spec'd as passivated. McMaster-Carr carries a line of passivated stainless steel bolts. One more note about marine corrosion. Most people are familiar with separating dissimilar metals to prevent galvanic corrosion. When I worked on pumping stations in the brackish waters of S. Louisiana, the specs for the jobs had us isolating type 304 stainless pipe flanges from type 316 stainless bolts.

  14. Is it just me, or do these modern boats lack something, they might be practical and efficient passage makers, but lack style and tradition. I don't know I'll probably be swearing at my 36 ft 1980s leaky retirement home, but really wouldn't be jealous of owners of any of these.

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